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Everything posted by ggg-2

  1. Zap Apples and zap apple products taste like? on that note, do you think Zap Apples are safe to eat as is/out of hand?
  2. "Why is nopony surprised that i'm here!?" um, my guess is, being the princess's personal (and favorite) student, you probably have free rein in the palace to go wherever you want? just my two bits there twi!
  3. Since return of harmony ^^ if i ever go to a brony convention and meet john i've got a BIG "thank you" in store for him
  4. the way i see it, them having horns would be too odd, whereas winged humans/humanoids are nothing new and can construed as more "normal" (angels, anyone?)
  5. no not really.....came really close when i saw AJ in tears during true true friend though....pinkie's rap made me wanna cry simply because it reminded me of being a kid in the 90's.
  6. what would that mean for certain businesses? (namely, the library and Sweet Apple Acres)
  7. i suppose if the show ends.....in which i go back and watch it over
  8. that or they're stress lines, as all that travelling can be extremely stressful. (it would also give spitfire an excuse for being such a little miss crankypants)
  9. am i the only one who thinks the "Wonderbolts Reserves" idea was introduced as a compromise? having dashie "technically" be a Wonderbolt while still being able to be with her friends at all times unless she's needed in a war (which come on, what are the odds of that?)
  10. .....she's not, she just passed an EXAM to be a reserve member. just because she passed a written exam doesn't automatically make her a wonderbolt. she still needs to work for it.
  11. what do you guys wanna bet the reserves are never mentioned again?
  12. *chuckles almost darkly* go ahead, imply that anything will make me quit the fandom. no,, go ahead, i dare you! ...yeah, that's what i thought. (but seriously there is nothing that will ruin the show for me or any true blue brony. "no matter what comes, we will face the weather" as the song goes!)
  13. this must be the outrageous 90's reference Meghan was talking about. sniffles and bites down on his knuckle, letting out a small whimper if you'll excuse me i need to go.....have a cry over my lost childhood.
  14. Mix masta pie, dawg! ya know what i'm sayin, homies? .....*facehoofs*
  15. on a second note, can it be agreed that doc whooves looks so freaking ADORABLE holding that sign? and the smile helps too
  16. it could be because he's so calm and peaceful, but parts of me think Big Macintosh would be Buddhist *shrugs*
  17. i think Luna is on that level, where she doesn't really like all the "royal formalities" like being referred to by title (her niece Cadence, and Twilight of course, are the same way, remember) and if you think back to "Luna Eclipsed" she DID tell everypony in Ponyville to call her by name instead of being formal.
  18. ggg-2


    *reads all the replies and sniffs tearfully* i love you guys :')
  19. ggg-2


    first off, i LOVE being a brony! that said, have bronies become more than just a mere fandom? has this fandom....become like a second family to anyone?
  20. loyal fanbases that help one another? you mean like us?
  21. over the years, have the mane 6 become more than just mere friends? am i alone in thinking they've become like sisters to one another?
  22. i like soarin' especially, because he's by far the most down-to-earth and level-headed of the bunch, not to mention the outright friendliest of the team by far. spitfire has grown a lot as a character and fleetfoot....well she's just there :/
  23. correct me if i'm wrong, i might be forgetting about an episode, but isn't this only the second time we've ever heard big mac actually LAUGH? i mean the last time i remember hearing him laugh was all the way back in hearts and hooves day!
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