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Everything posted by IcyHaze

  1. Coke. But you need to remember that all sodas taste different in other countries. In Ireland, Coke is brilliant.
  2. Never really bothered much about brands. Morrocan oil for a while, Pantene for smooth & Wavy now. That's it really.
  3. Ravenclaw. There's little good about being in Slytherin...it basically means you're a bit of a prick. I imagine some peoplelike the idea of being "dark and cool" but...do you really want to be in a group with Crabb and Goyle? I'd like to be in Gryffindor cos they seemt o have the best community, but I don't have the courage for that. I'm Ravenclaw through and through.
  4. Pieces of coal as a baby...I crawled off while my Dad was doing the dishes - I apparently used to like hiding, so he went looking for me, and instead of hiding, I was sitting by the fireplace, attempting to shove pieces of coal into my mouth.
  5. Getting sent pictures of people's genitalia on some social network site. I left pretty quickly
  6. Scream and slam your head against your keyboard
  7. I've got warning points for swearing too much on the forums, so.... *shrugs* #irishproblems hmmmm.. "Feck off" There. That's a classic here.
  8. Gooby pls

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. IcyHaze


      You're all over the internet.

    3. Wingnut


      Not really. I did see them once but I forgot and I had to google them to learn who they were again.

    4. IcyHaze



      This is why I love you

  9. Guise...send me greta 90's dance hits. Good songs will be rewarded!

    1. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      Didn't even know that genre exists

    2. IcyHaze



    3. Wingnut


      Try this on for size.

  10. Smells like bacon]

    1. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~

      Gimmie dat bacon

    2. IcyHaze


      No >.> My bacon!

  11. I prefer the "cool original" for dipping into sauces such as sweet chilli or garlic But if I was to have a packet on my own, I'd like the Chilli heatwave
  12. I saw a thread asking people waht their goals in life are, but I didn't find one about things you have already accomplished in life. Have you completed any of your dreams or goals in life? One minor goal of mine was to lose the weight which I gained a year or so ago. I don't even remember it happening, but one day I just realised how much heavier than normal I was. A bit more work in the gym, and some more care for what I was eating, and or the past few months I've been in better shape than ever ^.^ Before After (Was dying my hair in the pic...only one I can find that's suitable atm :3) EDIT: Fixed images >.>
  13. Guys pls...chat?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. IcyHaze


      Yeah. I felt Voyager had the best story, but outside of Janeway, Seven Of Nine, and the Doctor,the cast was a bit shite.

      Next Gen probably had the best characters, but it's really showing its age now :/ And some episodes were SOOO fucking cringy xD

      DS9 I think had some o the greatest episodes ever to exist, a good cast, a great insight into the world of other races, and a good atmosphere, but I felt it was slow at times.

      I like Enterprise, but it's not very trekky ^^

    3. Something Floaty

      Something Floaty

      DS9 was slow in the beginning, but when the war and political intrigue really began to kick off (the first episode of season 4) it took off. The actual war in seasons 6 and 7 was the most intense, riveting moments of Star Trek ever. I love all of DS9, though I understand how some people might not like the first couple seasons. As for Voyager, they really screwed up...they took an awesome concept and ignored it. Instead of showing them struggling, they focused way too much on Seven of Nine for...

    4. IcyHaze


      I love them all for different reasons really :3 but yeah, you're right

  14. I don't know if I'm allowed to say waht the gretaest relief is >.> But other ones are: Taking off shoes and socks after a long day (especially if boots or heels ) Peeing with a full bladder :3 Drinking a pint of water when you're thirsty
  15. Someone talk to me...I'm bored :/

  16. Devin Townsend - Juular. That is all.

  17. See this status? It's boring.

    1. Wingnut


      No status from you is ever boring, hun. :)

    2. IcyHaze


      Well it's less boring now that you've commented ;)

  18. MGS Ground Zeroes is AMAZING!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IcyHaze


      Erm...no, since it's set in the 1970's xD

      I don't think Big Boss ever knew Raiden

    3. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      You don't know that D:

    4. IcyHaze


      I'm pretty sure it's true ;)

  19. *Attention seeking status* Mueh

  20. I've gone through some various stlyes when it comes to footwear :3
  21. A medium-rare steak, Roast potatoes, chips, carrots and gravy. With it, I'd like a nice glass of red wine, and afterwards I'd want a large glass of Midleton Whiskey.
  22. That horrible moment when you walk into the bathroom and stand in a puddle of water by the sink...in your SOCKS! >:o

    1. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      What convinces you to stand in the puddle?


      Or is it like the elevator scene in The Shining?

    2. Khaoios


      Oh I hate when that happens, lol.

    3. IcyHaze


      I simply didn't see the puddle >.>

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