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Everything posted by Judgement

  1. So I was sitting in one of my classes and I asked my teacher a question in front of the whole class. Very casually, she said: "Oh what was that? Sorry, I didn't hear what the F*** you just said". Everybody in my class was either shocked or laughing hysterically. I mean, we use that word thousands of times a day at my school but it is just really unprofessional coming from a teacher. Which brings up the topic: What's the worst thing one of your teachers has ever said?
  2. Smosh is just desperate for a story that will make a reader laugh. They are supposed to be comedy right? I'm not sure whether Ian or Anthony hate bronies, but whenever my best friend sends me a smosh video, I just close it and tell him that I watched it. The videos they make are just stupid. I think that everybody is out to make fun of bronies. Don't they have anything better in their lives to do?
  3. True, yes. They did wimp out. They were about to have a DVD add-on, but then realized that NOBODY wants add-ons to consoles. I wish that they would join the console market nevertheless. The irony here is how Nintendo indirectly built up Sony. So technically Nintendo did own Sega once again. Plus, you're right. I only considered how the PS2 sold in Japan. In English countries, the Dreamcast sold MILLIONS upon MILLIONS on the first day of release. It's not that the PS2 was better, it's just that SEGA was scared of becoming a non-existing company if they tried to carry on (Considering how they failed three times in a row with the 32X, Sega CD, and Saturn). I wonder what Nintendo's stocks are. The wii U could be compared to the Dreamcast then. It's a good piece of hardware but lacks developer support because it is the first to the generation.
  4. Now tell me if you can relate to THIS!: -You have a dream that you get something you really want, and the dream is so real that you FEEL like you really achieved it in real life, but then you wake up and are sad that you don't have what you dreamt of.
  5. 1 Yes! I think of life all the time. I think about "just one more day until..." and I reflect and stuff. Then I think about what I could do that could change the world. Then my parents knock on the door because I'm going to be late to school, but I haven't even started washing my hair yet because I'm too busy thinking about life. 2 Yes! I imagine that some weird antagonist teacher wants to take over the school and only I can stop her because I am awesome in my scenarios that I think of. Then we have a shoot out and I win and then I come back to reality and realize I'm not a hero but instead, an average kid at my highschool. 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 Yes 6 Yes! I mean, I remember last week I had a perfect idea for a MLP:FIM video game, and I was thinking about it the whole week at school, and it's not even like I'm sleeping. It's more like I'm in a creative landscape full of wonderful ideas, but then I wake up and realize I haven't finished the second half of my test and we only have 10-15 minutes left to take it.
  6. I think that they should keep doing what they are doing. (with maybe a direction leaning a little more at guys. I mean, many of the episodes, while not exactly meant for guys, have many things in them that the target audience wouldn't understand already) I don't want them to go overboard though. I want it to stay the same but maybe with a few new specs here and there that guys could relate to.
  7. Hey! Welcome to the forums! There's many nice people here. (Besides a few that can easily be ignored) See you around!
  8. Pre-ap biology :okiedokielokie:. 67 on a report card and probably a 70 for the whole semester. After the break, I switched to regular biology because my teacher sucked. She just gave us worksheets and read off a powerpoint and that was all the class was. I always failed the tests with grades ranging from 40-70. Now here lies the issue: Since I switched to regular biology, my grade is 100. It is just too easy. It feels like a kindergarten class compared to pre-ap. Why is regular SO EASY when pre-ap is so HARD? Ugh. I hate science. Pre-ap English is EASY too. I always have over a 95 on my report cards. You just do the work and TADA, you win at English. AP-human Geography is a little hard, but that's because it is college level. I always get B's on the tests except the one I took recently. I got a 55 on that. (That one was on politics. Go figure. -_-) The quizzes my teacher gives us are SO UNFAIR in AP human. The quizzes only have 5 questions on them and the questions are different for most people in the class. I always get 40s and 60s on them, and sometimes an 80 when I really understand. Pre-ap Algebra is the typical math class for me. I find it confusing at first, but RIGHT AS I START TO UNDERSTAND IT, we move onto a new topic. Anyways, I WAS an egghead, and then highschool happened. Sigh. It's not that I'm dumb, it's just that I don't try anymore. It is hard to want to push yourself when some of your teachers always tell you that you are a drain on society. That is what some of my teachers are like. I would still like to classify myself as a straight A/B student. Some teachers, I swear, grade ridiculously hard.
  9. I don't care what girls call themselves. Calling yourself a pegasister rather than a brony is fine by me. I mean, when an anti-brony says "brony" they always group "Adult male" with it. To me it isn't about what we call ourselves, but instead how haters have defined "brony".
  10. That's what I hate about movies. Some companies just cheap out and record the audio from the original, but then it doesn't work out because like you said, there is multiple speakers in a theatre. This is also like listening to some music with ear buds, except with one ear bud out. You may only be able to enjoy half of the song. I think that multiple speakers would fix it, but you said that you don't have the money for that. You could get really tiny surround sound speakers for pretty cheap. I hate when Multiple layers of sound get merged down into one monotone layer too. It is mediocre that they get away with that. It may not be fixable depending on how the music is separated from the dialogue (or if it is separated at all).
  11. Sadly, I think so. I have a wii U and only have 3 games for it: -ZombiU -Ninja Gaiden -Sonic Lost World and none of those are "Amazing" games. Nintendo needs to focus on the big picture rather than their tiny handheld. My hatred at the top three console companies: Microsoft HIGH Nintendo MEDIUM Sony LOW I doubt that it would happen, but if Sega and Atari made game consoles again, they would totally kick Sony and Microsoft's butts. Micro$oft doesn't even deserve to exist in the gaming market in my opinion. Still disgusted that my best friend bought 3 Xboxones. -_- The reason why I like Sony a little is because the PS2 was amazing. Though I hate them at the same time because the PS2 killed the Dreamcast, my first game console. Ugh. I can find hate in every game company. The only first-party games that Nintendo has made for the wii U are party games. I have nobody else in my family that likes video games so buying a party game is just a waste of time.
  12. Music, TV, games, Dreams, Nightmares, Places I've been to, and places with tons of lights (Casinos and public decorations usually) I feel like an equal balance of the atmosphere with fitting music makes me think creatively. I am also inspired with unique designs and landscapes. I don't care if it is weirder than Lady Gaga, just as long as it is original.
  13. I say "win top prize in the lottery". Though, the only love I could find would be piecing joy when I donate a fraction of that money to charity. Money can buy love but it can't buy "true love". That's the only downside. I don't want some faker that only sticks by me because I have cash, so I could see why others would choose true love.
  14. I would want a more realistic mane, but the issue is the way they have the manes on the ponies. They look like the manes from gen 1-3.5 in my opinion. I mean, for example, rainbow dash has a mane that goes flat over her head, but the way the build-a-bear plushes are, the mane is sticking out. I may just be a little picky, but still, I'm sure the build-a-bear ones are more soft and comfortable though.
  15. It would be like star trek, and then somepony would make a Star Trek movie with Ponies in it. (If that hasn't already been done?) It would be sad for sure, but nothing lasts forever. That's why we should enjoy season 4 and 5 because we don't know if there will be a 6 or 7. I feel like Hasbro and the rest of the MLP:FIM writing team are running out of ideas for episodes. I mean, the episodes are still good, but it will probably be like spongebob, a show that is on for around a decade but then it becomes stale because the episodes start to feel repetitive. That's why I feel it is good to constantly hire new writers for the show. New writers = New ideas (usually)
  16. I'm glad they redesigned it from the prototype. (The steam box looked hideous) The controller had some thumb-detection issues so I bet they will be redesigning that as well. Lastly, I expect a Half-life 3 to come out of this.
  17. I laughed when I saw the Sonic.exe youtube rendition. Squidward's suicide was scary but it is quite obvious the guy that was talking about sonic.exe has probably never played a classic sonic game before. I laughed when he said: "And eggman was running.... er... uh... in the sprite he usually runs in in a sonic game." Jumpscares are the cheapest way to scare somebody. Why can't writers and story tellers use detailed descriptions to scare someone? I'm getting sick of the pop-up horror in movies and shows. I decided to watch pewdiepie play the game version of sonic.exe and I nearly threw my phone at my door when the screamer popped up.
  18. Welcome to MLP forums! Netflix is my way of watching them as well, and before you know it (hopefully) they will have season 4 on there. See ya around!
  19. At first I thought I would stay away from merchandise, but these ponies are WAY more accurate than the build-a-bear skins. I want one! >.<
  20. Lol. He is going to parody one of pinkie's songs hopefully.
  21. Hotel?! Marvelous! Here is what you should do in the elevator: Put random objects in it, then send it down to the lobby. Press all the buttons just to tick off people. Tape the emergency phone to the wall. ASIDE FROM THE ELEVATOR: Give your hotel room a new "style", by buying posters of hated famous people (like Justin Bieber) and when you leave, leave those posters COVERING the walls. Or even better! You could tape those posters to the inside of the elevator! (Trying to be inside the safe zone of not getting arrested. No offense to the ideas of posters before me, as they are good ideas, but it seems like some of those ideas are a little too much to be able to do without getting arrested.)
  22. WOW! Double my age! I am 14, but I got 28 as my mental age.
  23. I said No to all 3, but I may just want to say something for some people who think they are a clopper: If you are only turned on by the fanfics, and you don't INTENTIONALLY search for pony porn, and you only clopped once or twice, I wouldn't consider you a clopper.
  24. Capitalist! Go capitalism! (I'm most like Ronald Reagan, and he, in my opinion, is one of the best presidents the US has ever had) I value privacy, against censorship of Movies/Games/ETC. by the federal government, and I am against abortion (Unless it could kill the mom). I mean, why would somebody want to be blocked from seeing gore, and swearing by the federal government? It just shelters people from real life. Citizens are smart enough to make their own decisions! Conservative/Progressive Score: 1 Social Conservative Capitalist Score: 8 Moderate Capitalist Libertarian Score: 4 Moderate Pacifist/Military Score: 2 Pacifist I always thought of myself as a conservative, but I guess I was wrong. I noticed that many of the people who claim to be democrat on this thread seem to think the test is wrong. Maybe Americans actually do think similarly but are blinded by lies from politicians. I think parties are a waste of time. That was George Washington's rule. "Parties will just split America apart". Look how right he was. Many Americans are fighting over really tiny things and it is just because they aren't in the same party. To me, parties mean nothing.
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