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Everything posted by Whiteshade

  1. Quite right. Also no one got the reference... meeeeeh
  2. Riven and Leona were both trolling hard. Despite trolling, they were fucking amazing, albeit Leona dropped significantly by late game (she was 6/1/something at midgame). Also I never considered qss, its an odd item I never tend to build. It seems to be a good item though for ww ult. Also how to raise cs? I see the pros getting 300s and even 400s, yet im farming as hard as I can and only have 223 at 40 mins. Mind you that's still 56 cs per 10 minutes, so me playing adc is still viable, but its not great either. Also I ulted top lane at one point for no reason and at a bad angle, but that 3 cs was totally worth it.
  3. I once ate a glowstick when I was young... I was puking and coughing and crying for like 3 hours straight. Good times, good times.
  4. Le sewage de la raw. Dat plumber, fuck him.

    1. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      You're speakin' in fancy.

    2. Whiteshade
    3. None42069


      No thanks, White. Seems unsanitary.

  5. Hmm Ez is free this week, I wonder... Hmm my first game with Ez (well if you con't count a coop vs ai a couple months ago). Basically... Good damage output, I'd say use his ult first to initiate, since you instantly get max passive stacks, then e in and proceed to ace. He's totally weak vs hard cc though, WW's minute long suppress combined with that Riven and/or Sona... game was almost thrown since after that my team does no damage, and we got aced 3-4 times like that. Gotta be careful vs ww, renek and the likes. Also if you miss a lot I can forsee some laning trouble, but that's not a problem with me personally. Also Soraka and Sona best supports, nunu poked a little but was mostly repelled back during most of laning, so meh. Ali, Taric, Leona also work, but I generally don't go for aggressive playstyles out of preference. Also bonus, an interesting philosophical debate among academia: (politically incorrect)
  6. I run up the rails on the stairsskip 1 step, because ninjalazy. Also random fact: I have never fallen down stairs. I've lost my footing several times, but always recovered. The worst I've ever got stairwise was a sprained ankle, and I had to one foot hop down the rest of the stairs.
  7. Do not be sad. To quote an ancient Chinese proverb: "Oh, say! can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming; Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there: Oh, say! does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!"
  8. After 168 years, we finally say a sad but very proud farewell to our 7.5m loyal readers. Teatime Tirades, the world's greatest blog 1843-2011 2012. Our parent company is pissed, so they ragequit like the noobs they are. Also any allegations of corruption, negligence, and wrongdoing is unjustified and fabricated slander, and will be dealt with per the legal system. How did we fail? Quite simply we lost our way. We praised high standards, we demanded high standards but, as we are now only too painfully aware, for a period of a few years up to 2006 2012 some who worked for us, or in our name, fell shamefully short of those standards. There is no justification for this appalling wrongdoing. No justification for the pain caused to victims, nor for the deep stain it has left on a great history. Yet when this outrage has been atoned, we hope history will eventually judge us on all our years. I want to pay tribute to this wonderful team of people here who after a really difficult day have produced a brilliantly professional blog. As I said to the staff this morning, this is not where we wanted to be or where we deserve to be. But as a final tribute to 7.5 million readers, this is for you and for the staff. Thank you. I'm rendering this blog inactive until the next time I happen to post in it. Good day, ~Whiteshade, Chief Executive Officer of Whiteshade LLC Media Cabal
  9. I do apologize for any physical pain inflicted. Clearly you are more masculine than I am, as I would never attempt drinking vodka through my nose. Well played. Also that was a pretty fast response, albeit a fast response was what I predicted.
  11. I do not fear Germans, so no Sanitation is important, but I don't think I would be paranoid about it, so no. Washing your hands once after exposure to germs is probably enough.
  12. The KGB is a world renowned gay den, that's what Rob Anders told me. Also I don't find sitting positions to be of relevance to anything really. Hell, you can even stand if you want, albeit it might be a tad unorthodox to do that in class. Also of relevance, my keyboard is qwerty type and I am eating carrots right now. As you can see, I am not masculine at all based on these factors.
  13. I'm rewatching Ao No Exorcist at the moment. Damn is it good. Basically, all you need to know for that anime is: Mephisto Pheles. Win.
  14. I play teemo as an adc. Me: adc P1: who are you adc as? Me: teemo P2: omfg P1: wtf troll P3: gg we lose, report P4: fuck me I get 6/4/1, only guy positive, me and sona only ones dying less than 7 times, gets reported for feeding. Too legit to quit. Albeit I did make a bad pick in choosing him vs ez taric, probably not gonna do that again. Also shameless advertising: http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/2179893/ Considering I got 4 honor for teamwork and 2 honorable opponent in this game, and that according to lolking my weekly stats with Soraka is 11W 0L, I think I can safely declare her to be broken. Bananas too stronk. http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/2179891/ My first as Nidalee. I'm positive my build is a fail, so I need advice and stuff. The spears are easier than they seem though, pretty similar to the mechanics of TF's q (but with 900 damage on amumu lol). Also I find she sucks at teamfights after the pre-engage poking phase, wut do?
  15. I used to, but then I took a skyrim meme to the... well you know. A few reasons as to why I stopped. 1. Lazy 2. My responses consisted of set message x and a personal remark of some sort. It got to the point where I had trouble making all the personal remarks unique 3. 100chars 4. I was an idiot and never had the welcome vid link, so I had to search manually every time, see note 1. Also I did some digging My welcome thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/12750-bonjour-mes-amis/ I should make another one, because I don't like that one. None of the members who welcomed me are mods, and I feel that the staff should make a greater effort to communicate with the community, rather than stay within their isolated elite bubble of corrupt... eliteness. Politicize all the things!
  16. Meanwhile in solo queue... Also adc noc... not bad actually, that passive basically heals him every time he last hits, and that adds up over time. Also ali would headbutt noc whenever he has spellshield on, but run whenever noc chases. Seems legit.
  17. Riot you fail so hard

  18. Lawl. I think its an accurate representation yes. I find the red in the background to be a little off though, and that the hair on the arms are understated. I am clearly a professional art critic so you should take me points at face value. Good day.
  19. http://www.leaguerep.../match/2132219/ http://www.leaguerep.../match/2132206/ When I play adc, I give up first blood, because that's how I roll. Seriously though, I get bullied so hard in bot lane ;_; Somehow it all works out though, I have a huge win streak right now, I think all my history or all cept the very last one are wins. Also Ashe ult wins games.
  20. I'd be fancy, yet too simple. So no, that and that fact that most of my functions are inhibited and that I become a less independent species.
  21. Father, I have sinned.

    1. Rudehamster


      we all have... SON!!??!

  22. I'm not too fussy as a customer, if they mess up my order or something, I would just go back and inform the staff. If for some reason the staff was hostile to me then I would just leave, and if they were really so then there's always "self-defense". That's not to say there's no places that I'm not fond of, I have several restaurants that I hate, but I always respect the waiters and pay tips, just never go back lol. 2/10
  23. I still remember my conversation with Feld0, twas a great experience. Truly truly insightful. I now apply his wisdom to my everyday activity.
  24. Happy Text Wall Day Birthday MLP forums! Everything that I will attempt to say or even think will no doubt or has already been repeated ad nauseaum, but I do want to reiterate two points. 1. This community has been nothing short of fantastic since I joined, always has been, and I expect that it will continue on far into the future. 2. A thank you to Feld0 for point 1. You have my thanks/endorsement/cookie/daughter.
  25. 10/10 A true masterpiece!
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