Alright, might as well try my hand at this.
Name: Blaze Burst
Age: Seventeen
Race: Unicorn
Appearance: Peach-colored unicorn, mare. Black mane and tail, with pink and purple highlights.
Cutie Mark: An orange flame, representing her affinity for fire magics, as well as her fiery personality.
Personality: Bubbly and outgoing, but also strong and passionate. She loves making friends, but if you get on her bad side, there'll be Tartarus to pay.
Special Talent: Fire magic. Can produce fire out of nothing, and do anything that comes with it.
Additional Notes: Despite the fact that she likes to play dumb sometimes, she's actually very observant.
Backstory: At a young age, Blaze was accepted into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. There she earned her cutie mark (Nearly burning down her classroom in the process), and from then on was taught to control her special brand of magic. She has a great number of friends, all of which inspire her in some way. Her one thought about this prison: She has to get out.
Did I do it right?