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Everything posted by Noodles

  1. marry Christmas happy new year. remember to be thankful for your blessings this year and remember Friendship is magic!
  2. Marry Christmas and seasons greeting all! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hQg47zccHk
  3. Noodles

    Luna Fan Club

    Wonder who at the royal sisters archives released this picks? and can we get more.
  4. Joker Doc Ock combo! Rainbow dash really did not need the ego boost comparing him to Thor! if you want match Gender I would say storm.
  5. I really liked this episode, there is a few issues but I do love super hero theme episode.
  6. it is the season! enjoy seasons greetings.
  7. well then good job. hope to see more of the story.
  8. Ok this is a good show. it is missed!
  9. well this is it. adventure advice
  10. Typical agree with me or go away. finish the story. on that note this latest section was a bit melodramatic. I get the point your getting across and its your story so the way your taking it is fine. just this chapter was laying it on way to thick.
  11. it was good because it was a form of introduction to the show for anyone who just started watching the show.
  12. OK here is what is running in my head right now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ce1hg63Cf5U
  13. no more tasting the rainbow for the bad ponies. OOOO locked box. I still pray that the keys will show up before the two part end of the season. Unless and Only if they plan on the keys being a multi season thing.
  14. Noodles

    Luna Fan Club

    Blasfemar you should not be allowed to enjoy the Night as it is a gift from Luna! just kidding.
  15. Anyone else think Ms Harshwinnie was channeling Rarity most of the time!
  16. OK this is on your heads. you all made me do this. its no my fault. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWOzUzJd6wM
  17. Noodles

    Luna Fan Club

    Hmmmm cookies **drool** ahem yes congrats to whom ever made this contest!
  18. Ok lets lighten up the mood a notch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mq2rbGkHIAM
  19. Hoofplant yes him! sigh anyway great show.
  20. a really fun song that is currently stuck in my head. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaJ9MpMbaNY
  21. who would not want a chance a free art.
  22. Excellent Show indeed. fell sorry for the main protagonist(sorry forgot his name)
  23. Here is one epic or at lest pretty darn cool song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8185WRUB5KM
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erfY_eTINwg now this is a song to get stuck in your head!
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