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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Bojo

  1. Would you look at that? Twilight would like you! Wait... I like you too already!!! Hope you have an awesome time lurking the forums making some awesome friends on here! If you need anything or just want to chat, be sure to send me a pm or leave a comment on my profile Also... don't forget to feel the sweep
  2. Thanks for the add, dude!

    1. El Duderino

      El Duderino

      NP, How are you?

    2. Bojo


      I'm fine... working on some art stuff, hbu?

    3. El Duderino

      El Duderino

      Working on some video stuff

  3. *boop*

    1. Tech Reel

      Tech Reel



    2. Bojo


      nuuuuuu EMBRACE MAH BOOPS

  4. Nutella is so damn addicting in my opinon. It's my fav junk food by far.
  5. I like your art! Keep up the great work, and keep practicing!
  6. Happy Birthday! :D

    1. AngelsNight


      thank you very much! :)

  7. Your avatar is adorable! <3

    1. TBlaze


      Oh thanks dude, you're so awesome! Your mustache Twilight rules too though. <3

    2. Bojo
  8. I live in Mexicolt. I approve it.
  9. I missed your banners, I love the new one!!! <3

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      You missed MY banners? I am surprised. :P I am very happy that you like this one so much. ^_^

  10. Happy Birthday Troblems!!!! *hugs and gives you a (insert your fav flavor here) cake*

  11. Let's go raid some ships and get some rum! I'm up to raid some poker tables as well c:<

    1. PiratePony


      Aye aye amigo! Cannons are ready.

  12. *boop*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bojo


      Heya my friend! I've missed you too! I've been well thanks :D BECAUSE if theres too much sombrero Twi, Universe could get broken, these are serious matters, Spacey! D: One does not simply joke about it :P How about you? What have you been up to?

    3. Spacey


      Oh...well jeez I could have brokeded the universe :P my bad! xD I have been good as well just trying to get use to this weather -_- its rain then its cold and it's suppose to be spring and nice weather! I have been up to many things, lots of opportunities at work and graduated from college :D

    4. Bojo


      OMG How come I never replied to this?! I'm so sorry Spacey D: *hugs* how are you doing? It's awesome that you graduated! I changed my major so I'm back at the beginning :'D Also, been doing moar artz? c:

  13. That moment when you add MLP references to your college projects to make them 20% cooler

    1. PiratePony


      Hopefully it doesn't result in a grade 20% lower.

  14. SpaceX will launch a rocket in an hour!

    1. Phanact


      Hi bojo~

    2. Bojo


      Heya! Im sorry I havent replied to our PM, Ive been so damn busy :(

    3. Phanact


      Das okie, I understand :3

  15. Bojo

    Britannia is not allowed to see you again :'(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bojo


      I'm sorry Buzz :'(

    3. Buzz


      *le cri*

    4. Bojo


      *le hug* I didn't even go to BUCK, and I feel like crying too

  16. Happy Birthday! *gives you a bday cake* c:

  17. Mouse > Touchpad anytime

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BlackWater627


      Pretty much. I tried playing an RTS with a touchpad once. Got wiped out in less than ten minutes. xD

    3. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      My fingers are too big for touchpads.

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Touchpads are irritating. -_-

  18. *boop*

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Scootalove


      Pretty much because of Spidey that's why I'm on his side. ^^

    3. Bojo


      Another friend told me exactly that some hours ago x'D

    4. Scootalove


      I agree with your friend. xD

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