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Everything posted by Windseeker

  1. Is it me, or is the bluish pony in the OP picture look stoned? Honestly, I wanna see more of Fiddlesticks (FIddle Faddle) or Flitter and Cloudchaser. Though I did love how Flitter had more lines and screen time than her more popular sister....
  2. How is it canon if both the show and comics run on a separate storyline? When and how did it take place after the TV series? Why haven't the girls ever brought up the second arrival of Chrysalis or the Nightmare or mentioned anything about the creatures that inhabit the moon? Both appear to rarely correlate with one another at all. Its just convenient to keep them stacked neatly away from one another to prevent these confusing questions.
  3. <Waits for typical brony response in regards to The Multiverse Theory>
  4. Unfortunately yeah... some pony has to take the least popular title and as much as I dislike it, it is a task that is fallen upon my poor AJ. Of course it doesn't change anything, it just means more Apples for me. Rarity... that is a different story.
  5. We try to set a good example for the show and all the good people watching it by following the 'Love and tolerance' policy. Many of us get the tolerance part correct and that is something that one can't really deny, we have respected everything from furries to transexuals with almost anything in between among our community. The only time we clash with the latter, is when they are outsiders picking fights for lulz. This is were the 'love' part comes in, we are merely humans with our own set of thoughts and feelings, we aren't immune to being pissed off. Anti-bronies or haters' (hatefags is a better term) usual hobbies include purposely angering bronies then reminding them they are supposed to 'Love and tolerate' like we are supposed to be stepped on. No.
  6. Tulpamancy is several different flavors of weird. I am not saying its a bad thing and I respect the people who practice it. But I am not convince that self-imposed schizophrenia doesn't have some sort of drawback. Practicing these types of dissociation will destroy the fabrication of one's memories.
  7. Hell, they had more than their fair share, its just none of the explicit material ever went viral due to the nature of the franchises behind them. Now a certain Party pony from a girl's cartoon being a serial killer, was bound to attract attention and spread like a virus. Also, the Japanese anime fanbase has way more R34 than Bronydom and it pisses me off how they aren't called out on it.
  8. Well anyone qualifies for liking the show so yes, there will always be room to grow.
  9. I would cry so much if Applejack died. I would give a long speech regarding her honest ways, beautiful looks, persistence, and kind and caring personality that nopony (except Flitter but I wouldn't openly say that) would have. Then I would just go mud bogging with the hearse. Catch me if you can, Apple Family.
  10. Sebastian Shaw from X-Men First Class and his plan to force the USA and USSR into a nuclear war.
  11. Yeah, the crying attention whore alicorn OCs are generally the most common. In most cases when people create their original character, they add a little bit of them selves. The most common mistake is that people add too much of themselves and over dramatizes it. They put forth too much emphasis on being unique.
  12. My sister got tired of the inability to catch average strength Pokemon on Platinum, a Game Shark later and she is spamming the Master Ball. I know quite a few people who constantly cheat, my guess is the Master Ball is one of the most used Pokeballs out there.
  13. LMFAO, flllyfag? Usually anti-bronies are too idiotic to even know the term filly let alone equine. Now, the autism term being thrown about at us is beginning to piss me off. Every time some one wrongly assumes that us bronies suffer from a mental disability, I can't help but think the haters suffers from one themselves.
  14. I rarely participate in other fandoms despite loving the franchises behind them; Supernatural, Almost Human, previous generations MLP, etc. I stay away from those others, merely out of lack of interest in interacting with other fans. However, I am brony through and through and ponies are just plain awesome. Though I was a furry for almost ten years, sort of regretting all that time I wasted in that shit community.
  15. Exactly, except other people of course. Bronies are now becoming too mainstream for any outsider to think of you otherwise.
  16. Which sort of rids the point of removing the label, the perplexity of it is what really arouses attention and I swear they do it just for that.
  17. Exactly! Though you forgot the part were they state the most vague and subtle responses as to why they are a brony but not a brony.
  18. At the end of the movie 'Mask' was the most saddest scene I watched on TV, and that's coming from someone with a Maud Pie-like mentality for any sad scene on any movie or series.
  19. I don't care about Xenolestia and I wasn't talking about Xenolestia. Canon Celestia isn't going to sit idly by while there are humans armed with enough nuclear weaponry to decimate all of Equus. Nopony has the mentality to comprehend the destruction mankind is able to inflict upon their physically inferior race. Too obvious, possesses absolutely no effort, has the subtlety of a nuclear bomb. Bad/10
  20. That's just it... humans. I cannot imagine Celestia ever making peace with us violent humans in fear of possibly harming her pony citizens. Please, people like Galactus and Thanos can jump dimensions and destroy entire planets.
  21. For someone who hates the previous generations, I am really surprised you put forth the time to make an G3 Rainbow Dash.
  22. It is very interesting to read these types of stories, however, I find it terrible that they such are a scarcity. What would happen if canon Big Mac met Sweet Apple Massacre Big Mac....? Or if canon Twilight Sparkle met her alternate from Forever Faithful. Something tells me they would get along and make an alliance set out on conquering Earth through two different Equestrias. I think CelestA.I. from Friendship is Optimal would be a more interesting rendezvous with canon Celestia. Conquering the whole damn universe through Friendship and Ponies.
  23. Other: time for Glock 22 to have a friendly acquaintance with Applejack.
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