Moontail watched the fight play out before her wide, fearful eyes, quietly wishing there was something she could do to help. She was a vicious and ill-tempered cat, but having been a medicine cat apprentice since she was just seven moons old she had never learned all that much about combat. A Windclan apprentice had obviously noticed her, and was bounding towards the medicine cat with eyes narrowed and teeth bared in a hostile growl. She lashed out with her right paw, catching the younger cat on the side of his face, causing him to stumble and fall. Hissing at the opposing clan cat, who evidently had not been anticipating her surprisingly accurate strike, Moontail backed away from her den a little and thanked Starclan when every cat seemed to go back to battling in the center of the camp. Looking around wildly, she scanned the brawling warriors for any injuries until she swore she spotted a familiar figure down by the river, and a Thunderclan patrol across the lake. Her attention was soon diverted back to her fellow warriors, however.
Featherfur saw his clanmate dashing away from the battle - 'coward' - after his short fight with Flameheart, and Featherfur knew he up against a tough opponent. Once again, though, the Windclan deputy's concerned expression caught his eye, and Silverstar was still nowhere to be found. Was she okay? He suddenly found himself no longer advancing towards Flameheart to attack again as slight confusion as to why his deputy looked tired and worried all of a sudden invaded his mind.