About a week ago this series popped into my head and for some reason I searched the internet for it to see what I could fine. I remember having like one book from the series when I was a kid but never reading the rest.
I ended up finding a forum where if you make an acount and make at least five post, you can download like every single book in the series.
Now I'm finally reading them, and I gotta say it's been really awesome so far. I've been pondering the possibility of a pony crossover. Like have something similar to what happened in these books happen in Equestria. hehe.
If you've never heard of them, here's the plot summery. I snagged in from the Wikipedia.
The story revolves around five humans, Jake, Marco, Cassie, Rachel, and Tobias, and one alien, Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill (nicknamed Ax), who obtain the ability to transform into any animal they touch. Naming themselves "Animorphs" (a portmanteau of "animal morphers"),[4] they use their ability to battle a secret alien infiltration of Earth by a parasitic race of aliens resembling large slugs, called Yeerks, that take humans as a host by entering and merging with their brain through the ear canal. The Animorphs fight as a guerilla force against the Yeerks, led by Visser Three.
The Animorphs carefully protect their identities; the Yeerks assume that they're a strike force sent by the Andalites, the alien race that created the transformation technology, and to protect their families from Yeerk reprisals, the Animorphs keep up the facade. Over the run of the series, the pretense becomes harder to maintain; the Yeerks grow more cautious and dedicate more time and resources to capturing the 'Andalite bandits'.
Though the Animorphs can assume the form of any animal they touch, there are several limitations to the ability: they can only stay in animal form for two hours, or they will be unable to return to human form. Also, the process requires some level of concentration to prevent the animal's natural instincts from overwhelming the human intellect.