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Everything posted by IJoinedForPonies

  1. That's an interesting question hehe... If my OC were to be effected by Poison Joke, it would probably make her incredibly dizzy to the point where walking straight is impossible. lol
  2. I have seen G1-3, and it was god awful. G4 pretty much revolutionized the franchise and they should never look back.
  3. Alicorn = The combined powers of Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns. They are much larger in size and the most powerful. Pegacorn = The combined strength of Pegasi and Unicorns. They retain the size of a normal pony, but have wings and a horn. In the MLP universe, Alicorns are canon, but Pegacorns are not. One can argue that Twilight is a Pegacorn based on size, but that size may change. Plus it was already stated that she is an Alicorn; she is infused with Earth Pony and Pegasi powers from being as such.
  4. Boycotting the entire comic industry because 1 guy within the company decided to voice his opinion? Love And Tolerate comes to mind...
  5. I would like an MMO style MLP game that shares similar aspects to that of the top 5 MMOs we currently have out. I would also like a MLP fighting game, if I had the means to make either one, it would be epic! ^^
  6. I seriously doubt that would ever happen with me or with another Pony for that matter. I am convinced of this because I cannot even think of a scenario where I would do so. :-/
  7. Bah, I already lost the bet! I got way too much going on until after New Years, and won't have any time to get my beginning chapters published before then. I am going to devote my time to get the clop fic started and finished by New Years... >.<

  8. Off the top of my head: Twisted Metal PS3. (Rage incarnate) Call of Duty (When the lobby is full of cowards). Fire Emblem series (1 wrong move and you have to restart the entire battle if someone dies). Diablo 3 (hopefully that will change when the dev's retrieve their braincells.) League of Legends (When the lobby is full of idiots that spend more time throwing blame rather than trying to win the match). Nosgoth (It is so hard to find a good team these days...) HAWKEN (When people only want to use long range mechs).
  9. I was reading through the My Little Pony Comics and saw this, I wonder if IDW was trying to tell us something here... :-/
  10. So I made a bet... Read all about it here: http://ijoinedforponies.deviantart.com/journal/New-Gen-Consoles-Look-Appealing-496628371 I hope I win, Because damn, this is going to make me look like bad. LOL

  11. Read all about it right here: http://ijoinedforponies.deviantart.com/journal/New-Gen-Consoles-Look-Appealing-496628371 I hope I win, because man, this is going to make me look bad. LOL
  12. I made her for fun, I came up with her concept in about less than an hour.
  13. I got the advice I needed, thanks for the input. :-) Some things will change, but not everything. The not likable things are most likely going to stay, and I will have to live with the negativity of critics about it. I will have to attempt another OC that fits the requirements at a later date.
  14. Well that's kind of unfair, there are many ponies that have had a 1 time meeting with the Princesses, how is this any different? The spell that was cast on her when she was born was supposed to allow Nightmare Moon to control her anytime she wants after a certain age. This was a plan to wreak havoc on Equestria without being physically involved, but that obviously back fired, and she never attempted it again because it can be easily countered apparently. That sight isn't perfect though, she can only see so far. Yeah she has preternatural senses, but what real advantage does this give other than "you can't hide or sneak up on me"? 1. That was explained in the back story. 2. No, resistant, not immune. This was explained in detail. 3. Already covered 4. That's a bad thing? Hmm... 5. Can you imagine trying to sleep with that much senses, let alone be in a crowd? Not being able to see far is pretty difficult to deal with too. 6. WIP 7. Also explained. Well if she hadn't been cursed, she would be just an ordinary Earth Pony, but where is the fun in that? I get what you mean here, but I am just going to have to accept the fact that people are just going to frown upon the design because she isn't "normal". My favorite pony is Rainbow Dash, and that pony isn't normal either due to her insane speed and things she can do. Overall, I can accept your points of view more easily if I hadn't felt you haven't read the entire profile correctly. Some points were just overly exaggerated and it seems to have influenced your point of view a bit. I want to make sure we are on the same page here before I continue if you know what I mean? :-/
  15. All in 1? How? She can detect anything within a certain distance and has some magic defense at night. The only thing she has aside from that is some martial arts and survival training, that's it. It's not like she is Super Mare or anything. Any skilled Ponies or heavy duty magic users can take her out no problem. lol
  16. Hehe, we are not quite on the same page here. :-P I am not getting angry at all about anything, I am simply trying to understand your reasoning is all. lol Actually you got that wrong. Nightmare Moon had a hand in her premature birth, but the Unicorns that were with her parents also contributed to this birth defect, so it's 50/50 here. Celestia and Luna only wanted to talk with her about her form she takes at night, and why she is able to see the way she does, that's it. She didn't get any special training from those 2, her training came from the academy that they are not directly in charge of, and her unnatural abilities have nothing to do with the academy either. If this isn't clear enough in the back story, should I make it more clear? But yes, I will work on the personality description, I didn't think about that at the time because I was too busy with my novel and the cutie mark. lol
  17. So basically what you are saying is, that she needs to be as normal as possible, and that anything more than above average in terms of power is frowned upon? I don't why people keep assuming that she is special to the Princesses, all they did was meet with her and explain why she is what she is, do I need to go into more detail that this is the case? Personality is still a WIP too, I was focusing more on fixing that cutie mark first. I don't know, it actually sounds like I may need to start over with a new one at this point if I am to get better ratings... :-(
  18. I got a pretty low rating... @ the last bit at the bottom, doing that would make her pretty useless... :-(
  19. Is my OC really as bad as Silverwisp says? -.-
  20. I have made some changes to mine since we last spoke, cutie mark is still in progress. Link is in my sig as well. ^^
  21. I would have to say most of the ships involving Rainbow Dash. They just don't mix well, one in particular is Soarin and Rainbow Dash, this is as bad as Twilight and Bland Sentry.
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