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Everything posted by Forlong

  1. Um...okay... Sounds a lot like me. I personally think my nose is too big, but that might just be me. To bad God decided to be smart and put a whole ocean right there! http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LNjKf-c5Sg
  2. Okay, in episode 24 of season 2, Pinkie didn't invite Big Mac to come with her to the competition. What the Hell!? He was the one that carried the cake all the way from Sugar Cube Corner to the train station! What, was it an all girl club? Were they afraid of catching his cooties? Honestly, wouldn't he have improved the atmosphere of the episode? While Pinkie was describing how amazing all the deserts were, he would say "eeyup". Comedy gold, people!
  3. I thought of another one. When people claim that the PS2 sold well because of DVDs. Just the opposite is true.
  4. I asked him what he thought of this thread. Here is his reaction: More or less...
  5. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=umDr0mPuyQc On topic: The Dark Knight, The Ten Commandments (pack a lunch before you see it, though), Citizen Kane (how did this thread last three posts without this being called out?), Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, and Ben-Her to name a few that haven't been brought up.
  6. You can get the Metroid Prime series dirt cheap now, thanks to the port on the Wii.
  7. Both. I buy used games when money is tight or I can't find them new. Oh, I also now buy Sony and Capcom games used in protest of their insane stupidity. So why isn't "both" an option in the polls?
  8. Maybe the next episode of Friendship is Magic will give you guys tips. In all seriousness, congratulations. To you Derp, you Shank, and both your significant others.
  9. It took years of applying electrode-shock therapy for Mr. Cake to get to be that restrained.
  10. 2012 NOTHING LIKE THE OTHER 48 TIMES WE PREDICTED ARMAGEDDON! This time, we mean it. Seriously, I know that the world won't end this year because of all this silly predictions. God will just make this a safe year to mess with those bozos.
  11. Some of the titles that stand out in my mind: Super Mario World The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Tetris Attack Donkey Kong Country
  12. Every time this came on, I seriously wanted to murder something!
  13. Everyone is their own worst critic... Looks like someone doesn't know much about breast augmentation. B cups are actually the average (44%), so you prefer above average mass. C cups are more common than A cups (28% against 15%), but that might be due to augmentation. D cups round out at 10%, 2% are smaller than A cups. Only 1% are bigger than D cups. Granted, that is probably 25 million women, so in the more developed countries you'd see way to much of that nonsense.
  14. I just came up with an alternative theory. Maybe your boobs are just that amazing.
  15. Couldn't find a thread on this with the search engine, so here it is. The idea is simple, post links or embed videos that are reviews of this show. Episode by episode or reviews of the whole show. I'll start with this one that is particularly funny:
  16. I noticed a lot of bronies on another forum and didn't think much of it. On day, I made a post with a joke that I wanted to supplement with a rimshot. I looked on YouTube for one and found the Pinkie Pie rimshot. I thought that would get a laugh from the bronies, so why not? Once I was done with that clip, however, the related videos were calling me. I found them surprisingly funny and then decided to give the show a chance.
  17. I haven't told them. Not because I'm ashamed or anything, I just don't see any need to.
  18. Its going to suck. I knew that the second Bay was on board. If your not convinced, this should do it: Bay decided to change the backstory, so now the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are ALIENS! http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNsrK6P9QvI
  19. Mine is on a bit of a hot topic, so don't say I didn't warn you.
  20. Of course, some might just say they're gay to see how people react; but I'm just speculating.
  21. Turn your head and cough. Anyway, boys go through puberty between the ages of 10 and 14, so he's just at the start of it. Some people start early, some start late. No one has really pinned down the factors in accelerating puberty (not that its the high priority to test). On the other hand, puberty isn't actually a factor in his statement. The point of puberty is to attract a mate. The body works to show how viable it is for reproduction. It actually has little to do with what attracts you toward a person. It does bring sexual desire into the mix at the end, but that's not vital to developing interest. I'd say that he has a preference for boobs that has nothing to do with sex. My preference for boobs, however...
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