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Everything posted by simba86

  1. yeah, sometimes there is not a big difference between a cult and communism
  2. I have the same problem to, when i click on "view more" on either the "Topics I've participated in" or click "view more" in Recently discussed forum topics: it shows no content
  3. I wouldn't mind watching them fall in love, maybe even get married later on, as long as twilight marries somepony other than flash! he is such a cardboard cut out plain steriotypical charactor that it litterally hurts! twilight deserves better LOL, as long as getting married does not hurt their adventures
  4. I think episode 3 is going to be full of feels !
  5. I can see some communist elements in it but i think that it was more like a cult than anything,
  6. Loved this episode!, I would not call it communism even though there are some elements in it like the blasting of their message over and over again over the speakers while they locked them in a room to try and brain wash them, It was more like a crazy cult with all the creepy smiles and the way they acted brainwashed. song was very communist though LOL loved pinkie in this episode, taking one for the team eating those nasty muffins, thought it was funny to when the mare was like "what can I get you? we have muffins ......" pretty well put together and thought out episode! man those ponies was creepy LOL
  7. 4yes, there is supposed to be a feature length all pony movie in 2017
  8. judging by how much her mascara runs when she cries i am gonna say she would love it
  9. maybe she will be in the 2017 movie? the one that is supposed to be all pony?
  10. can't wait! hope i can find a link to watch! it's been almost a year since the last new episode and I am excited to see what this season holds!
  11. so i guess this means that when the ponies get their rainbow power then they are more powerful than all the magic in all of equestria?
  12. Last thing we tried to rent was a ditch witch to put in a new sewer line, but the company wouldn't accept a DEBIT card only a CREDIT card, we even offered to give them a cash deposit but they said no, so being we don't do credit cards or debt we dug the whole thing by hand! We dug a ditch 100 feet long by 4 foot deep through clay and rocks with shovels and picks, "we broke 6 shovels doing it" but we got it done!and in only 2 weeks working part time
  13. I just ignore them, all they are trying to do is get you to snap and argue with them or trying to make you sad, I just block them or ignore them and never reply .they feed on conflict
  14. it's not that it makes you look like less of a man, it is just not something people see very often because a lot of guys don't like to sit like that because of our "stuff" down there. same thing with guys doing full splits
  15. then your options are , to stream from netflix, pay for the channel on cable, or wait almost a year past when the show has finished for the DVD set to come out, not a lot of options I watch on dailymotion or on some other site then I buy the dvd set when it comes out
  16. several days, I could go for a really long time but people talk to me so I have to answer so i dont look rude, i don't talk much, i talk so little that when i do get in a long conversation i go horse because i don't use my voice much LOL
  17. now all we need is more info on equestria girls 3 and the new full length movie in 2017
  18. I don't see how you can sit like that, that is the most uncomfortable way a dude can sit, if i try to sit that way it's like the united states postal service, it crushes my package LOL
  19. I think they over did it with all the rainbow power magic, I mean they transform and they have more hair than body with all the crazy color streaks and marks all over their bodies, I don't like the way they look at all, they went way to bold and gaudy for it to look cool. it just looks terrible and does not even look like it fits with the show that aside it was an awesome episode
  20. I think all the in your face ads have driven a ton of people to use adblocker just to be able to look at a site without having to x off all the adds
  21. commercials don't even really even fous on the product and its features anymore, they just strap it on a celebrity and expect you to buy it based on them wearing or using it,
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