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Everything posted by redaxted

  1. Been working on some MEP parts today. I think it's gone pretty well. :) What has everyone else been up to? :P

  2. Hey everyone, how are we all today? :)

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    2. redaxted


      Thanks, hope you get well soon Flutterstep :(

      HI SolarFlare. *Hug* Nah, nothing at all really. Just listening to music, as usual, haha. You? :P

    3. SolarFlare13


      I'm doing good!!! ^_^ <3

      My birthday is coming up real shortly and I'm gonna be seeing the Movie "The Secret Life Of Pets" :P <3

    4. redaxted


      Nice to hear, happy birthday for then! :)

  3. @@Blitz Boom, The siblings soon caught up to Happy, out of breath by the time they reached the safety of the forest. Golden Spell did not hesitate to reply when offered a drink. "Yes, yes please. That was a rather tiring run," he said, reaching out a hoof to take the cider. This sort of drink had never been to his taste, but, presently, that appeared to be the last thing on his mind. Meanwhile, Cyan Flare was flying slowly and silently up above the tree canopy to observe as many ponies fled Ponyville in fear. She expected that a good deal of them may end up here, in fact. 'I just hope they'll all be okay... Maybe one of the princesses could help? Or anypony with powerful magic, and great skill...' the pegasus thought, her worry so intense that she felt physically sick.
  4. I watched the The Maze Runner, and rather enjoyed it. I've never read the books, so I am unsure of whether or not it is completely accurate, but I liked the movie a lot - far more than I was expecting to, seeing as I have a tendency to vaguely dislike dystopian book trilogies turned to movie trilogies. They all have such a similar tone and the like, but I did feel like there was something I preferred about The Maze Runner.
  5. The planets align and form a new universe unexplored by humans and ruled by Princess Pinkie Pie. Those boots with that shirt?
  6. My favorite is cotton candy. Favorite alternative band/artist?
  7. Yeah, it very likely wouldn't the best of ideas. Adorable, but problematic, especially if one wouldn't be willing to dedicate a massive deal of their time to ensuring the fox was still happy and cared for well away from the wild. Best just let them live where they belong under most circumstances!
  8. @@Blitz Boom, Cyan Flare and Golden Spell didn't hesitate to agree with Happy's decision, both of them having very nearly forgotten the slight faltering of his changeling disguise earlier. Besides, he wasn't causing them any trouble at all, presently - and the demon was far more of a problem. Golden kept his stare once again locked onto the creature, fear glinting in his green gaze as he used his magic to pick up and throw a nearby rock in attempt to possibly divert its attention away from him, his new friend, and Cyan. Hurriedly, he took shelter behind a wall again to try and hide who had hurled the object, then followed Happy and Cyan Flare as the two made their way towards the forest on the outskirts of Ponyville.
  9. Moontail watched the fight play out before her wide, fearful eyes, quietly wishing there was something she could do to help. She was a vicious and ill-tempered cat, but having been a medicine cat apprentice since she was just seven moons old she had never learned all that much about combat. A Windclan apprentice had obviously noticed her, and was bounding towards the medicine cat with eyes narrowed and teeth bared in a hostile growl. She lashed out with her right paw, catching the younger cat on the side of his face, causing him to stumble and fall. Hissing at the opposing clan cat, who evidently had not been anticipating her surprisingly accurate strike, Moontail backed away from her den a little and thanked Starclan when every cat seemed to go back to battling in the center of the camp. Looking around wildly, she scanned the brawling warriors for any injuries until she swore she spotted a familiar figure down by the river, and a Thunderclan patrol across the lake. Her attention was soon diverted back to her fellow warriors, however. Featherfur saw his clanmate dashing away from the battle - 'coward' - after his short fight with Flameheart, and Featherfur knew he up against a tough opponent. Once again, though, the Windclan deputy's concerned expression caught his eye, and Silverstar was still nowhere to be found. Was she okay? He suddenly found himself no longer advancing towards Flameheart to attack again as slight confusion as to why his deputy looked tired and worried all of a sudden invaded his mind.
  10. Featherfur suddenly felt Flameheart release his neck from her grip, stumbling to his paws as her weight was lifted from him by another Windclan warrior. He watched as his clanmate fought with the Riverclan she-cat, whipping his tail from left to right and spotting Lavenderpaw launching an attack on an opposing apprentice out of the corner of his eye. He glanced around, still wincing as his neck dripped with glistening fresh blood, searching for his leader and failing to find her. The deputy was yelling something which he couldn't quite make out above the din of the battle; Featherfur returned his focus to Flameheart.
  11. Featherfur lashed his tail as Flameheart stayed put, grimacing as the pain surging through the back of his neck increased. He needed to think, and fast - the Riverclan warrior was nimble, and obviously smart considering how she managed to fool him. Taking a second to curse his own obliviousness, Featherfur tried again to attack Flameheart but then collapsed and fell to the floor. A thin plume of dust surrounded him for a second, as he opened his narrowed eyes to glare around the Riverclan camp.He wondered whether this would work or not, and if it didn't it might just buy him a little time to get to his paws again.
  12. Featherfur flinched as the opposing warrior leaped, not turning around in time to block her sudden attacks from behind. As he finally was able to face Flameheart again, he felt teeth sink into the back of his neck. He hissed with a potent fury and lashed out with his left paw to try and strike Flameheart, wincing as intense pain ensued.
  13. The legendary trio (Cobalion, Terrakion and Virizion) music from Pokemon Black and White/Black and White 2 is one of my favorite battle themes from any game. It's so dynamic and awesome, really can get your heart pounding... Until you either catch or knock out the Pokemon with relative ease. The Elite Four battle theme from the same game is a great one, too. I also love Zinnia's battle music from Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. I've always been a fan of those sort of orchestral pieces lead by string instruments. And how could I forget Megalovania, Spider Dance, and Hopes And Dreams from Undertale. They're amazing, and each fit their battles perfectly. Hopes And Dreams is even so wonderful that it sometimes makes me emotional remembering the epic (and very nearly tear-jerking) final battle of the game.
  14. Quite a lot, I think... Over a hundred, at least. I often end up not watching them, however, and usually I do not feel like making any effort whatsoever to delete all of them. It is a very handy playlist though, especially when I'm stumped as to what to watch or have to go somewhere before the end of the video.
  15. Captain America: Civil War was a pretty great film, but, after an awesome final fight, the movie ended on an anti-climax. I think one of my favorite movie endings has to be that of How To Train Your Dragon: a sort of predictable way to bring the movie to a stop, but it worked well and was nice.
  16. I love foxes! They're adorable and extremely cool animals. I love spotting them roaming around (which happens rarely), and my favourite kind of fox I'd say has to be the fennec. I mean... they're so cute! And you can keep them as pets, it would seem... I'd love to, but I'd certainly ensure I had an awful lot of space (and plenty of money). I imagine that a lot of pet fennec foxes might get unhappy.
  17. Just a simple glass of water - I always find it to be the most refreshing. I prefer it over most drinks, really.
  18. Walking down a staircase to go and get my chocolate cereal! It was nice. The cereal, not the staircase.
  19. 8/10 I think, I see your posts quite often.
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