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Everything posted by IcyHaze

  1. So, based on the TV Series Game Of Thrones, what do you think the character's alignments should be? The character can be ALIVE or DEAD. Please use a spoiler tag if you wish to explain your choices! (Unless you're purely explaining their personality without referring to events) For those of you who don't know about alignment, here's an explanation from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alignment_(Dungeons_%26_Dragons)#Alignments I'll give my thoughts on a few: Edard Stark - Lawful Good Tyrion Lannister - Neutral Joffrey Baratheon - Chaotic Evil
  2. Time will see us realign - Diamonds rain across the sky - Shower me into the same - Realm

  3. Up until this moment? Excluding nostalgia and games that "Started everything off"? The Last Of Us. Portal. Jak and Daxter. Resident Evil 4 Metal Gear Solid 3
  4. I like it on chest and legs and all that...not a fan on shoulders and back though tbh. Apart form that? S'all gewd :3
  5. Yup. I'd rather make 100 cups of instant coffee for 2 dollars.
  6. Today I debated whether I would like to change the events of my past ot not. In the end, I decided, barely, that I'd rather not. I am who I am, and I mostly like who I am. Without my past experiences, good or bad, I wouldn't be this person. Then I stood on my hairbrush. That sucked.
  7. Dum-de-dum kiss me bum.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. IcyHaze


      I certainly would, you non innocent person. You done it! Own up!

    3. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder


    4. IcyHaze


      Watch out, or I'll give you a warning shot inna head!

  8. Crisp/chip sandwich. Basically a sandwich with crisps/chips in it. It's quite nice :3
  9. Going too far? Nope, not in the slightest. Sometimes it seems that 4chan is the only website that actually gets things done and cares about justice, while at the same time hiding it behind a facade of trolling
  10. "LEGOS". Well, it's nice to know what you did with the "S" from the end of "MATHS".

    1. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      I feel like I'm missing something here. :P

    2. IcyHaze


      "Maths" is British English, "Math" is american english.

      "Lego" is common british english, "Legos" is mroe common in US english.

    3. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      It makes so much sense now!

  11. Anime, manga, Bioshock, carrots and peas.
  12. Nope. Fuck everyone else, I want to enjoy myseld f as best I can, thanks. If I was 90 I'd consider it.
  13. Watched some Game Of Thrones, drank a coffee, chatted with my parents. All while trying not to move my head too much due to a hangover :3
  14. 13/13 and I'ma pparently in the top 7%.... As are the majority of the people who've taken this test. SO on average, those on this forum are more scientific. This I like
  15. I want to die at an old age of eighty-something in my bed of being too old. But I think I'll die form being stabbed, shot, a car crash, or cancer.
  16. I know a really really dumb one In most of the USA, gay marriage is illegal. Sounds pretty fucking dumb to me.
  17. @@IceeBrony Aww, you're too kind See, it's fun and cute, but...I'm not actually being hugged, so... :3
  18. Let's get to bashign butts, aswell as deez nuts!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. GuardianFenix


      Well... I don't really want to go into details, but... my sister's dead, and I'm never gonna see my niece again.

    3. IcyHaze


      Well, that's pretty shit. Sorry to hear it.

    4. GuardianFenix


      Well... it was a lot more graphic and painful than just that, but... yeah.

  19. Ian McKellin - his voice would be amazing. Firm when necessary, gentle, interesting, and wise. A perfect voice. BUT Jack Nicholson - that would be fucking hilarious. "It's so fucking serene, isn't it?" *tooth lick* "I love a good story, and this isn't one." *lip lick*
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