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Everything posted by Thrashy

  1. I wouldn't mind terribly if they brought back Cheese Sandwich and explored some kind of budding crush between him and Pinkie, but otherwise I feel like romance subplots would be highly unnecessary. Unless they're romances that don't pan out for comedic purposes, like those of "Hearts and Hooves Day" or "Simple Ways". Furthermore, it seems like canonizing certain ships is the number one way to cause unnecessary drama within a fandom, and this fandom could certainly use less of that. To this day, I can still hear the screams of Zutara shippers...
  2. This is pretty much a statistical truth. Even if we're to regard "normal" as synonymous with "average", consider this: If you were to list 30 things about yourself, the likelihood that you'd fall into the "average" range for every single one of those traits is extremely low. Everyone, and I mean everyone has quirks. Even Mr. Norm McBoringass across the street, who seems average in every conceivable way, is guaranteed to have some skeletons in his closet. That said, just because society doesn't view one thing about you as "normal" doesn't mean that's all that matters. All that matters is your character. If the people you interact with are reasonably intelligent, they will look past your quirks as long as you display strength of character. Those who are quick to demonize you, well, I think it's completely fair to say they're not the brightest crayons in the box.
  3. Maybe it's just me, but locking a thread because of a few comments seems akin to blowing up your house to kill a spider.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Obsolete


      I was under the impression that they did just that, and only resort to locking threads when people continue to veer off topic.

    3. Fluttershyfan94
    4. Guest90210


      Exactly...A couple people act up, the entire thread gets nuked. Makes no sense.

  4. Open fresh tub of yogurt, receive cottage cheese.

  5. Old thread is old, but if it gives you any more validation, let's just say I'm nearing $2K worth of merch and I dun' give a fawk. If collecting is something you love to do, then by all means, keep expanding that collection. As long as you're not outright squandering every last penny and are responsible enough to put an adequate amount of money aside for bills and for savings, then it's all copacetic.
  6. Finally starting to feel like Fall. I guess last week's heat wave was Summer's final death throes? ...I can only hope/dream.

  7. ...Nope, still not lining up. If that was the conclusion you jumped to, well, that's on you.
  8. And that's NOT what I indicated. Not even remotely. The only thing I was intending to illustrate was the fact that Sega's "mature" image did jack shit to prevent them from dropping out of the console business, and ergo the "kids think mature stuff is cool" argument holds no real merit in defense of Sony or Microsoft. Can you possibly explain to me where I indicated that Nintendo was responsible for Sega backing out of the console market? I'm genuinely curious to know.
  9. What exactly does this prove? First off, Sony and Microsoft also get hate. Like, massive amounts of hate. Second, YouTube comment sections are rarely a good source to use. Reason being, people are far more prone to bitch about something they don't like than to leave a positive comment. If you've ever seen a YT video with 100,000 likes vs. 100 dislikes - and then read the comment section only to see mass amounts of hate - chances are good that the vocal minority is who you're hearing from. As much as this shouldn't have to be stated, the vocal minority doesn't come even remotely close to speaking on behalf of the majority. Yet again, this proves nothing. The Wii-U is bombing because Nintendo made the mistake of not making triple A titles for their most popular IPs available at the system's launch. Had the Wii-U's library not been lukewarm at best, it would definitely have sold more. Furthermore, if a console's sales are to be an indicator of fan loyalty, then how do you explain the fact that Game Cube and Wii sales were through the roof in utter spite of the absolutely miserable failure that was the Virtual Boy? If a powerhouse company like Nintendo can bounce back from one flop of a console, they can definitely do it again. You're seriously arguing that hardware specs make a console? I direct you to the fact that the Wii, despite having inferior specs to the PS3 and 360, managed to outsell both. The Sega consoles were also marketed as more "mature" consoles than Nintendo's, as I recall. Is Sega still in the console market today? Hear that, large and supportive Zelda and Mario fanbases? You're all apparently dead. Okay, seriously. What in the blue hell is with all these naysaying threads lately regarding Nintendo? There's speculation, and then there's just...I don't even know what. Alarmist? So, the Wii-U is essentially this gen's Virtual Boy. That doesn't mean the company's in danger of going under anytime soon. They still dominate the handheld industry, and as long as this remains a fact, I think Nintendo will be able to deflect the losses just a tad. They're not like Capcom, who's in immediate danger of going under. Just give it some time.
  10. Browse deviantArt. Go to lunch. Come back from lunch. Browse dA again. Different layout. What the FAWK.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. remove p l e a s e ?

      remove p l e a s e ?

      And I just joined that site! >:(

    3. Thrashy


      One thing I do like about it is that the Submit button is more obvious. Selecting it from the old drop-down menu can be pretty tedious when you're running on four hours of sleep and easily confused. X)

    4. HeartFeltPuma23


      It's like a "click here to erase humanity" button, but it's green instead of red XD

  11. Haven't actually read the Song of Ice and Fire books, but if Martin's reputation precedes him, I'm sure many characters would be killed off. And horribly so. 'Twould be deemed My Little Pony: Friendship is Murder. ...And if the popularity of "Cupcakes" is of any indication, I'd say a rather sizeable chunk of the fandom would approve of this.
  12. Went to Hot Topic yet again and picked up some nice stuff: (The green glass actually be from Spencer's, if anyone was wondering.) Surprisingly, there was actually some new pony stuff at Walmart for a change: I love that projector light so much.
  13. I'm somewhat on board with your reasoning here, but I have to point out that nowhere on the Internet is age fraud not a problem. Simply put, there currently exist no website mechanics that can identify with 100% accuracy whether someone is being truthful about their age. You can take your naughty RPs to Skype, you can take 'em to Red Light Ponyville, hell, you can take 'em to 4chan for all the good it'll do. But the simple fact of the matter is that if you have never actually met the person face-to-face and verified their age through some sort of legal documentation, it's always going to be impossible to know for sure. That said, I do believe the legal system is on your side if you conduct yourself inappropriately online with a minor who's posing as an adult, given that you can provide evidence (perhaps in the form of a screencap) that the minor in question had led you to believe they were older. Culpable deniability is what stands between you and a rather uncomfortable feature on To Catch a Predator. If we're to assume that the reason absolutely no NSFW activities are allowed even in PMs is a result of the staff wanting to cover their asses on the slim, slim, slim chance that law enforcement would even consider looking into a possible case of age fraud occurring on a website dedicated to talking horses, then I can somewhat understand their position. However, I still don't stand by the misguided idea that two apparent adults caught passing NSFW material amongst themselves should be punished on the same level as an apparent adult who knowingly passed NSFW material to someone whose age was listed as under 18 in their profile. It has always been my belief that punishments should be scaled based on the severity of the situation, and there really is no arguing that "sexy RPing" with a self-proclaimed minor > the same scenario with two (apparent) adults in terms of negligence. Regardless of whether both are "equally against the rules".
  14. ...In the opinion of you and like-minded people. I happen to come from the camp that says we should question silly and pointless restrictions on the responsible exercise of personal freedoms that in no way negatively impact anyone. The most inane thing a man can ever do with his life is blindly accept everything that's presented to him without ever even bothering to ask questions about it. The fear of questioning authority is what kept people believing Earth was the flat center of the universe for eons. I cannot even decide where to begin with this. All throughout history there have been countless examples of "that what [sic] has been established" simply being wrong. The only way mankind has managed to grow as a species has been through ousting old conventional "wisdom", old status quos, old ways of doing things that did nothing but actively hold back our advancement and, in many cases, actively harm individuals merely based on what they believed. Or worse, what they were biologically equipped with. Questioning the validity of the status quo doesn't show a lack of respect towards those who established it. Not questioning it shows a distinct lack of will to think for yourself and, therefore, disrespects yourself.
  15. You're having a hard time seeing the problem comparing pictures that lack the power to hurt anyone to drug abuse? Well, I don't know if I can help you there. But I'll try. Problem being that you're confusing "illegal/against the rules" with "harmful". Regardless of what you may think about clop art personally, the fact remains that adults who consent to sharing 'questionable' pics amongst themselves behind closed doors aren't harming a soul, least of all themselves. Breaking rules? Yes, technically. But if they're careful not to allow minors into their midst, careful not to publicly allude to their discreet activities...then what's honestly the problem? Other than "it's just against the rules", I mean. That holds about as much water for me as "gay marriage is just an abomination, okay? Just trust us on this." ...Of course, I may have just made my own questionable analogy, but I digress.
  16. It feels like the term "McGuffin" has been watered down to mean "anything sought by the characters to drive the plot forward".

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Thrashy


      A McGuffin's essentially something that drives the story forward, even though it's poorly (or not all all) explained and/or turns out to have no real importance. I've heard a lot of would-be media analysts call "McGuffin!" on things that are actually quite crucial to the plot, like the One Ring in LoTR or the Horcruxes in Harry Potter...y'know, really UNIMPORTANT things like those. X)

    3. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      How they use it would then be called a buzz word

    4. Yellow Diamond

      Yellow Diamond

      The definition varies. George Lucas, for instance, believed a MacGuffin *can* have significance, like R2D2 carrying plans for the Death Star in "A New Hope".

  17. I think you're underselling the popularity of those franchises by quite a margin. A few posts ago you asked who anyone knew that was going to be buying a Wii-U soon. Well, I can tell you that once the new Star Fox and Zelda titles announced at E3 are released, I will be buying one. All it'll take for me, personally, is a new Zelda, a new Smash Bros and a new Star Fox to sell me on a new Nintendo console. Everyone's different in this regard, and will be swayed by different titles. But the fact remains that the Wii-U's launch titles have been anything but appealing. New Super Mario Bros. Wii-U? Whoop-de-shit. Wind Waker HD? Sorry, not gonna pay full-price for a prettier version of a game I already own. All the 3rd party crap? Yeah...explain to me why I'd play any of that on the Wii-U when I could get it for PC. Bottom line, it takes console-exclusive IPs to push console sales. Especially new entries in wildly popular franchises. Had there been a new Zelda, Star Fox and Smash Bros. at launch, I would've gladly dumped $400+ into Nintendo's lap.
  18. One of my coworkers uses a printing calculator that sounds like a horse being murdered. And it's totally not driving me insane in the slightest.

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      What the frick...xD

    2. HeartFeltPuma23


      Hit him with a flail

    3. Blackened


      I'm sure it makes you want to murder a horse.

  19. I know this is supposed to be a hypothetical question and all, but if my best friend really were that much of a judgmental P.O.S., we probably wouldn't be friends in the first place. It's like when anti-bronies say shit like "You know you'll never get a girlfriend if you like ponies, right?", to which my response is "So you're saying that the type of shallow girl who'd honestly judge a person's character based solely on what TV shows they like - the exact type of anti-intellectual I would immediately disqualify as a potential girlfriend - would choose not to date me? ...I cannot adequately convey how much of a loss this is for me. " Back on track though, if such a thing were to happen, I'd just tell him straight-up to STFU. I obviously don't sport a neckbeard or fedora (or trilby). And even if I did, it wouldn't make me any less of a person just because he finds that particular style unsavory. I'm not autistic, either...and yet again, it wouldn't make me any less of a person if I were. And then I'd climb aboard the ol' soapbox and go on to berate his ignorant ass for using "autistic" as an insult.
  20. Off to a rocky start, Fall. Muck up again with another bout of muggy weather, and you're out of the Four Seasons gang for good.

    1. Blackened


      Weather in a nutshell.

  21. What exactly are you looking for in your soundtrack? I can do metal and hard rock, which definitely fit the beat-'em-up genre, but if it's in a futuristic setting then perhaps something in the vein of electronica might be more fitting.
  22. I certainly do hope the e-mail's legit. I also hope IDW pledges to strike DD's OC from all future reprints of the offending issue so that I can take this smug pic, edit in a big ol' stamp saying [RETCONNED] and submit it to Ask Fury Belle. And all will be right with the world once more.
  23. That's kind of where you're wrong...I mean, you're right technically, in that his views don't actually speak for everyone else at IDW. But as far as a company's image is concerned, they kind of do. The cardinal rule about being a business (or any organization that wants to be taken seriously) is that everything your employees/members do ultimately reflects back on your entity as a whole. You can argue as to whether or not this is right, but be that as it may, cutting off radical and ill-behaved employees like a diseased limb is honestly the best way for a company to save face in situations such as these. Because honestly, lost sales is what they fear most. You don't have to actually boycott the product, but as long as threats of a boycott are present...yeah, it's gonna be IDW's best interest to give ol' Teddy the slip.
  24. Yeah, "PG-13" seems like the ideal way to phrase it, given that nobody below the age of 13 is technically allowed to join the forums. Although the problem I could see with that is that it could be kind of vague, since the waters seem a little muddy in discerning between PG-13 and R ratings in movies. Personally, I'd simplify it as "no depictions of sexual activity, explicit or implied" and "no depictions of genitalia" (which should be a given). Really, as long as folks keep those two things in mind when thinking about sharing "suggestive" content, they should be fine. Although I would pose one additional bit of advice: If you have to ask yourself if something's riding the line, best to err on the side of it being too much and choose something just a smidge tamer.
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