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Phoenix Flair

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Everything posted by Phoenix Flair

  1. If I could only be a flightless, chubby schmuck like Spike, then I'd definitely rather be a Pegasus. But if I had the option of being one of these BA titans of awesomeness? Definitely a dragon.
  2. From the show: Humorous: Rarity: Nobody move, and my dress won't get hurt! Stay back! Back, I say! Serious: Rarity: Of course I give! I give lessons, and reasonable demands- Applejack: But you never give in. Not from the show:
  3. I remember watching the first one. Thought it was okay, a bit cliche. Then it got super freaking hype. I mean, good God. I remember kids where I lived went absolutely insane for that show. Kinda made me hate it, partly because it had so much to live up to now, partly because I'm a super contrary person. Saw the second movie at a 7-year-old's birthday party. Hated the living crud out of it. Holy crud. That bit at the end where the lanterns magically fly into the sky and they dance around like idiots? What the muffintop!? And all the little girls loved the living crud outta that show. Somehow they had all the songs memorized and a few girls came in costume. That was one of the most horrible evenings of my life. I was so traumatized by the second movie, that I saw no reason to watch the third, even though my neighbor kept telling us it was "so much better" and "not bad at all". In conclusion, HSM is no Twilight, but it's still a dull cliche directed at young girls. No thanks.
  4. Good episode, but the dialogue was stiff, vague, and unstructured. I love me some Braeburn, though, so I'm pretty satisfied with this episode. Oh, and I thought it was pretty funny that the town sheriff had a cutie mark exactly like his sheriff's badge.
  5. Just watched this episode. I'm a little behind in the season, I know. I thought the humor in this episode was pretty funny. I literally lol-ed, which is EXTREMELY rare, but good God, that song was awful. Oh, and that bit in the end where everyone was crying except for magically superior Twilicorn? Not a fan. Although that bit about "Apple jack cries on the inside!" "It's true." Friggin' hilarious.
  6. Watching Bloom and Gloom right now. I can't believe Babs got her cutie mark! I am so freaking hype right now!!! :D

    1. JonasDarkmane


      It is a good episode :3

  7. First person is pretty much the only way I can write anymore. I prefer it because it's really emotion-based and really demanding as far as characterization goes. Plus it's the best way to display an internalized character. When you write first person, always be aware of the duality and multiplicity the style can allow. Use thoughts to make connections and remind the reader of important points that may not have to do with the current action. You can brush over little things and establish priorities. For example, say your character is falling off a cliff. A very extreme example, yes, but still. While your character is falling, you have a very brief but powerful opportunity to show character. What are they thinking off? Only the fall, because they are stunned and afraid? A significant other? What are they feeling, if anything? It's also a very useful tool to immerse the reader fully. To illustrate, your character is sitting in class. You can really use first person to evoke empathy. Is the character studiously taking notes? Doodling? Looking around the room? Who or what are they watching? The teacher, a crush, the clock? Are the seats comfortable, is the room hot? Is it snowing or raining or hot outside? Are they worrying about walking home, thinking about lunch, texting under the table? You can use this one moment to make the reader believe they are that character, as long as on some level you believe it yourself, feel what they feel, see what they see, think what they think how they think. Second person may be able to do all these things, but the narrow focus provided by first person can be a lot more powerful since you don't have to describe things that aren't in the character's sphere of awareness. It also requires a lot more monitoring, knowing the character inside and out and supplying them with a steady stream of action and stimulation while avoiding main character focus (basically that's when it's clear every character in the story exists only to interact with the main and not enough of their individuality is shown). You've got to be able to write from the point of view of a naturally biased and somewhat unobservant main character while briefly supplying enough information for the readers to guess most of the important things the main doesn't see or understand. And that's another important thing. Misunderstandings. Imperfections. First person really exposes the writer, and while we have a natural inclination to hide our faults, you can't do that in real writing. You can't show only their good side or have them only think clever, selfless things. Humans are a bundle of insecurities, biases, prides, humilitations, cowardices, braveries, and everything in between. Am I droning on too long? Probably. Hope some part of this rant helps.
  8. I peel mine from end A so I don't have to eat that ungodly nub of evil at the end of the banana.
  9. I call myself a Brony because I just don't like the way "Pegasister" sounds. And "fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" or pretty much any of its variants are just too long. Besides, shorthand puns are the future, mon ami.
  10. All of you who say you're getting 80 degree weather, you're lucky. This is what's going on in Laramie right now: My car is buried under about 8 inches of snow. Still, might go sledding if the snow sticks around long enough, and if I can find a hill big enough.
  11. Ah. That's slightly less awesome. Humidity is not fun.
  12. Apparently the Pegasi are slacking off. I mean, the animals are out and about (good work Fluttershy ), the plants are growing fine, plenty of new flowers and budding trees (you too, Applejack ), but we keep getting dumped on with snow. I think we all know who's fault that is. ( Oops.) 80! Man, I'm jealous! It's freezing here, and my roommates have a warped sense of temperature from living in this frigid climate too long. Our thermostat is always on the lowest setting.
  13. Here in Laramie, Wyoming, it's been snowing for about 5 hours straight. April 15, and we're still getting tons of snow and cold, wet weather. They keep saying that "spring has sprung", but I'm not seeing it. Still, I'm so ready to be done with this weather. Who else is psyched for a good old warm front?
  14. Couldn't You Just Simply Die - General Mumble
  15. Shatter me - by Lindsay Stirling
  16. Nope. Phoenix Flair is timid and uncertain. I think kids would intimidate her too much.
  17. Let's see if I can recall... - two parakeets - ten fish - two dogs - five sheep - thirty (max) chickens - two rabbits - maybe eight hamsters - one lizard And I think that's it. My family had five kids, so pets didn't last long in our house before one of my siblings would accidentally off them or mom would get sick of caring for them and give them away. I tell ya, man, I got some crazy animal stories.
  18. I was 5, so all I can remember is that my siblings and I didn't get to watch PBS because mom was watching the news and crying almost all day. She kept calling dad because he was Air Force and she was scared his work would be a target too.
  19. Rainbow Dash and Tank could be interesting. Complicated, but interesting.
  20. Oh, and one more thing... Starlight Glimmer? I went into this episode expecting her to be the sister of Sunset Shimmer or something, but I guess it's just that the MLP creators are running out of creativity with names. Darn.
  21. OmigoshIlovedthisepisodesomuch!!!! Ican'tbelieveseason5isfinallyhereandIgettowatchitwiththerestofthefandomforachangethisisthemostepicdayofmylife!!!! *takes deep calming breath* *slight squee* Dude, I loved the character designs of the townspeople so much. Although most of them looked better pre-cutiemark, if I'm being honest. I can't remember her name, but that dark blue pegasus looked absolutely beautiful in her greyish sheen, and Double Diamond's mane was to die for! (I really liked his mane! ) I'm also pretty glad that Twilight wasn't the one to save the day, although she did totally steal the credit with her "moral of the story" speech at the end. These two episodes would have been a lot more interesting as Fluttershy-centered episodes, documenting her thoughts and change of heart on the issue. But no. Twilicorn is a spotlight hog, and if she can't be the mane of the episode, ain't nobody gonna be. *slight sigh* Some of the animation seemed off, but it was mainly with Pinkie Pie. I mean, did anyone else notice that when they first came to town, Pinkie Pie's face and expression would suddenly be lined with a lot more black than usual? I dunno, maybe it was just me. Other than that, though, amazing start to the fifth season, I'm super psyched for the rest!
  22. My research paper is on how the internet has expanded the capabilities of research due to its unique characteristics. This survey is mostly to determine a link between the resources a student uses and the result on their grades as well as a general perception of each resource technique. I agree, there will be bit of a difference depending on major. Especially for me, since I'm going into Computer Science. Most of my studying and researching is done online, and I hardly even have textbooks anymore. Thank you all so much for your help!
  23. Hey, fellow Bronies. I'm doing a research paper for a class and I really need as many people as possible to take this survey so I can use it in my paper. I need at least 30 responses before I can use it. So far I have 2. It's just a really quick survey, 9 short questions and I will be super grateful for your help. Here's the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11inb38iNogztlZDG3IqNrd_cLmbx_XFJ7T_UzbbeteU/viewform?usp=send_form
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