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Everything posted by Invincible

  1. I do, sunglasses help block the light reflecting off the road that goes in my eyes. This improves my ability to drive safely, so why not.
  2. Glad I don't live in the states. I hate clowns.
  3. Ugh, light sleeper. It never takes much to wake me up. For instance, if one of my cats happens to casually move up next to me on the bed, it would wake me up. Noises? Some of them, unless they are something I'm used to... I've gotten used to the sound of a passing car coming from the street, so it doesn't bother me nowadays.
  4. I wish. Between work and finishing my bachelor's, I don't too much time to kick back and relax.
  5. I'd say 'always', but that's a paradox. ...too often. Lying is one of the best verbal or mental tools people have. Not using it can be... disadvantageous, i guess would be the word. Sometimes i feel ashamed of what i lie about, but that's just who i am. Honesty was never my strong suit.
  6. Yeah, I'll admit of having a crippling fear of death myself. But mostly because life seems too short. There's so much to do, and never enough time to do it. This has made me somewhat cynical and bitter at times, and I sometimes approach the topic with a morbid sense of humour. I imagine some people feel the same way. In the end, what meaning is there to your life but what it means to you?
  7. I guess i like to hear people acknowledge my creativity or smarts the most. I value knowing above all else, so i do like it when people point out my skills in academics or other crafts. I guess that makes me as vain as they come, but whatever, lol.
  8. Vertical here. The freezer goes on top, and i keep the rest of the goods in the fridge itself, in the bottom compartment.
  9. Michael. My family gave me a Russian name when i was born, one i had to give up when we left the country. We each changed our names to something sounding more local. Mine is Michael.
  10. I'd pick sausages. Easy to whip up. Some can be prepared using a microwave, so this makes 'em good chow in my book.
  11. I do this all the time. Washing your clothes after one use (unless you've sullied or got them smeared or something) is a waste of time and resources (using the washing machine is great, but it uses up electricity and water and powder, so it doesn't make sense using it over and over) in my opinion.
  12. 1.90 meters here, that makes me 6'3 (according to online converters, anyway).
  13. Life expectancy is more valuable to me, not the quality of body i possess. With years of knowledge and experience, i could learn so much more, enjoy life so much more. Besides, maybe ill use mechanical body parts in the future, which would provide much more use than my body, even in its prime.
  14. Yeah. My teeth grew at horribly odd angles. Luckily, the braces fixed most of the problem. I don't have a perfect smile, but it's much better nowadays.
  15. Call me old fashioned, but I'll just read a book or occupy myself otherwise. I wouldn't like having no internet for too long, but I'll deal with it. This addiction to technology is unsettling, to say the least.
  16. I used to get sick fairly often, about once every three months or so, but for some reason it seems my immunity started working overtime this last year and i haven't had anything at all since December.
  17. So im just wondering, does anyone read alot of books not in their native language? I find language a beautiful concept, especially written language. My native language is Hebrew, though i find myself often reading in English for two main reasons: 1) I find it more challenging, i learn new words, idioms or expressions every time. 2) I feel as if the author's meaning is lost if an article or a book isn't read in it's original language. Anyone feels the same?
  18. Hebrew, Russian and English. Though admittedly, my Russian is rusty from disuse. I'm like a dog when around Russian speakers; can understand them well, but can't quite coherently express myself lol.
  19. It's a mixed bag. I prefer those that put enough pressure on you to study, and are there to get their job done with frightening efficiency, but at the same time would help students who actually care about the material and are trying to master it. There is a fine line where being tough with your students is just being an ass, as much as there is a fine line between leniency and ineptitude. To me, a good professor should always challenge his students and drive them to tackle problems or ask questions - i know myself enough to know I'm a slacker, if i wasn't pushed towards success by other people I honestly wouldn't make it.
  20. I love cheese! Cheddar, Mozzarella, Parmesan, Provolone, Edam, Pecorino, Gorgonzola... you name it. I'll eat just about any kind, smelly strong-flavored cheese especially.
  21. 26. I think I'm starting to feel my age creeping up on me... but I'm not quite there yet.
  22. The ability to absorb knowledge from other people. Complex ideas, theories, concepts, secrets that can topple governments and entire skillsets would be mine alone to hold, and perhaps share. I love learning, and knowing, and i can think of nothing i would enjoy more.
  23. I believe good and evil are only in the eyes of the beholder. You always judge other people based on your own biases and values, so it's a difficult question to answer. If i had to answer from a moral point of view, then morality is subjective in my opinion, therefore whatever brand of justice you dish out has to be acceptable by the society. It may not be perfect, but society needs to learn and grow from experience, mistakes included. It's okay to seek justice as long as your grasp of justice is evolving with the ideas of the people seeking it. From a legal point of view - as long as nobody will hold you accountable for your actions you're basically a winner. It's the failure of the system if legal justice is lacking. It must have a mechanism for self evaluation and refinement.
  24. I live in an old part of town. Not too many nightclubs, or especially seedy places for young people here. Totally NOT part of the night scene. Which is great, because it gives me the peace and quiet i yearn for, allowing me to indulge in my studies and hobbies to my heart's content.
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