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Omega Centauri

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Everything posted by Omega Centauri

  1. sheit, I just came here to shit talk superman, you win.
  2. I'm not saying he's unbeatable, just that he's op.
  3. Ok, and superman could destroy almost all of them
  4. okay, so batman isn't all that great, superman still OP
  5. The fact that batman only won because superman (Edit: let him) further supports that he is op
  6. He can be outsmarted, yeah, if someone has kryptonite, yeah, he's fucked. but other than that, it takes another really fucking overpowered character to even scratch him Batman can beat him, not because he's just damn near invincible, but because he's a legitimate badass
  7. Not possible. Superman is boring and op
  8. You are missing my point. Superman sucks ass
  9. Twilight wins, easily. Because superman sucks ass
  10. Remember, humanity makes mistakes, big ones sometimes. We aren't perfect.
  11. I recently got into black metal And I just got Carcass' new album, Surgical Steel, and it's pretty damn good. In general I'm really into death metal right now I also recently got into Neil Young https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQfUz6lP2BQ I have a very wide variety of tastes in music, I'll listen to pretty much anything except country.
  12. It helps us cope with loneliness hold me closer, twi
  13. lol be thankful I didn't spam a bunch of Megadeth songs
  14. I'm probably gonna get called closed-minded for this (which, maybe I am) but the majority of genders other than Male and Female were created by attention whores on tumblr; but if someone just REALLY doesn't want to go under either of them, fine.
  15. Here's a better thrash metal band
  16. Heterosexuality will always be considered the norm because it is required for humans to even reproduce. Yeah, there are some legitimate heterophobes out there, but they are a very small minority To be honest we could use more gay people, or at least people willing to not reproduce, considering how close we are to overpopulation.
  17. At one point I did find myself spiuting alot of internet jargon irl, but I guess I grew out of it.
  18. I happen to have a 4" pocket knife on my desk to the left of me. Not the most lethal thing, but It's worth a shot
  19. Last night I drew pentagrams in blood on my neighbors' cars while listening to grindcore and wearing a guy fawkes mask
  20. Everything about them is generic and mediocre, yet for some reason they're really popular with people who don't despise them.
  21. 171141 (insert bs here to fulfill character limit)
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