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Everything posted by IcyHaze

  1. It's not my pet, but a friend's...the photobomb is strong with this one... Sorry I don't have any pics without me in them xD Never tooka pic of my friend's dog on his own.
  2. It's a great idea, but it'd be ridiculously expensive. It sounds amazing, but what about trash on the streets? Damages? Even chewing Gum? I'd love to see it work out, but I don't think it will.
  3. Ugh...Hangovers...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. IcyHaze



      I can think of nicer drnks :P

    3. N.W.


      True, but I like fine russian vodka. But German beer is liquid gold

    4. IcyHaze


      mhm, that it is :D

  4. Halp



      Wit wut? 0.0

    2. IcyHaze


      Having someone to chat to :P

      Cos you're gone, gone gone...

      At least, that's what you said ^^



      Well I'll be back after school today, ya know. I can talk to you then, if you like. ^^

  5. Hey there I'm Hazel. Bisexual, though with a preference for women :3 Feel free to message me, I love chatting with people ^^
  6. Y'all should come to Ireland, Our McDonald's doesn't use pink slime, and the chicken nuggets, while reclaimed chicken, also isn't slime Although there was that scandal that a certain polish company was actually supplying certian brands with horse meat instead of beef in some low-quality burgers in shops.... But that wasn't OUR fault
  7. Zoophillia is the name for the paraphilia of attraction to animals. Beastiality is the act of sexual interaction with animals. Is Zoophilia "wrong"? No, in the same way that no fetish or paraphilia is truly "wrong". However, acting upon it beyond mere fantasies or roleplaying...that I believe to be "wrong". Animals are not sentient, so they do not understand sex as we do. It's taking advantage of a living creature without its knowledgable consent, and therefore I think is inexcusable. Is it possible for an animals to sexually approach you? Yes. But that doesn't mean that if you go ahead with it it's okay. The animal doesn't know better, and therefore, it's statutory rape. So, Zoophilia is fine, beastiality is not.
  8. The person who created it said it's meant ot be pronounced with a soft "g". However, I say fuck him, and I still pronounce it with a hard G
  9. ooga booga

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    3. Wingnut


      Captain Caveman?

    4. IcyHaze


      Wingnut, Darling, you really need to message me more often xD



  10. My hair hasn't been it's natural colour for years. It's been green, blue, red, pink, purple, black and blond :3
  11. It's a pity that there isn't, and will never be a section of the forum for fore mature content - I feel it's the only thing missing. (Not for images, only a place where you can be a bit less...worried about certain rules, while still keeping within the general niceties of the forums). But I understand fully why it's not here; it'd be pretty awkward to moderate and keep people from trolling or arguing the rules.

  12. I definitely judge people by their avatars! I form a general dislike of people with trolling or stupid avatars, and I've never gotten along with anybody who ahs a Dragonball Z avatar...I don't know if it's coincidence or a personality thing As for mine...I don't know what people assume about my by my avatar. It's Gilda, so I guess people think I'm a bit of a bitch? But it's a cute picture of her so... *shrugs* I chose Gilda as an avatar because I thought she looked cool, had a similar Hairstyle to me (Featherstyle? Uhh? ) and in all honesty seemed like a total grumpy lesbian. SOOOOOO when I saw the cute picture of her, which seemed to remove all her bad elements and leave a kind of "Vi" from LoL type attitude, I decided I had to use it - even though I'm not like that. I just like that kinda look
  13. That's pretty cute - and I have arachnaphobia! (Albeit a strange case of it...I find spiders cool and interesting, but if I see one in person... ACK GET IT AWAY FROM ME ADRENALINE WAAAAH)
  14. I know something that tastes sweet if you add pineapple...
  15. I have no problem with a few selfies - if you're feeling good about yourself, share a picture. If you're in a cool place, share a picture. If you're with some friends, take a picture for the memories - it's all the same as getting someone else to take one for you. People who take stupid selfies are generally people who take stupid pictures in the first place.
  16. No xD I have no wish to see people's waste.
  17. I originally was a part of FiM Forums...which was a pretty cool place, although with a huge amount of trolls and idiotic people. But it was a fun place to be once you got to know the right people. I liked it a lot because although it was an MLP forum, it had a lot of non-MLP content. ALthough I've come to enjoy this site a lot more (I only came here after FiM and later FiM 2.0 were both DDOSsed to death) I orignally thought it was a bit too....nice But now I'm not sure I'll go back if they bring it back online.
  18. I plan on visiting both Vancouver, BC and Tokyo some day in the future, once I'm done my college course ^^
  19. Go now, my child. Fulfill your destiny. Become the Moth.
  20. Do you have any snoods that make you look like a moth? xD
  21. Yes, though I thought it was just a scarf when I first got it... >.> I lyk it :3
  22. Thanks for all the broohoofs guys :3
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