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Things you hate that everyone seems to love?


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- Trixie: I still don't understand why she gets so much attention, she was a just a mediocre one-shot from a poor episode and suddenly she's one of the most popular characters in the fandom, and keeps getting special treatment so much special treatment from the show and comic's staff. The fact that fans are demanding her to come back for S5 even though she's getting major roles in both the comics and freaking Rainbow Rocks while other more promising one-shots get forgotten or ignored entirely is absolutely frustrating and depressing

I actually like Trixie as much as I do for what they haven't done in the show - well, what they did in the show plays a huge part of it, since that I wouldn't have been able to look into her character as much as I have without her appearance/behavior in the show :please:


There's a lot of potential in her character to be absolutely great if they play their cards right - hell, I came up with this postulate one her character one day just to prove how much depth she has :please:




Well, hey, it provides a lot of depth to her character. Why do you think she's arrogant?


Trixie lives in a Wagon. She has no set home, she just lives in a tiny, cramped, wooden wagon that she was to pull from town to town on her own.

Even worse is that the wagon also doubles as her perfoming stage, so she's got little to no living area. So she's poor because she to live in a tiny little traveling wagon that she pulls around herself.
So she's *not privelaged* at all - she's actually kind of poor if you think about it, and about as close to homeless as you can be without actually being homeless.
Then, let's face it - her act is mostly based off of smoke and mirrors and boasts. In terms of magic, she's mediocre at best. Remember the Ursa Minor in "Boast Busters" and how she fought it? She wrapped a piece of rope around two of its fingers. She is not powerful  nor talented at magic, she's average on a good day.
So she is *not privelaged* and *not talented*
Finally, she has trouble holding any sort of normal conversation. She can't talk to someone without constantly talking about herself (and I'll get to why later) and that will rub people the wrong way a lot. She is shown to have no friends and bad social skills. Keep in mind that she doesn't stay in one place and is always traveling.
So she's *poor* *not talented* and *lonely*
She has no reason to be so proud of herself whatsoever, and she's not dumb - she probably knows that. She has no friends and she's not very special or privelaged. So why does she brag?
Maybe that's why she brags - she wants to look cool to make friends. Maybe people would believe her and she'd make a few friends, because they'd think she was "cool" for all the stuff she says about herself. 
Also, she doesn't have any reason to be confident, as stated earlier, so what if it's also a way to improve her self-confidence? While it IS unnecessary, mean, and over the top, and just because she's confused doesn't excuse her for the wrong she's done, I think that there's so much more to her than just a big ego. Maybe it's because she has nothing else, and that's her only way of being something, and as things get worse, she gets worse with them.
That's why I like Trixie's ego - you can tell it goes so much deeper than just "I'm great and powerful!" :D




I think that may play a role in it, but the arrogance does too, admittedly :D Hope I was able to help somehow.


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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GTA and game similar to it = It's not my  thing.

Sports, it's not my thing, but people force me to like it.

Using easy 4.0 classes to get 4.0, honestly people these days wanted the number, not the knowledge.

Zelda, hate it.

Masculinity, it's getting ridiculous.



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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Masculinity, it's getting ridiculous.

But dude, don't you want to get filled with brimming muscles and be filled to the balls with testosterone? :P

In all seriousness, masculinity is getting to the point of complete retardation, and is the main reason why I don't accept masculinity and femininity to exist. 

Second in Command of the Marvel Alliance!!!

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Modern music. Pop/dub step/rap/and whatever else people are listening to these days. I just don't care enough to know.


Religion. It's 2014. Get over it already.


Call of Duty: Seriously, Battlefield is way better.


Paintball: airsoft is more realistic.


Gay Pride: I have nothing against gays, but I hate not being able to draw a rainbow without being called gay. And if gay pride is a thing, straight pride should be too...


Hipsters: I buckin' hate them.


Goth kids: but does anybody like them?


I could go on for days.


*Tips Fedora*


I'm sorry, I've been browsing reddit far too much lately, and I couldn't resist. 

But dude, don't you want to get filled with brimming muscles and be filled to the balls with testosterone? :P


As someone who's been weightlifting seriously for the past several months, I resent that statement. 


I kid, haha. But seriously, not every muscular guy is a super macho man wannabe  :lol:

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-2010+ music:Nowadays,the music industry became that...an empty industry,where most of the songs doesn't have feel,and they judt seem "Produced" and not "conpossed and made" like the old ones.



  • Brony music in general


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I hate most movie titles. Is it just me? Or do most movie titles sound pretentious and boring now?

  • Brohoof 1

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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The whole "Applejack is a background pony" joke. Just.. Just..


If Applejack was a background pony, she wouldn't be in the intro. If Applejack was a background pony, she wouldn't be one of the Elements of Harmony. If Applejack was background pony, she wouldn't have various of episodes to herself. In fact, you know what? Which pony was centered around in just THE FOURTH EPISODE (Applebuck Season)? Not Rarity, Not Rainbow Dash, Not Pinkie.. Yep, Applejack! The fourth episode was centered on her and a bit of Twilight Sparkle.. I think you get my point :P

Edited by Skarloey
  • Brohoof 1
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The whole "Applejack is a background pony" joke. Just.. Just..



If Applejack was a background pony, she wouldn't be in the intro. If Applejack was a background pony, she wouldn't be one of the Elements of Harmony. If Applejack was background pony, she wouldn't have various of episodes to herself. In fact, you know what? Which pony was centered around in just THE FOURTH EPISODE (Applebuck Season)? Not Rarity, Not Rainbow Dash, Not Pinkie.. Yep, Applejack! The fourth episode was centered on her and a bit of Twilight Sparkle.. I think you get my point :P

I can't believe Hasbro! Giving a background pony the spot of a Main Character...

To each their own

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Any sitcoms- Even if it has good humor the laugh track just ruins it.

Dark chocolate- The most disgusting thing I've ever eaten...

Pinkie pride-  It's a boring episode. The jokes don't hit me when they're in song.

Brony music- at least the main "remix" kind.  (I know there's a word for that i'm just derping a bit now)

Banjo and kazooie-  -_-


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Books and Mangas.

I never will understand why everybody prefers Manga...Not me I sure don't...

I mean even though Manga is advanced enough like comic books are cuz of the word bubbles next the characters and stuff I would just think that people would rather be able to actually see the characters move and actually get to hear their voices...>.> That saves them the unnecessary trouble of having to read too...Well at least to me reading seems like a chore when you have the option to just sit back and relax and just watch and listen to everything and actually see it move...>.>

Honestly who needs books when there's TV? Books just seem like a primitive outdated form of TV to me...

I honestly would've thought books would've gone extinct completlety and been replaced by TV entirely like how VHS got replaced with DVDs...

The White Shinigami

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Grand Theft Auto

Call of Duty

The Office

The Simpsons

Psych (I seem to know a lot of girls that love this. The Mentalist is WAY better)


I grew up in California, but it sure doesn't sound like it...

-The beach/ocean






Rodeos (they're popular here in Utah)


Most hip-hop/pop music of today


Shall I continue? haha

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Dragon Ball Z - I mean, in the beginning it is cool and stuff... but... the fights are too long


Being a douche - It looks it is socially acceptable to be stupid, sarcastic and generally mean to other people, we see this on places like 9gag and YouTube comments, I mean, some of them may be right, but the way they put it into words is so rude that, for me, they lose all of their credibility


The Term Friendzone - Where did you guys came up with such a thing?


In there, NOTHING can reach you
From there, there is NOTHING you can reach

Sister Sarah - Chapter 39, The Fall of the Masked Gala (my book is coming soon!!!)

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  • 1 month later...

I hate facebook. In my opinion, its the most stupid thing on the internet

This is the only reason I ever use FB


Gotta catch em' all, but with Marvel super heroes instead of pokes


I just remembered something that I loathe, but everyone else loves: small talk. Why I hate it so much? Because I have better things to do than wasting my time engaging in meaningless conversations. Just because you don't see me busy, THAT DOESN'T MEAN I WANT TO BE BUSY. That's another reason I hate phones, it's a blessing for people who love small talk, but it's Satan's child to those who hate it 



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Modern cartoons: Literally almost everything on TV is crap now. Even The Simpsons.


Most Disney movies and cartoons nowadays: Disney once made masterpieces every year or every month. Now they make unwatchable crap most of the time. The only last Disney movie I could watch that I actually enjoyed was Wreck-it Ralph!. That was a decent movie.


FPS games: Boring. You just do the same thing over and over.


JB: Nearly everyone loves him........Why...?


Batman: SO overrated.


Sonic: Bland in almost every way. The comics and a few games are the only decent things in the franchise.

Overlord of Darkness








Signature made by: Astral Blitzen





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I guess I've got a few:

  • Shipping (I know, real original)
  • Fallout Equestria (it just doesn't feel right)
  • Shadow the Hedgehog (the character, I never played the game so I can't judge it)
  • Man of Steel (that is just not a real Superman film in my books)
  • Cupcakes and every other fanfiction like it (2edgy4me I guess)
  • Fanservice (this is the reason I don't watch much Anime)
  • That .mov series
  • Fluffle Puffle or whatever (personally, I prefered the Dan Vs. crossover blog that one note character)
  • Facecam Let's Plays (seriously, these things add nothing. The only time I think they did was when Nerd³ used it to prove me was doing a blindfold challenge properly. Also, I hate it when people ask me to start using facecam in my videos)
  • Avatar (I really don't get what's the big deal about it) Edit: I'm talking about the film (just in case that wasn't clear)
  • Clop (let's face it, this is probably the thing that fuels the most hatred towards Bronies)
  • The OS Macs use (I had to try using Macs in college for editing and stuff, oh god the video editing and all that time wasted rendering everything between every edit!)
  • Rap music (Y'see, the kids, they listen to the rap music, which gives them the brain damage.)

I would have probably listed more, but this is for stuff other people like but I don't. (For example, I have yet to meet one person who likes Dubstep)

Edited by Mr. Nutt™
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Anime- Predictable story lines, outlandish settings and fighting, misogyny, over sexualization, generally annoying fan base, twitchy animation.

Rap- There are a few exceptions, such as A Tribe Called Quest, but generally rap evangelized criminal activity, drug abuse, and general degenerate behavior, besides that, quite often real instruments aren't even used (no, I don't consider turntables instruments)

Country Music- less violent and mature than hip hop/rap. But equally, if not more stupid.

  • Brohoof 1

Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? 

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the walking dead TV show: i love the book and it's one of the best zombie things outthere. the TV show just sucks. there are too manythings i could list. :angry:


WWZ moive and book: really?? the armed forces would just get eaten and would run away like child when they see zombie? i know some us marines that would say ""Retreat? Hell, we just got here!".


my little pony: this is how i feel about that show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITi7lG0x0IE


hey! poines ! we dont take kindly to love and frinedship  around here " "now calm down skeeter t aint hurtin' nobody

  • Brohoof 1

why do you work for Queen Chrysalis? A samurai duty is to serve his master, regardless of the kind of person she is .


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I guess I've got a few:

  • Avatar (I really don't get what's the big deal about it)

Depends on what you mean here. The movie by James Cameron is just a visual effects demo with a plot slapped on the side. The show, however, is an intricate roller coaster coupled with fantastic animation and authentic martial art choreography inserted into a deeply thought out fantasy universe. 

Edited by Dinos4Ever
  • Brohoof 3


Love is a most potent magic

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Depends on what you mean here. The movie by James Cameron is just a visual effects demo with a plot slapped on the side. The show, however, is an intricate roller coaster coupled with fantastic animation and authentic martial art choreography inserted into a deeply thought out fantasy universe. 

I seriously can't believe I forgot about the cartoon series.  :blush:

Yeah, I was referring to the James Cameron film. I've yet to actually watch the show for some reason.

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Call of Duty Games - The only thing I like about COD games is are the campaigns and story lines. I'm not a big fan of COD multiplayer, but that's pretty obvious why.

"What Does The Fox Say?"- In my opinion, this song is really ANNOYING. I just don't see why people like this song. Half of the lyrics aren't even actual words.


  • Brohoof 1

 ~Follow your dream, and It'll become reality~

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