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Everything posted by Drunkfrank

  1. Chrysalis gets more powerful the more love she eats. As humans, we eat food and feel full, but eventually, that feeling goes and we feel hungry and weak again. Basically, the same thing happened here. Chrysalis got super amped up in ACW, enough so to match and beat Celestia, but shortly after she ran out of love, and is now hardly even a threat on her own. Had this been Chrysalis from season 2, she would have obliterated Twilight without a second thought. Twilight is still not more powerful or even on par with Celestia despite what some people believe. One of the reasons I really enjoy this episode is how we really see the fall of Chrysalis, she was once the most powerful active being in the MLP universe. Dethroning Celestia, and now she has to scavenge and survive, her once great power ripped away from her, she had a beam struggle with Celestia and won. Now she attempts to do the same to Twilight and is overpowered so effortlessly. Chrysalis is a better villain for this.
  2. Neighsay doesn't deserve Tartarus, that is for like the evilest beings in the universe. Neighsay is just a speciesist.
  3. Beyond their understanding as in they do not fully understand the capabilities of a newborn alicorn, they have been confirmed several times after that episode to be naturally born alicorns.
  4. Celestia and Luna are just natural born Alicorns, which are just super ponies pretty much. They can reproduce.
  5. Dragons live a very long time, so Spike is like a teenager to a pony but a child in dragon age.
  6. Damn, the fight scene was way cooler than I thought it could be, probably the best since Twilight VS Tirek, cool stuff. Aside from that, this was a pretty good episode, really fun stuff, good lesson and great animation. One of the best this season
  7. Oddly enough I also think Spike will be one of the strongest dragons yet. As a "baby" he has done some incredible things that even a teenage dragon like Garble might have trouble with. If the show was even a tiny bit darker I could see Spike after a while finally showing Garble who is boss.
  8. Your opinion is not law and I happen to think Haber is a fantastic writer but a mediocre story editor. Though to say bronies should boycott the guy because you don't like the episodes of this TVY girls cartoon that he wrote is kind of ridiculous.
  9. I wouldn't say that. Season 6 at this point already had more duds than season 8 has so far. He is such an excellent writer to me but yeah as a story editor he hasn't improved much.
  10. *sigh* I miss Lewis and Songco. What the fuck was this episode? Why are Applejack and Rainbow Dash so stupid? Why are they so competitive even at the risk of others safety, they aren't even acting like competitive friends like in "Fall Weather Friends" they are acting like rivals who put up with the other one rather than care about them. It's irritating. The Student Six were the only decent part of this episode and that isn't a good thing, considering we didn't get any real development for them. Ugh, season 8 man, so far it has more ups and downs than the Wild Blue Yonder, a strong episode followed but something decent, followed by something bad, up to average, and then a string of 3 great, well written episodes, just to fall back down to this. I want some heart, some character building and emotion, not just generic "lol it's sol" stories. Now I wish I hadn't watched Breakup Breakdown, because that episode is truly amazing and it would have been wonderful to see it for the first time after this mess. . . Still better than 28 pranks later tho
  11. I really enjoyed this episode, it had solid humor, great animation, a decent story, good lore and worldbuilding, and some much needed Celestia development, also the heart to heart in the clouds currently stands as my favorite moment of the season, so well done and incredibly heartwarming. 9/10 Current episode rankings School Daze: 9/10 The Maud Couple: 7/10 Fake it Till you Make it: 6/10 Grannies Gone Wild: 7/10 Surf and/or Turf: 8/10 Horse Play: 9/10
  12. Well it is more so the fact that you didn't answer his question, you simply said the episode wasn't about divorce and didn't answer whether or not it referenced it, I think most people who watch the episode realize that it isn't an episode centered on divorce.
  13. You missed the point though, all he asked was if the episode referenced divorce, simply referenced, which it did. The episode is not about divorce no. But the implication is there. However this seems like a pointless debate. Oh, as for the episode, I loved it, easily the best so far of the single episodes this season.
  14. Makes literally no difference as to what I said, my point was that Sombra is not yet reformed as the comic is non canon. Could not have made that more obvious.
  15. Well the Pony of Shadows, even at the prime of Shadow Play was extremely weakened compared to 1000+ years ago.
  16. That non canon comic means nothing, Sombra is not reformed, as of now in show canon he is dead.
  17. Spike would eventually notice how long they were gone, remember where the map marked, and call in Celestia to help. Celestia would one shot Starlight Starlight would go back in time to take revenge against Celestia Instead of magic equality like Twilight and Starlightr Celestia would easily body Starlight and fix everything. However Celestia wouldn't give Starlight a reformation.
  18. So when a Mod literally comes in and says "don't treat your headcanons as fact" the first thing you do is that exact thing. It amazes me you haven't been banned yet. FTR, I kind of like the idea of the mime pony being her mom, it would feel like an extremely subtle tease if they did go that route, though I am pretty sure Scootaloo is raised by her aunts in that Ponyville mysteries book, which I believe is canon.
  19. That might have something to do with airing in so few theaters and a massive lack of advertising. Because there is a massive stigma against MLP. Did you even read some of the reviews? They are awful and not at all constructive (with some exceptions obviously) To those who go "oh lol the movie just wasn't good lel" No. Objectively worse movies like Boss Baby and Despicable Me 3 have higher ratings than the MLP film. Face the fact of "professional" critics in this day and age, if the movie had been called "Disneys My Little Pony: The Movie" It would have an 80% or higher. If I had to place an objective critic score based on the animation, acting, music and plot, I think it should have been a 70-80%, that is very fitting for the film.
  20. "Why is the show so bad at doing something it isn't even trying to do" None of the arcs in the series have been set up for a 22 episode story arc (not counting two parters) from the Grand Galloping Gala, to the Keys, to the Luna CMC dreams, to the pillars, etc have all had the goal of telling a consistent story throughout a season that gives the narrative flow and a feeling of progression, which I think has worked well. Look at Steven Universe where season five is getting a lot of criticism for too many SoL stories, why is this a problem to so many? Half the season has been SoL stories. The problem there is that SU hyped up a major season wide story arc and the slice of life episodes are meant to be just a bonus but in reality the SoL episodes take up way too much space and feel like a distraction from the arc. Why isn't this an issue in MLP? Well because the show is based around slice of life stories so that way we expect SoL stories with character development and maybe some world building and adventure, but the story arcs are smaller and feel like a bonus, it's the opposite of SU but works much better.
  21. I like Josh Haber as a writer, but he as a story editor really doesn't work I feel. Something tells me Lewis and Songco wouldn't have approved FITYMI.
  22. This is a tough question to answer in any way that isn't simple. To me an episode should always know it's own continuity, even if it isn't based on previous events, at least make sure it is present that way we don't get any mistakes in established character traits. An episode should have a solid story that feels like it can have a distinct beginning, middle, and end. Character development is always important, world development is only important for special episodes and not needed every single time, 5-6 episodes of strong lore and worldbuilding is great (which is what we usually get anyway). Idk, I just want a good story with characters I enjoy, if I feel the characters or off or the shows established lore is being sacrificed to tell this one story, I will not be pleased.
  23. Alright, while I did enjoy the episode's comedy, I can say with certainty that it is not a "good" episode. Aside from in the animation department, I suppose. I honestly don't think you can "fix" this to make it anything more than a decent episode. The premise itself just doesn't really work. It reminds me of "it's not the mane thing about you" in that it was probably some cool designs that the team decided to make an episode out of, except in Mane, it was well executed and worked with Raritys character, here Fluttershy is off and cheap laughs won't let me forgive what I believe is poor writing. I suppose if I had to come up with a few suggestions- - Write the mane 6 out, they had no place being there and their plans just being suddenly done is stupid, as well as the Raccoons getting all the way to ponyvile, that was jarring and uncalled for honestly as they didn't service the plot at all, they were useless and pointless. Have the Raccoons find a way to contact Rarity, maybe have Spike along for the ride just so he can write a letter to Rarity telling her what is going on. This way they could have resolved the issue more quickly and given Fluttershy more time to make amends for being so stupid. - Maybe instead of Fluttershy just choosing to take her characters so far, maybe have it so some ponies call her out saying she is "fake" and Fluttershy decides she has to fully BE the part instead of just acting for it. -Bring in some mystical elements to manehattan, maybe have a spell be involved with Fluttershy losing control of herself, I am not sure how it would work but aside from common activities, magic spells and fantasy doesn't seem to exist in Manehattan, I bet somewhere like the Castle of the Two Sisters would be a myth to them. -Scrap the entire episode and instead have a manehattan episode with a return match of Rarity and Suri Polomare.
  24. The tree of harmony is a god though, but a god created by mortals, I am sure that has been done before in many other works of fiction, one I can think of is a 2014 mmorpg titled Wildstar, in short, this hyper advanced species called the Eldan wanted to harness the power of all these primal elements to create a god like figure, they did just that and her name was Drusera, to any mortal she is this nigh omnipotent being capable of probably wiping the planet if she felt like it. She was a being of divine power who could create and influence life yet she was created by mortal scientists. The Tree of Harmony isn't much different, powerful mortals who together represented the best elements of people (ponies) pooled their power together into a magic crystal seed that would grow to become the Tree of Harmony, a semi-sentient god-like entity that can influence and create life and you can harness its power through the Elements of Harmony, which I guess act as it's batteries. I think if the Tree was just this mystical source of light that has existed for all time, that would have been rather uninteresting. Instead, it's more of a conduit of light magic across what I presume is the universe, it may not be the source, but it is the avatar of light magic the same way Discord is the avatar of chaos magic and the Pony of Shadows is the avatar of Darkness.
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