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Everything posted by Wyzecat

  1. I'd be really confused. Then probably laugh at anyone who has a pony waifu. Muahahahaha
  2. I'd imagine an eternity of nothingness would be boring, assuming that you're all not figments of my imagination, and that reality is real. I'd probably try to kill my dead self (wut) to end the boredom. Seriously, though. That and the fact that there's so much to be had from life, so why choose death?
  3. TIL Australia won its first Winter Olympics medal because everyone crashed in the finals as well as almost everyone in the semifinals, and some people were the disqualified in the quarterfinals (Speed Skating, 2002)

  4. I'm kind of forced to, but that's irrelevant. I'll eat my vegetables willingly, but salad tastes like a bag of plant waste. And raw celery makes me gag. Ew, celery
  5. It never snows here. I guess that'd sound more astonishing if I didn't live in frickin' Hawaii. That being said, I lied. It snows on the tallest mountain in the state. BUT STILL
  6. I'm not gonna lie, I still think that she sounds a bit like a prepubescent boy. Probably because I drew parallels between Rainbow Dash's voice and the voice of Naruto in the English dub. Yeah, whatever.
  7. "There's always DailyMotion" Yeah, that's how I've been watching it since forever ago. Hopefully they don't go down the YouTube route and remove everything pony.
  8. Ayyy let's see me try to make a decent RP that doesn't dissolve before it even starts

  9. I had one, once upon a time. One day, I grew so frustrated that I took a screwdriver to it and rearranged the cubes. Yeah, I swear, I didn't cheat.
  10. I don't dislike otakus, but I can't stand weeaboos. There's a fine line between liking something a lot and going too far. I watch anime and have friends who do as well, but weeaboos just annoy the hell out of me.
  11. I used to play the trombone and ukulele. Now I can't play the ukulele but I can still play the trombone.
  12. Sunday was a good day for skin cancer

  13. Invisibility. How awesome would it be to be able to get away with almost anything?
  14. Screw mosquitoes and gnats. On top of that, your hands smell terrible when you smash them.
  15. Time to try to not sit crying in a corner this time

  16. Wearing my pony shirt to school and looking all smug
  17. Like Webkinz or Neopets?
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