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general questions Can I Hide Recent Browsing?
Jeric replied to Cosmas the-Horse's topic in Site Questions
Last I checked the anonymous browsing features were lacking. I’ll retest this after the upgrade. -
Am sick. Postponing the upgrade a few days. Will let you all know a day in advance.
Friday 9/2/22 around 11:00 PM EST I’ll begin the process to move MLPF to the newest IPB version. The site will be down during this time. Full transparency, while some of the current issue may be fixed with the new update, it may not be the silver bullet. As always these updates will likely wreak havoc with your personal settings like notifications and such. Make sure to take note of your settings and be ready to revert back to them after the site is back online.
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This may be possible and something I’ll think over
I want to directly address this topic and all the comments more in depth, but I want to tackle a few general ones now. 1. Anonymous Posting - This feature was the key reason we reopened Debate. Members can’t see the user who posts, but we can. Some staff also use it since in the past people have levied insinuations that the staff leans one way or the other so strongly that it biases moderation and replies to any opinions posted. Also, several users are known to exclusively report fellow users who are on the opposite end of the political spectrum so often that it feels like a targeted approach. Allowing people to post anonymously in there may have the effect of preventing revenge reporting. As of now this feature is staying. 2. Passive aggressive remarks - Staff should be catching these. However, I really would like have cases of this reported. 3. Bans - I will fully admit to being aggressive with moderation when I am skimming the Debate section. I want cordial discussion that stays focused on the topic. Mods and Admins can kick a user from a specific topic or the section. If a user wants back in they need to create a support ticket or message an Admin. We will consider lifting the restriction. Permanent bans from the area will be rare, and usually done if there is a noticeable inability to maintain a level of conduct. 4. Maintaining actual academic debate rules would be far too strict and manual an approach. I’m not even sure how many members can name all the logical fallacies that are typically seen and marked in an academic of professional debate. Most take cues from social media and traditional media which, frankly, have destroyed the notion of legitimate debate structure. I don’t even know how many on staff would be able to recognize when a user is using an ad-hominem for instance. 5. I just yawned hard. I must do Jeric sleep.
I didn’t buy the DVD season sets. The details on that transfer were horrible. High definition please. Joking aside (please put that aside it was bad, like really bad), and as a huge fan of Glim, her motivation for creating her town was weak. I would have personally kept the loss of friendships due to talents, but built on it to include more than one childhood friend. Even just one more line about how she kept losing friends to something related to their talents would have been more serviceable if it lead to her mentioning that she started to see her town folk as her friends. No one talks about that. In the season Five finale she didn’t actually call them her friends. It was hard to swallow. But then again, my favorite superhero got bit by a radioactive spider and is someone now meta-physically connected to the universe, so I can’t be all righteous about it. Does it make sense? Not really.
Please read the original topic. I want to get all of the community on the same page with Forum Staff. Currently we don’t allow duplicate accounts. However, if one is found and it is connected to a legitimate user, staff will not take action on the duplicate account without consulting with the user / account owner. We do not consider forgotten duplicate accounts to be a failure of the user, or a punishable violation of the rules. The reason we changed this policy was the implication and impact that a ban to a user on a harmless oversight. If you feel that this policy isn’t being adhered to please reach out to an Admin. Staff, if you have any questions please reach out to me. Also, feel free to remind each other if this rule application should anyone forget in the future. I’ll keep this open for comments from the community if they have any questions. ALSO, this doesn’t apply to trolls, bots, or ban evaders. They get banned upon discovery.
I think it is working. If not create a Tech Solutions Topic. Remember you have to be a User and 100 posts to enter
The Status Update rule is still in effect. Thank you all for keeping the index clean
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Debate Pit has a launch date - 7/15/2022 I bring this up because I need everyone to listen to me VERY carefully. In the past some of you have accused staff of being biased to one ideology or another. That’s almost certainly a perception issue. If you believe that, it’s a you thing. Here’s the shocker. We have also been called heavy handed. If you think we’ve been quick to enforce rules before … If you intend on entering Debate Pit to be passive aggressive, you won’t be in there long. If you get up in arms because someone takes an opposing view on an issue, you won’t be in there long. If you like posting emotes to be sarcastic or snarky, you won’t be in there long. If you are very sensitive to some issues, I’d suggest you find another place to go. If you like using profanity and political buzzwords, up your game now … because I do not consider this community to be childish. The key here, is civility and cordiality to each other. Here are some of the elements to this approach. Emotes are banned (you know who you are). Profanity is banned. All new topics will be queued and approved by staff to ensure you are putting forth an effort. All posts will require a character limit. All topics will be sunset/locked when the debate has reach a circular moment where nothing new is being discussed. All video links posted will be scrutinized. If you post some fringe YouTuber discussing some asinine conspiracy theories, I’m likely to rip it out. Public figures are NOT the community. You are able to speak your mind on them freely provided you do not use profanity (or absurd hidden versions of it). The system will stop you from posting if you use certain words and profanity. If you circumvent the filter, you will be banned from the debate pit until we have unanimous Admin approval to allow you back in. You say something like Fuck Trump or Fuck Biden … tossed from the topic on strike one. Phrasing is important. If you lack the grasp of the English language to a point that you cannot diplomatically state that you support the ending of same-sex marriage rights without a direct grenade against those who are gay here, I don’t think you are ready to have an adult conversation. Perhaps you don’t possess the aptitude to engage in a debate here. Whatever your issue is, be it sociopathy, trollishness, or anxiety … this will not be the place for you. Good discussion has been hijacked too often by people who cannot or will not chill the fuck out. We are sick and tired of the most voluminous members taking control of the debate. Expect heavy moderation. Expect staff to participate. Oh! That’s a point I should make now. You see, staff includes a wide range of the ideological spectrum here, and are friends. Some are openly progressive, some are conservatives. Some are not Americans so do not subscribe to the US definitions of that. Some are a mix. Some are gay. Some are trans. Some are devout Christians. We disagree and we get along. I’m holding to one standard lower. Behave and hold your tongue. If you are going to judge someone political party or group … do it like a mature human does … silently. For some reason I was anointed a title my my friend @NavelColt … “Dadmin”. Well, if you guys cannot behave in the debate topics, I am not turning the care around like most Dads. I’ll stop the care, open your door, throw you on the cold unforgiving ground, and make you walk home … metaphorically of course. A long time ago there was a Moderator who managed Debate Pit. His nickname was “Killjoy”. I intend to emulate his approach because that was the only time there was some form of civility. Oh and let me get this out of the way. Some why scream, “Censorship! The staff is not respecting my free speech!” Here is my retort Now. That doesn’t mean that if you run afoul of the standard of conduct that will be posted … I’m going to come at you with anger and vitriol. Nope. I’ll kindly say you violated the rules and this is the consequence. I’m going to move on. I’ve far too busy to make you feel bad about yourself. The tenor of this post aside, I’m actually a generous and kind person. I just ain’t got the time for nonsense and self-righteousness. And I practice what I preach. I shall only silently judge you. If you wish to engage in Debate … and you have 100 posts to earn the right … come and join us. Just don’t ignore the sign. I will post the itemized list of all the rules. Within the week.
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A topic about collecting has existed for seven years and I have never commented on it? I have a wide range of things I collect. Instead of listing everything, which would be noting, I’ll use this topic to post one part of one of my collections. I am a Star Wars fan, and I was raised in the 80’s. One collection I have at Vintage Star Wars action figures from Kenner. This is currently my loose figure collection. I pick up a figure ever few months. This image represents a decade of hunting down Vintage Star Wars. In my office, that is what is hanging above my monitors. That was the only angle that won’t pick up the lighting. Each figure is complete and in Near Mint or Mint condition. I am slowly completing the entire run of 96 figures. I am going to love this topic!
Hello community! So since this G5 Organization project is fairly new each area will have a “What goes here?” Topic. If you are reading this you are in the show discussion area for the You Tube 2D series “Tell Your Tale”. Any questions or discussions about Tell Your Tale go here. This is not the place to post reviews on each episode. As new episodes are released a staffer will create a topic in the Season X discussion area. Your thoughts and reviews can go in these episode topics. Thank you.
Going forward a member of staff will create the episode discussion topic for each new Tell Your Tale episode to ensure consistency across episode topics. Any topics that jump the gun will be locked or removed. Over the next for days you will see edits in each of the prior created topics creating a standard template. In the future (like we did with FiM) we may open this task up to the community. Thank you.
As you may have noticed G5 now has several forums. A general discussion area, one specific for the first film, one specific for TYT episodes, the Netflix series, and the comics. Additional organization will be ongoing as we will likely make the ongoing series forums repositories for episode threads
Not getting notifications whenever someone I'm following post a status update
Jeric replied to Will Guide's topic in Feedback
Not sure what you mean by this, because we’ve been pretty transparent regarding how Invision changed the settings. It’s also inaccurate to say it’s a permanent feature, as software companies tend to revisit unpopular changes. Also to clear this up. Most forums out there that you use are not built by the sites you visit. They are built by various companies. The website’s buy a license and use that software. When the software developers (not MLPF) make a change in their software … the customers are not given much of a say in adoption. So are we. I think we made that plainly clear. And this, this is where you lose me. First off, all the staff on MLPF is volunteer only. I guarantee that they probably had more fun as a member. It was more peaceful and they didn’t have to deal with entitlement. They do not deserve that sort of gross candor from you or anyone on this site. We do not have a dedicated development team on this site. Most forums don’t. Those that are developers like me are not sacrificing time with family, friends, or actually making money … because someone gets a wild hair and threatens to quit. My wife matters to me more than you. She wins. If the devs who are on staff in less time demanding roles actually charged for their services, it you require a substantial crowdfunding campaign. I agree it’s annoying, and the person who agreed to chase down the bug has been busy with work. I’m not an asshole. I won’t pester him just to make you happy when he’s got other things to worry about. The #1 mantra of staff is, “focus on IRL, forum can wait!”. If that is unsatisfactory to you, than that’s a “you” thing. Also, a lot of time? Way too long? It’s been a few weeks! The status update bug will be fixed like it has in the past. The notifications, if I can find a solution, I’ll implement it. I’m certainly not sacrificing a second of time from my life to do it for this sort of attitude though. I’m not going to direct a single soul to do the same either. You are acting like we don’t care or give a rats about the issues and complaints. Son, I just reach out to a developer to get an estimate on what it may take to change notifications and uptrain me so I can make a document for staff … but I’m so close to putting a pause on that just because of this post. Instead, imma do what I tell staffers to do when they get annoyed with the forum, I’m going to go chill and do other things that I like. I’ll check back in a few days. Do what you feel you need to do with that information, but you better do it with some genuine respect and understanding. An apology would also be appreciated for any of the staff who you may have crapped all over. I used to respect your opinion. But that post? Well … make your own conclusions you are good at that. -
It’s on my list of updates for this week
general questions Separating the Profile Notifications
Jeric replied to dead account's topic in Feedback
I’ll happily pass on this topic to the Invision Team to highlight the impact this decision has had. Currently there is no option available that will revert notifications to a place that gives users control over them. Our use case seems to be more of an outlier as many of their other paying clients tend to be businesses. When I find time to hunt for a third-party hook/plug-in that will modify notifications, I’ll try my best. -
Actually, we may be fully revisiting all emotes in general in the coming months. The only way the 3D models work is if we update the style we have adopted since we started the emotes. In other words … new emotes that don’t have the rounded shape constraints.
Not getting notifications whenever someone I'm following post a status update
Jeric replied to Will Guide's topic in Feedback
Yes it is currently an “all-or-nothing” setting. -
Cotton Eye Joe was one of those songs that was a popular silly song when I was a teen. I actually didn’t know the band was Swedish. Oh and us Gen X types love making memes of it.
Nervous trying to avoid Spoilers for Pony, Kenobi, and Stranger Things. I HAVE TOO MUCH TV TO WATCH.