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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by redaxted

  1. Guardians Of The Galaxy Space avengers try to sell a stone, but then find out that it's actually pretty dangerous and the magic of friendship ensues.
  2. Thunderclan camp, midday. Kitestar saw the patrol off with a flick of her tail and then headed back over to her mate beside their den. She scanned the camp, looking for that rogue again and wondering if he had already taken his leave in secret. After all, he hadn't seemed to much appreciate the company of the Thunderclan cats, it would seem. Windclan territory, midday. @@The Cerberus, @@P-Jay Featherfur hissed again at the mystery cat. He kept on glancing over at Flameheart, and was now aware that a Thunderclan patrol would probably also be beginning to head out, too. 'And Thunderclan are a curious bunch,' he thought. 'They'll likely be quite inquisitive and eager to find out what happened... Like they haven't already guessed.'
  3. Stranded Alien man clone is on the moon, and apparently alcohol is allowed in space in endless quantities.
  4. Hi everyone! How are we all doing today?

  5. Cyan Flare is hardly a party-goer, tending to avoid such events unless she feels obligated to attend (or if a free buffet is promised... maybe). The typical crowds are what get to her, really, so she usually spends the majority of the time sitting away from the dance floor, quietly thinking and enjoying the music or observing the ponies who dare to dance.
  6. Oh my goodness! First of all, I am so sorry for not checking in on this shop in so long, hence my late reply... and, of course, this is amazing, thank you so much! Your art is awesome.
  7. Goodnight everyone. :)

  8. Hello everybody, how are we all doing today? :)

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Johnny1226


      Good day wolves

    3. redaxted


      Thanks everyone! And hi Johnny1226. :)

    4. SolarFlare13


      Hiyee Wolvesy ^_^ *hugs* <3

      How are you doing today? :3

  9. Helloooo everyone! How are we all today? :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Unicorncob


      Not bad, yourself? :3

    3. redaxted


      Good to hear, I'm alright thank you. :)

    4. Unicorncob
  10. @@Blitz Boom, "Wow, that sounds pretty crazy," Cyan Flare said after hearing Happy's story. "Good to hear you're doing better for it now in a way, though... I s'pose." She flashed a small smile. "No, no - it is no issue whatsoever, Happy," Golden Spell said in reply to their companion's concerns. "At the end of the day, what else is available for us to do but delve into a conversation?" Cyan agreed reluctantly, with a sharp sigh and a glance back at Ponyville again.
  11. Hey everybody! How are we all today? :)

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Unicorncob


      Not too bad, yourself? :3

    3. redaxted


      Good to hear, you two! I have a little bit of a headache actually :P but I'm good :3

    4. Unicorncob


      Stay hydrated, that'll help :P

  12. Lane Boy by twenty one pilots. Catchy (obviously, I guess... had it stuck in my head all day ), and a great song with an interesting message if you listen well to the lyrics.
  13. I've never tried it, but probably yum! Chocolate brownies?
  14. redaxted

    request shop Free pony doodles

    Thank you! This is great and so cute. Yay!
  15. redaxted

    request shop Free pony doodles

    Would you mind drawing Cyan Flare, who can be found on my profile page, for me? That would be amazing.
  16. Never tried eel, but I tend not to like those kind of foods. So I'll say 'yuck'. Sweet and salted popcorn?
  17. My phone and a cup of tea. In fact, I better move the cup away from the phone a little... electronic devices and tea don't mix.
  18. Might just make some edits or maybe an MV today... Try and get something done that people aside from myself will care about for once, I guess. XD Anyway, helloooo! And how are we all doing today?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      Hi! good thanks(: What about you?

    3. redaxted


      Good to hear. I'm alright too, thank you. :)

    4. Catpone Cerberus
  19. redaxted

    request shop splashie oc requests

    This is great, thank you so much! Looks great. Thanks again!
  20. Oh my goodness... I did so many silly things when I was younger! I think the best (from when I was around five, I think) included: Jumping off of my bed, after having a dream about being able to fly, and ending up with pretty bad carpet burn on my knees and arms. Trying to fly again, this time wearing the cape of my Halloween costume and dramatically leaping from a computer desk. That didn't end too well, either. Trying to climb up a smooth, vertical wall, convinced I could teach myself to be Spider-Man. Those are some of the strangest, I think. There are likely more, but they're are the ones I remember.
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