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Status Updates posted by SCS

  1. How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. SCS
    3. Cloud Strife

      Cloud Strife

      what if everything is just a figment of our imagination. alternatively, what if we're characters inside someone's story that someone else is writing. none of this really exists.

    4. SCS


      wow that's deep


      and like, what if the universe is actually a fish having a nap somewhere and therefore dreaming, and we'll never know when he wakes up and everything just flies away

  2. Sorry for the lengthy wait about the broken view content and search features. There are still some things that need to be done on the technical end involving a server migration, but these issues will be fixed.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Khaoios
    3. Zygen


      It's nice to hear a little memo on what's going on. Thanks SCS!

    4. SCS


      No problem :)

  3. Sorry for any intermittent white screens on MLPF, I'm working on something. Trying to keep disruptions to a minimum.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder


      Indeed! We're all a bunch of goods in the end. :)

    3. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      Goofs, I said goofs >_>

    4. Luna_Dark_Lord


      Well Chigens and key wasn't friendly but later was

  4. This seems like a trustworthy advertisement. http://puu.sh/7PJs7/a601ff53f7.png

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Silverarrow66


      Omg, I hope it's a I phone 12s!!

    3. Crystal Edge

      Crystal Edge

      I hope it comes pre-installed with the MLP App!

    4. Remi


      ^u w0t m8

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      I am overcome! Foul demon, finish me quickly, so I may sit with my deity!

    3. Ryzu


      But I'm not hungry nor am I a cannibal.

    4. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      *self immolates spontaneously*

  5. I've been on this site for a year, and I still sometimes click the search button when I'm trying to post a status update.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      I wouldn't know about that, I recite all my statuses to a messenger pigeon who types it for me.

    3. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      Come to think of it, that explains why so many of my statuses are about bread crumbs..

    4. SCS
  6. Guys shrek triple feature tonight on eq.tv <3 <3 <3 <3

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Star-Gazer


      I have, Tera. I pray to Shrek every night before bed, thanking him for the life I've been given.

    3. Yellow Diamond

      Yellow Diamond



      Probably not. Shrek's fun (at least up until the third movie), but it was never really my jam.

    4. SCS


      Alright, I respect that

  7. protip: there is a such thing as drinking too much caffeine and finding that limit is not fun at all

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Hovershy


      Caffeine literally is a drug, too much can fuck you up lol.


      At least your ok now :)

    3. SCS


      Thanks for the advice and concern guys, it means a ton to me. And yeah, I will definitely be way more careful from now on.


      @Stormfury I had about 429 mg of caffeine within less than an hour, and I'm not sure if that even includes the caffeine from the Guarana they also put in there ._.

    4. SCS


      And @stormfury that meme is beautiful lmfao

  8. ayy bruh check my mixtape

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. CheeryFox


      You sir, get a cookie!

    3. Namename.


      I ate them all.

    4. Koukatsu


      I have several boxes of tagalongs in my fridge. <_<

  9. So exhausted

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Oblivion
    3. Cloud Strife

      Cloud Strife

      Yo, SCS, how about you go and do some things to treat yourself? Sleep, take a bath or shower, play some nice soothing music for yourself - stuff like that. Take a break and just treat yourself, you know? Even if it's only for like, fifteen minutes.

    4. SCS


      That sounds nice ;_;

  10. Stayed up on campus for 48 hours straight with almost no sleep. Trying to understand today's calc 3 lecture earlier this evening on the multivariable chain rule, second order differential operators (namely the Laplacian) and partial differential equations was quite the adventure.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. SCS


      Nice :) feel free to PM me if you ever want any help with it, right now I can help up with everything up through and including multivariable calculus, as well as the basics of linear algebra, vector algebra/matrix theory, and the basics of ordinary differential equations. I know a tiny bit about PDEs but not enough to be of any help. As I progress through college I'll be able to help with harder stuff.

    3. CheeryFox


      Dank Hill.exe

    4. SCS


      /╲/\?? [ ・ิ ʖ̫ ・ิ ]╮/\╱\ ikr /╲/\?? [ ・ิ ʖ̫ ・ิ ]╮/\╱\

  11. fuk dem mods lol xd xd xd xd illuminanti communist dictatorship plz help me take a stand against the man lol xd xd i feel so oppressed xd

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. almozayaf


      Hail illuminanti

    3. Miles


      SCS: lel

      Jeric: LOL

      Chigens: *gives tissue and hugs*

    4. Night Wing

      Night Wing

      How ya doin btw SCS?

  12. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Star-Gazer



    3. Ragland Tiger

      Ragland Tiger

      I can only manage a ^_^

    4. Commander Frost

      Commander Frost

      We got pedo-bear emote up in here. ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

  13. To anyone who sends me messages here and/or on Skype: sorry if it takes me a bit to reply sometimes. I get a ton and I've been really busy with school and other IRL responsibilities lately.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. SCS




      I don't think so :P




      Not at all, I don't try to ignore anyone. I just get really busy and distracted.


      I'll try to respond to you tomorrow or Friday, but I gotta sleep now.

    3. CheeryFox


      @Destiny: Only slightly. X)

    4. CheeryFox


      SCS slaves over a hot keyboard. It's hard work. Sometimes you need a break.

  14. I apologize for my last status update. It was overly dramatic and unnecessary. I highly doubt I'm going to quit MLPF, but I may be away for awhile. I'm dealing with a lot of shit. Thank you to everyone who supports me, it means so much to me.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Ragland Tiger

      Ragland Tiger

      Your mental and physical health need to come first. Take your time and do what you need to do. All hugs and support...

    3. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Take your time. If you need to talk to someone, feel free to PM me.

    4. SCS


      Thanks guys :) @twilightmoondust I'm glad I could help :D

  15. Watching Pulp Fiction for the first time. This movie is fucking amazing.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. CheeryFox


      Not yet. lol

    3. SCS


      I recommend it, it was pretty fucking great. I thought it was pretty hilarious but I have a really dark sense of humor

    4. CheeryFox


      Nothing wrong with having a dark sense of humor.

  16. Really excited for season 5

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. SCS


      Dang, hopefully you can still catch it online afterward

    3. yeet


      Yeah. Watch it in the first few hours it's on youtube before hasbro take it down xD

    4. Ragland Tiger
  17. Bear with me.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Star-Gazer


      Rocky, Ursa Major problem? Call the Ursa Major Exterminator (damn, that actually works really well), at 999-999-9999. You won't regret it!


      Now, Firebolt... -puts on fists made of neutron stars and punches- Come at me.

    3. Silverarrow66
    4. Wardaddy


      Gazer, how are you still talking? (Or breathing for that matter?) Your face should be a mess of flesh and blood

  18. Yet another beautiful day of high school. At least it's my senior year.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. SCS


      Ok cool, no problem Marcel :D


      I recommend not using alcohol at all though, tbh. It can really mess you up and going to jail or getting a fine or whatever happens for underage drinking just isn't worth it.

    3. ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      Yea. I was talking about at parties and stuff, but not over the limit. (Colorado) We already have a million nutters selling marijuana, I don't want to be one of them.

    4. Jeric


      @SCS ... Yes you've mentioned it somewhere which is why I gave you the maths. :D


      Figured it would cheer you up if you were having a bad day.

  19. Cut myself on broken glass by accident because I'm a fucking idiot. Life lesson, folks: broken glass is extremely dangerous.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. long gone

      long gone

      Forgot to mention that she bit me in the ankle, which is how the infection happened. There's still a brown spot where she bit me to this day.

    3. SCS


      That's fucking intense ._.

    4. long gone

      long gone

      Yeah. I'm honestly pretty lucky the local doctor's office still had power after that storm.

  20. Today was my first day of 11th grade. It went well.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Dave247


      Glad to hear that the first day was good, now there just all the other days to get though. :3

    3. SCS


      @Dave247 Thanks! I'm sure the rest of the days will generally go well. Plus, ever since I started high school, the school years have been going by faster and faster.

    4. Dave247


      That tends to happen, and then before you know it it's all over, and your left not knowing what to do or where to go next. :3

  21. Sorry for all the recent slowness and shit with the site. Lavo is working on it.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Zygen


      I'm sure it's a ton of painful technical stuff, so I understand.

    3. Sunshower Raindrops

      Sunshower Raindrops

      Lol I just realized you guys were joking about the multiple posts I cause of lag. I love you guys <3 (Butts) + Good night for reals this time.

    4. Miles


      I wish the best of luck the IT guys of the forums. As a comp-sci major, I know how hard it can be:


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