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Everything posted by Windseeker

  1. Yes it did! I am amazed by how these inconsistent stories attracted so much popularity. Rainbow Factory was a little more elaborate and had a better coat of grammar than Cupcakes.
  2. I have a feeling you are referring to those threads regarding whose the best or nicest forum member.
  3. Wow, I really wish I was that motivated. I would be in the middle of anything and I would end up telling my family to pretty much go away whenever the idea of making crafts comes up. Nice cakes you made there though!
  4. The attention whore, you'll see their kind everywhere on the internet. Someone who managed to build an entire group of friends out of sheer pity by constantly complaining about everything from the way they look to simple name-calling. Yet these soon-to-be friends of the pitying perpetrator are completely ignorant to the fact they are about to take a very long ride on a emotional roller coaster that will end in tears.
  5. I was referring to the Adventures of Superman, where it really went mainstream. Since you completely blown that way out of proportion with your fanboyism, I'll give you a brohoof in place of a cookie.
  6. That the deaths of millions under Stalin's terrible regime was the correct and justified approach to industrializing Russia. Because really, what's 40 million lives worth to a 'Communist' teenager who doesn't know what he's talking about?
  7. What happens if she was on fire or something? Would she scream? LMFAO, I apologize for the nature of the question but it seems the fans make her completely emotionally impervious to anything. There was actually a comic I read were she swallowed a razor blade and smiled coughing up blood.
  8. Too Godlike and lacking in detail like most of the Justice League members. General Zod was his only real challenge and Superman always wins in every fight he had with him. Not surprising, he was created in the 50s, a time where Gary Stu's didn't exist (or weren't labeled).
  9. That was totally a Blondie reference she made there.
  10. Actually there is a Skype exchange master thread pinned to the top of one of the forum sections here... unfortunately I don't know where because I don't have Skype.
  11. Actually, the Mane-iac has the long and slender body based off the Princesses. She's my Princess and I say she's the hottest!!
  12. Lol I'll miss having a massive Weegee in the background of that infamous wallpaper. I'll miss Windows XP, I grew up on it, just because Microsoft finally cuts off support for it doesn't mean at least one of my hobby computers won't have it. I missed using the registry edit to change the Start menu title or boot-up screen, lol. That operating system has stored a couple of gigbytes of my favorite pony pictures too.
  13. Depression is linked to heart disease as stress is not good for you arteries. Try doing something to cheer you up or calm you down, like a video game or a nice episode of MLP.
  14. Twelve Kingdoms, Trigun, and Wolf's Rain were epic animes I recommend watching.
  15. Just calm down and take deep breaths, you are probably having a panic attack and that constant paranoia isn't helping.
  16. Then go see a cardiologist, its most likely heart palpitations.
  17. YES! May the show bring forth a anime revolution! Like Japanese anime, let there be hundreds of variations of pony TV shows.
  18. The girls' toys aisle (there is pink every where you can't miss it) in Walmart, Kroger, or Kmart, or any of the countless supermarkets and convenient stores we have all over the damn place.
  19. I would panic! There is nothing as simple, amazing, and reliable as Windows 2000/XP! I grew up on those operating systems, I was in third grade when I first used them. I would just stick to my Windows 8 machine and see if I can go a whole decade with it.
  20. Idiocy and constantly wondering where your tax money went.
  21. Have you tried setting it to Wumbo?
  22. Why the Borg? I say Necrons, blasting Canterlot away with their massive Monoliths, muahahahahahahahaha!!! Oh, erm, no. Mankind is far from ready in fighting a war in outer space.... Unless we were the Halo's UNSC then hell yes we should fight for Equestria.
  23. Same here, though I have enough redneck and outside know-how to attract her.
  24. Tirek from the first generation MLP. He means serious business and has supernatural strength that could rival Discord. I want to see the Mane-iac fight Queen Chrysalis.
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