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Everything posted by IcyHaze

  1. It is logical, as it saves on electricity. Back when it was invented, the governments at the time wanted people to get up earlier, but they knew nobody would, so instead, they told eveyrone to change their clocks. Simples :3
  2. Looney Tunes, Spongebob and Courage the Cowardly Dog
  3. Not Daylight Savings time yet in Ireland, the UK or Europe, so It's not for "everypony"
  4. Guise...guise....Babymetal. That is all.

  5. I think it's cool, esepcially if it adds to someone's style...not if it's just liek "HUR HUR I DYED MY HAIR I WEAT TRACKSUITS AND HOODIES HUR HUR"
  6. It's have to be getting attacked by a bunch of scumvages and being stabbed in a city at 3am or so.
  7. Aaaaaaand bedtime :3

    1. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      :/ Sleeeeeep is stoopid

      Have good rest nonetheless :P

  8. I don't know. There are ceratin people here who think they're one of the "nice people" and that others are trolls, but are actually grumpy, argumentative shits. I think I'm nice, and I respect others unless theyr'e absolute pricks to me I also think Quirky Username and Wingnut are nice ^.^
  9. Awkward - I just googled two things for two seprate threads to add to my replies - "Irish guns for sale" followed by "4th degree murder". I'm sure the NSA are having a field trip.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. IcyHaze


      Apparently :P




      *Arrests man who's trying to learn about Iraq*

    3. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      *Kid searches up how to build stink bomb*

      NSA: "We've got all the proof we need to arrest this guy, let's go!"

      *Arrests 6 year old*

    4. IcyHaze




      too true

  10. Here we go: USP (My choice for personal defence) SAS - Single Action Army (Who doesn't like a vintage revolver?) P90 AA-12 - World's deadliest handheld weapon R700 - Just a cool rifle :3 Desert Eagle (Because Counter Strike) Luger - Most comfortable gun in the world. Although in Ireland the only guns that are legal are shotguns and rifles. So I'd get a CZ455 .22 rifle if I could :3
  11. Meet Hayley Williams, Chino Moreno, Craig Benzine and a penpal of mine. that'sa ll I can think of atm.
  12. I think that logically there is no afterlife. But, being brought up as a Catholic, I've got a slight hope that we live on in some form, content and aware.
  13. College... 3 hours of deciphering what the fuck lecturers said. 1 hour of despair 1 hour of assignments.
  14. People aren't allowed do things they like to do? What does it matter if someone's talented or not? People just like her.
  15. Pretty similar to Irish then... "Póg mo thóin" And though we don't have a version of "Taigh na galla ort", "Téigh trasna ort féin " translaltes to "Go f*** yourself :3
  16. People dirtying my clothes, hair or body xD
  17. Yeah she's obnoxious - that's the character xD Making you despise a character so much is a talent in itself. Catie herself is quite different
  18. She has millions of views, likes and subscribers - I think that makes her relevant, whether you like her videos or not. Anyway, Catie Wayne's own channel, A new Hopee, is quite different, and also relatively popular
  19. If you read the topic, it said "celebrities and youtubers". How about you read it properly next time?
  20. Catie Wayne / Boxxy is the only one that I know of atm. Which is fucking class, cos like...Boxxy xD
  21. Guise...guise pls... xD It's meh! Again! On mah (hopefully) temp profile
  22. Erm, I'm Irish, soo.... I actually say most of these every day xD And I'm pretty average when it comes to swearing amounts. "Oh for F*** sake..." "F****ing c***! " "B****cks" "F***in' Eejit!" "Ahh s***..." "Stop being such a c***." "Go f*** yourself. " "Ahh S**tc**t!"
  23. - Desk with PC and TV - Hi-Fi system - Wall shelving - Columns of CD's - Rows and columns of console and PC games - Guitars - Amps - clean - Organised, but occasionally messy. - I'm in it.
  24. The following picture sums up my opinion on this perfectly.
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