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Everything posted by Drunkfrank

  1. Well no one said the world doesn't need diversity and please don't bring real life political viewpoints into this thread, I don't want preachy diversity messages in my kids cartoon.
  2. Well it is certainly, and odd yet fun theory, but I think it's a stretch to say just because the three tribes decided to move during the famine and snow crisis that means they move whenever things are bad. The windigos were an unknown, powerful threat that was freezing all the ponies, and killing crops, moving was their only option, and honestly, I don't actually think the three tribes were outside the modern borders of Equestria, but just further away and ended up in the center. To provide an example Basically, the blue box is where they were, the red box is where they went, and the white box is what Equestria is now, not counting the Crystal Empire, Griffonstone, and the Dragonlands as they are not in Equestria.
  3. Is it really Celestias job to constantly check on her grown sister's mental health? yeah, Celestia should have seen the signs but she absolutely does not take the majority of the blame for Lunas turn to the darkness.
  4. From what I understand, about 10 of the episodes in season 8 are school themed in some way, that sounds fine to me as long as the school episodes are interesting.
  5. A normal stallion would be interesting and unexpected, I wouldn't mind it. There is a lot I am excited for this season.
  6. I am all for the school theme if it doesn't end up preaching diversity all the time. Maud boyfriend gonna be super into sticks or something, calling it now.
  7. Kill Discord, the guy who has split his head in two? The guy who has ripped his own head off? You do know that Discords physical form isn't something you can just kill right? And Tirek defeated Discord because he had the magic of the mane 6 minus Twilight, and their magic is anti Discord. If you want to ignore scaling "cuz you don't think so" than I don't really care. Earth just can't win here, not against the current level of the MLP world, thousands and thousands of dragons that can burn anything to the ground, reality benders, mass mind control spells, changelings.
  8. http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony go nuts, lots to research there. Discord has created entire different planes of reality and spawned volcanoes out of nothing with ease, how could a human army survive hundreds of volcanoes dropping on them?
  9. The reason Campfire Tales isn't in my favorites of the season is because of how overblown the Scootaloo fears were tbh, she kind of learned to be less scared last time, her being a little freaked here and there would have been cute, but it was ridiculous how even a more tame story freaked her out so much.
  10. Tirek has Solar system level durability a M.O.A.B would tickle him at most. The best wonderbolts can fly at relativistic speeds, faster than any jet we have and airforce would be immediately useless against Equestrias which has full control of the weather. Nukes could likely be stopped by magic, and as you already said kinda, Discord could one shot the entire human military by turning all their weapons into meatballs or something. Also, if this is all of Earth it would also be all of the MLP world, which means dragons, yaks, changelings who could easily go behind enemy lines, Tempest and her storm army, the hypogriffs and their pearl, as well as Celestias mobilized Equestria in the Cutie Remark We couldn't beat a world with so much magical power.
  11. I mean, yeah it's good to ask for a source, but is this even a question lol, ofc the mane 6 are teaching their element and naturally Twilight would be the principal.
  12. I believe that calculation is taken directly from Secrets and Pies. But, the vs wiki would have you believe she is much, much faster than that. http://vsbattles.wikia.com/wiki/Rainbow_Dash
  13. Why are you ignoring that I have said RD can casually go mach 1 without trying now and was able to do much more in season 7? Again, different iterations of Sonic go at different speeds, also wasn't counting Super Sonic or Dark sonic or whatever, just base sonic across his different versions
  14. Why talk about research when you don't know what you are talking about and I just literally provided proof of her breaking the sound barrier casually without even trying, and in the SHOW, she has feats even faster than that like in Secrets and Pies. Also, different iterations of Sonic are at different speeds. Sonic Boom sonic can't go faster than RD for example. Throw your fanboy nonsense out the window if you want to have an objective argument. Or just stop with sonic and RD threads.
  15. The journey is the series, the episode is deeply rooted in continuity, the story was just the mane 6 deciding to share their adventures with the ponies of Equestria. Why do we personally have to see where they began, I mean I guess they could have done that although that would have led to massive pacing issues. We only need to know what they were like in this episode, and we get that to some extent, and your complaint doesn't have much to do with the moral of the episode, more so the storytelling.
  16. So, in other words, you and Mr Enter are listening to the song for the moral and not what is presented in the episode, and that line doesn't hurt my point, depending on how you view it, it is an objective fact of life "but it's our flaws that make us work" Maybe they meant it makes them work to improve themselves as we have seen in so many episodes. The moral at face value is not let others change who you are. You, Enter, and others can look for secondary morals and messed up themes if you want, but that is not at all what the writers were trying to teach nor will any kid take that away from the episode.
  17. Except it did show that they have improved, Fluttershy was more assertive, Twilight didn't freak out and tried handling the situation carefully, but the others in the episode weren't really scolded often, either adored or just outright hated, and eventually began arguing with each other instead of being upset with the mane 6. So they sung a song to tell them that they are not perfect and can never be perfect, but flaws make us who we are, that doesn't mean you can't be better, it just means you can't be perfect. Yes it was but Enter is what we call an "analyst" which in the brony community just means nitpick and complain about whatever you want to. Even if it means you miss the whole point of the episode. /thread Video debunked good job basement.
  18. Hm, so it seems you, like Mr Enter completely missed the point of the episodes, it is honestly baffling to me how people could honestly get the moral wrong in this episode "We're not flawless, we're a work in progress, we got dents and we got quirks, but it's our flaws that make us work." That isn't saying never try to learn from your mistakes, it means don't let your mistakes consume you, embrace that as an individual, you are flawed and will always be flawed, but you shouldn't strive to be perfect, but strive to be your best self. That is the moral of Fame and Misfortune, that is the point of the episode and I can't believe someone like Mr Enter would be so stupid to not understand that point.
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