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Everything posted by Kitsunin

  1. More like take it from anybody's perspective, lol. I've done similar things, though not with romance.
  2. A little before my birthday, I guess? I had someone suggest I go out with this girl today (Today is the Taiwanese equivalent of hearts day), but I think it was in jest (Not sure though, my Chinese is just barely so-so). I don't really want a girlfriend whose language I can't speak anyways, sigh.
  3. Applejack +1 Fluttershy -1 Rarity: 23 Fluttershy: 13 Applejack: 23 lol I just realized one point went missing somewhere
  4. Do you never have dreams? You know, writing in a dream journal when you do dream can make a huge difference in your ability to remember them. Usually if it doesn't seem like you dream it's because you can't remember them, not because they didn't happen.
  5. Sorry Twilight I already had my mandatory... I knew I should have stopped reading rare books in bed...
  6. +1 Vriska -1 Chain Chomp Err wait no I mean +1 Applejack -1 Fluttershai Rarity: 20 Fluttershy: 17 Applejack: 22
  7. @@Best Username Ever, That makes a lot of sense! It's like tarot, Death represents things moving out of our lives and changing, not literal dying or anything necessarily bad, since our dreams can be pretty metaphorical. Dunno why I didn't think of it like that before.
  8. It doesn't sound that crazy. I've dreamt I died a fair few times. The first one was when I was a kid I dreamt that there were two guys in suits and one pulled a gun and shot me. I fell down a sewer drain and then tetris blocks started falling and it said "Game Over" before I woke up. For me it isn't even scary and I don't know why.
  9. You just made me realize I've never even had a pony dream. What the hell is going on that's so weird...I've dreamt about like every other thing ever, Haruhi Suzumiya, Digimon, bla bla. But no ponies.
  10. Ah, man. Back when I was 11-13 I was on Gaia a lot. I was participating in all sorts of show/game RPs, and looking back I was...well, better than I expected at it, considering my age. I find it funny seeing that I was a better writer than a lot of older teenagers and even some adults on that site. I wish I could find my old signatures, but I think I saved them on a laptop which got all the stuff cleared from it. A shame, I actually did some pretty good stuff learning to use photoshop, and I've totally forgotten that skill now. If I had the .psds I bet it'd do a lot do refresh my memory.
  11. You should know that WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming) is actually really difficult. By all means give it a shot but don't expect anything when you do it. Having expectations like excitement over the idea that you are going to lucid dream actually makes it really difficult and you less likely to succeed. Still it can be fun if you look at it as a way to rest first and foremost, with the likelyhood of a lucid dream on the side. It's a lot easier to do WBTB (Wake Back To Bed) lucid dreaming, together with wake checks during the day. If you get up about two hours earlier than usual then go back to bed after doing stuff for ten minutes, you will start dreaming quickly and it will be much easier to become conscious, or even if you don't want to lucid dream, just to remember and enjoy the dreams you had.
  12. Wow, I could have sworn I was in the majority, liking Spring most myself! It's just the opposite, how surprising! I like Spring because everything is in bloom, and it's also the only season where the temperatures are really nice. I'm a big fan of rain, and for us Spring is the monsoon. Getting nice warm days after freezing cold ones is also such a wonderful contrast, while for some reason hot to cool just isn't as nice in Autumn.
  13. I think it's got the same basis as tulpas or hypnosis. The idea is that if you imagine something hard enough, it can get to the point where you can see it as though it were actually there. The idea behind tulpas, for instance, is basically that you act as if there is someone there you can talk to for long enough, and then they start to talk back, if you want them to. Really it's a manifestation of your subconscious, but I can say for a fact it's legit...I have one, and she talks. Really I know I'm just talking to myself, but it's fun and can be great for inspiration or when feeling bored, lonely, or in a bad mood. Unfortunately I'm too busy to talk to her more than a little. As far as auras go, perhaps your subconscious projects a color onto someone based on the impression it has of that person? I guess there's less work and baggage compared to a tulpa or something like that, so if that's the only, err, functionality you want, cool.
  14. Shiki's first opening is great. And I really like Panty and Stocking's opening too, it really feels like you would find it in a western cartoon (Like the show in general).
  15. I don't want Sonic to die, they've only just re-discovered how to make a good Sonic game! (Colors, Generations, of course) Assassin's Creed should die. It's the same thing over and over...the same boring thing. Mario...well, 3D World was pretty great. I think the "New Super Mario Bros. blabla" stuff that's just a rehash of the old should die. Resident Evil should be reborn. I think Capcom has no damn idea how to make a good RE game any more, but a fresh start could make a great game. Pokemon should be reborn. The systems that are in place have gotten so friggin' stale. Pokemon is still a cool world and idea, but we need some real innovation in the battling system.
  16. Hah, Robert Downey Jr. is awesome. I'm not into movie stars or men but I'd fluff his tail feathers.
  17. Well, yes, they did go overboard with that. But it's not like they've done anything wrong. From the beginning it was "IF this project works out...you're paying for a documentary, you might get a game" and, well, they are delivering a game! Other projects such as The Banner Saga have done quite fantastically with no hitches, on the other hand. While it's true that games journalists are criticizing Kickstarter it's not because it's a flawed system, it's just that people need to be cautious. They aren't paying for a game, they're investing in one, with the game being payout they may or may not get as a result. As you said, the good journalists, at least, see it as something with wonderful potential, but risks many are keen to ignore.
  18. Yesterday was the coldest day all year! Even after getting my jacket on I just didn't have enough clothing! Thankfully it's a fair bit warmer today, but still too cold! I can barely type! Aww...quickly! Get better!
  19. So glad my dad has work again. Now I can actually get a little time to play games in...I just need to reign it in a little compared to before.

  20. It'll be Skitty for me, mostly because of the memories of how excited I was to have one when I was a kid playing Emerald. Objectively Meowstic looks pretty cool and I'm sure I'd pick him if it wasn't for the nostalgia...but I haven't played X/Y yet (Still busy with Blaze Black 2) and dangit I just like Skitty!
  21. I don't think it's going to happen. Flutterbat was really just a plot device anyways, it would be pretty weird if that still lingered. Still, it could be really interesting, and I would absolutely love to see her come back. I just know it could be done in a way that would make for a fantastic story if enough thought were put into it. Of course it could suck too...
  22. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons for me. I'm a gaint sucker for games with fantastic stories (To the Moon was my 2011 GotY, The Walking Dead 2012's, so you see where I'm going...) and Brothers was just plain beautiful the whole way through. I didn't think any game would surpass To the Moon in terms of emotional impact, and yet it did, and then some. And then it threw excellent and engaging gameplay on top of that!
  23. Seems like DayZ but with less BS to me. In other words, pretty cool. However, I don't buy games until they're in a finished enough state that I'm sure I'll have a good time right off the bat, so I think I'll wait until either I have a few friends who want to play it, or it's finished enough to be worth playing without friends. I'm certain it'll get to that point eventually though.
  24. Y'all should check out Maverick Bird. It showed up just the other day, and it's preeeetty much awesome. It's essentially Flappy Bird, but with fantastic music and overall just more goodness. And it's a fangame, not a clone trying to make a dishonest buck off the thing's success.
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