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Lucky Star

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Everything posted by Lucky Star

  1. Is she does, I certainly didn't notice it. Though I must admit, after reading a certain fic, I had kinda been looking forward to her fanon over reactive personality making for some good jokes in the show. But she kinda just talks normally. at first I was like; "come on, where'd that big personality I loved so much before go? She was like the only pony to yell at Twilight like that, it was bad ass!" Then I kinda got over it.
  2. They're both so old, there's just no way of telling how many thing they could know about their world and it's secrets. It's not far fetched to say that they may have come across this at one point or another. I mean there's no doubt in my mind that Celestia and Luna had at least tried to make friends with their nation and the dragon lands. but it clearly didn't go well... I can see it.
  3. A pug and a great dane could be the same age and one would still be far larger. I say this because she did not look like the same kind of dragon as Spike. Meaning for all we know, she could very well be the same age. Those dragon all looked like they were different breeds.
  4. I made a post about MLP on the witchcraft themed facebook group I admin for. Though it had been about Celestia rather then Luna. I'm a Eclectic wiccan. I guess what you're saying makes sense. Though I highly doubt it was done on purpose. This is the post btw.
  5. I just turned in my job application, wish me luck everypony.

  6. It's alright! So If the fanfics coming out of this fandom have taught anything, it's that if the characters are good enough, then you could use them in a million different stories. Their not just going to suddently become borning after fulfilling their current goals, life doesn't work that way. If anything they'll be able to focus on other goals. And I can't wait to see it happen. also, why do people insist on saying that the show is going to end every season? They said it would end for season five, it didn't. Now they say it for season six, I doubt it. It's like those crack pot religious people who keep saying the world is coming to an ende. Even when the show does end, there will be a new gen. Hopfully one that takes place in the same world as this one. What did you expect? I mean my little pony has been running on gens long before the fandom. So it's only to be expected. imagine us getting a new gen every five or six years, like pokemon! Hopefully we get a new cast to play with each time, or Twilight immortal with a new cast of friends. Two words peopes, Time Jumps. The forgotten realms does those from time to time. They can be pretty sad. Cus you know, character tend to die of old age when that happens. I think mlp could manage it. plus it would end the angst filled Twilight we see a lot in fics. Well I doubt it would end. But it would prove that the show Twilight is capable of moving on. Can you see it? I can. and it's awesome.
  7. Why yes, I do have one. But I hardly ever use the danged thing, I prefer to use cash when I have it. So when I do use the card, it's when I don't have the cash, and I make sure to call the card to make sure I have the money in the back first, even if I know I do, I get paranoid and check anyways.
  8. I really, really hate T-shirts. They just seem such a lazy part of fashion and it's starting to feel like people are starting to think they are the only type of shirt that exists. THERE ARE OTHER FORMS OF FASHION. And don't get me started on T-shirts that try to be funny, most of the time they just look douche baggish at worst and mild chuckle at best. Then it just gets old, like you're walking around telling the same joke all day whether you want to or not. Then I run out of clean clothes and have to borrow a shirt from my sister and I fell like shit all day long. Like rght now. I can hear you, Rarity. You're crying for my fashion choice. Pikachu; There are a lot of pokemon. So many in fact when I meet a person who claims to love pokemon and then comes out and says that Pikachu is their favorite. I just can't help but think, "Is it because that's the only one you know by name?" Having the face of the franchise be your favorite out of like seven hundred pokemon just comes off as either noobish or cliche. Rap music Okay, I don't listen to much rap, so it might just be the rap my sister listens to. All of it is some kind of innoprpriate nonsense. And when I get forced to have to sit through it I can't help but get sooo pissed off. "You used to call me on my cell phoone, late night when you need my love" Boo hoo, a** hat. You can't just leave and expect people to not move on. That girl you're singing to has a life outside you. So stop whining. Other song I hate. Dude, shut the heck up and just buy a new radio already. And by the way, faith is not being awake. Faith is trusting something is true even though you don't have proof. Shut up and buy a dictionary too. another song I hate. Woman aren't just sex toys that can talk. What the heck is wrong with you people? I have never been so creeped out by a song before. Why is my sister listening to you, baka song??
  9. I just got the newest episode on my laptop. YAY gonna watch it later.

  10. Sounds exciting, I'm lookin' forward to seein' what formally bad pony she'll be gettin' down with. Some think it might be Discord, but I really can't see that. What if it's a former bad dude, but they just don't seem all the way reformed and Twilight is worried that Starlight will go back to her old ways if she hangs with the wrongs sorts? Another thing that makes me doubt Discord is the fact that it says pony.. For all we know, it's going to be a newly introduced character. Or Trixie. Please let it be Trixie. Hasbro; "Screw you, Lucky. It'll never be Trixie!" Lucky; "HASBRO NO BAKA!"
  11. Lucky Star

    books Animorphs

    About a week ago this series popped into my head and for some reason I searched the internet for it to see what I could fine. I remember having like one book from the series when I was a kid but never reading the rest. I ended up finding a forum where if you make an acount and make at least five post, you can download like every single book in the series. Now I'm finally reading them, and I gotta say it's been really awesome so far. I've been pondering the possibility of a pony crossover. Like have something similar to what happened in these books happen in Equestria. hehe. If you've never heard of them, here's the plot summery. I snagged in from the Wikipedia. The story revolves around five humans, Jake, Marco, Cassie, Rachel, and Tobias, and one alien, Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill (nicknamed Ax), who obtain the ability to transform into any animal they touch. Naming themselves "Animorphs" (a portmanteau of "animal morphers"),[4] they use their ability to battle a secret alien infiltration of Earth by a parasitic race of aliens resembling large slugs, called Yeerks, that take humans as a host by entering and merging with their brain through the ear canal. The Animorphs fight as a guerilla force against the Yeerks, led by Visser Three. The Animorphs carefully protect their identities; the Yeerks assume that they're a strike force sent by the Andalites, the alien race that created the transformation technology, and to protect their families from Yeerk reprisals, the Animorphs keep up the facade. Over the run of the series, the pretense becomes harder to maintain; the Yeerks grow more cautious and dedicate more time and resources to capturing the 'Andalite bandits'. Though the Animorphs can assume the form of any animal they touch, there are several limitations to the ability: they can only stay in animal form for two hours, or they will be unable to return to human form. Also, the process requires some level of concentration to prevent the animal's natural instincts from overwhelming the human intellect.
  12. I don't think it is. If you have fun with what you're doing then it's never a waste of time.
  13. Lucky Star

    rainbow rocks Sucker for a cute face

    Sucker for a cute face; Written by Eyeswirl the Weirded Quiet mornings before school starts can be lonely, but they can also be peaceful. For some people, they're a good time to just breathe and prepare themselves for the day ahead. Fluttershy and Adagio Dazzle find themselves doing this in the same place at the same time, in their own ways. ------------------------------------------------------- this is probably the best Equestria Girls fic I've ever read. I know we all love the bacon head, but not every Equestria Girls romance need to be about her. And this ship right here was so good in the most surprising ways. I never would have thought of it myself. And it works. That's the fun part about it. This bloke certainly has a good way of writing the characters well, and don't even get me started on how he writes the Dazzlings. I love it so freaking much. I give this fic two thumbs way up! It doesn't matter if the ending is sad or not, I'm gonna cry when it does.
  14. I'm a wiccan and I gotta tell you. Once you get into pagan and wiccan groups you learn really fast that everypony there has their own idea about what the afterlife is like. I think the same could be said about any faith. like there was one christian story where heaven was a giant castle filled with doors and every person ever has their own door and when they die they can go into that door to find their own personal paradise. If that's the case and Equestria is what you think of as paradise, odds are that's where you'll go. Personaly, I think when we die, we'll all go to the astral plane where not only does the after worlds of every faith exist, but every world of fantasy. That includes everypony's own interpretation of them. So there are like a million Equestria floating around the astral plane wating for you to go and explore them or live happily ever after. Learning to astral travel could be a nice way to quickly visit and see which Equestria you want to settle down it later down the road. but the world of the living isn't so bad for now. You know, in case the athiests are right.
  15. I really hate when people type a random question mark when they're confused instead of actually asking a question.

  16. Well as far as I can see, there's not a need to think of the question since accordning to Equestria Girls, traveling worlds changed your species to match the world. So I would be be a pony for my pony waifu. Whether she would want to date me is still in the air. But if I have to deal with this question, like in some weird way it doesn't work the way we see it in Equestria Girls and I'm a human... In Equestria! It would depend on how things went. I would be most reluctant to start a cross species relationship, even if I love her personality, eventually things gotta hit the bedroom. if ya know what I mean. Who knows how that would go down? In our minds we all have our own preconceived notions about what we can and can't do. But when we actually try, we find that a lot of the time we were wrong.
  17. I'll probably end up waiting to see it online like I do with the Equestia Girls Movies, and also every episide of the show itself. lol But if I get a chance to go see it, you better get out of the way or be knocked down. Cuz seeing a movie in the theatre is always more fun then watching it at home. My face at the theatre
  18. I just got some gool minecraft mods.

  19. Lucky was here.

    1. Buck Testa
    2. Lucky Star

      Lucky Star

      Hey Bucky, hows it been?

      You see my message on fim fiction?

      I linked a really nice song for you there

    3. Lucky Star

      Lucky Star

      I'm downloading episode of the animorph tc show. Shhh, don't tell nopony.

      I'm a pirate, arg.

  20. I don't so much as hate those words, I just don't use them. When I type online, I like to type the way I talk irl. I don't see the point in changing the way I talk, just because I'm online. Not sure, dear. It must just be a pet peeve people have.
  21. My fan fic got 21 upvotes on fimfiction! :D

  22. This is the new pony background on my laptop! My Laptop ships Rarijack too~<3 Is that Big bang in your sig? G-dragon has ze nice hair in his musoc videos, almost as nice as Rarity's mane syle.
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