From what I can understand, you (OP) are getting at the idea that violence in MLP being posed as a solution as opposed to a horrid idea is not a good direction for the show.
If we want to get technical, violence has yet to have solved any problem in MLP, it's always the Deus ex Machina of the season. And the use of violence usually isn't the moral of the episode, and by usually I mean not once (the closest they come to is "be assertive I guess" in the Fluttershy episode where she's mean I forgot the name). Besides, even if you look at the use of violence as some sort of impression, but violence is never proposed as the solution to be jumped to, but when there's not much else you can do it's an option, sometimes your only one.
Again though, I don't really see what you're getting at. So, I'm just going to ask, is this violence bad to you?