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Ezio Auditore

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Everything posted by Ezio Auditore

  1. I really enjoy seeing two people who genuinely love each other. It's a very beautiful thing regardless of their age. However when someone finds someone that they "love" every single week, it begins to trivialize love, it reduces the concept of love to nothing, and it's very unfortunate.
  2. Hey everyone, I just wanted to shamelessly promote tell you about the new fic I just released. It was inspired by an episode of Frasier, and deals with the theme of happiness, if you read it, I hope you enjoy it https://www.fimfiction.net/story/191901/are-you-happy
  3. I released my new fic yesterday, thought I'd share it here =) https://www.fimfiction.net/story/191901/are-you-happy

  4. Meghan has a long history of trolling her fans on Twitter. They wouldn't remove Applejack.
  5. Peanut butter is wonderful

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ezio Auditore

      Ezio Auditore

      Dutch chocolate is so damn good, as is German and Swiss. Why do you guys have this amazing chocolate monopoly over there?

    3. CadetGrey


      I agree that our chocolate is awesome. The Belgians have GREAT chocolate as well. :D

    4. Ezio Auditore

      Ezio Auditore

      I have yet to try Belgian chocolate. I need a foreign chocolate list...

  6. Just read a Reddit thread about peoples pets dying. Am currently blubbering like an idiot.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AmaraEveinson


      It's not happening yet! In fact, she's sleeping next to me on my bed right now. We are still debating when we should do it.

    3. Ezio Auditore

      Ezio Auditore

      Ah I see, well until then spoil your furry friend =)

    4. AmaraEveinson


      Already doing that! ; )

  7. I don't really see why you need to tell him quite honestly, I'm sure you've watched other shows, did you ever have to confess to liking them? But if you truly feel strong about it, just be upfront about it, be blunt.
  8. The writing juices are flowing

    1. CadetGrey


      Good, good! Let the inspiration flow through you...

    2. Ezio Auditore
  9. Setting an alarm is how we ruin days that haven't even started yet.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CadetGrey


      Why are we all bound by the chains of time if time is just an illusion?

    3. Ezio Auditore

      Ezio Auditore

      "Man alone measures time. Man alone chimes the hour. And, because of this, man alone suffers a paralyzing fear that no other creature endures. A fear of time running out.” ~Mitch Albom

    4. CadetGrey
  10. I must respectfully disagree. Of course if something is blatantly offensive toward a religion it should be taken down but as for debating, etc. I think it's good. For starters the debates on this site are fairly tame, and rarely get out of hand. Secondly I think it is very important for people to discuss/debate religious matters. It deals with some of the biggest questions in life. Who are we? Why are we here? What is good and bad? Is there an afterlife? I think that these are questions people need to seriously think about, and I say this as a person who often gets involved in religious debates here and in other places, they're healthy. They benefit people by encouraging them to think.
  11. I’m planning to adopt a dog soon, it wasn't my first choice but my doctor told me I can’t have any biologically.

  12. I wouldn't really blame MS. The head of Crystal Dynamics, which is making Tomb Raider said; "This doesn’t mean that we’re walking away from our fans who only play on PlayStation or on PC. Those are great systems, with great partners, and amazing communities. We have Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris coming to those platforms this December, and Tomb Raider: The Definitive Edition is available on PS4." Which is a bunch of BS because he totally is. Darrell Gallagher (head of Crystal Dynamics) wants this game only on the Xbone because he knows that when a game is exclusive the company it's exclusive to works their ass off to market it super hard. Crystal Dynamics will probably make more money this way, by saving money on marketing, and that seems to be all they care about anyway.
  13. If I hit myself and it hurts me, am I strong or weak?

    1. CadetGrey


      How about foolish? xD

    2. Ezio Auditore

      Ezio Auditore

      That is actually a great answer

    3. CadetGrey


      First thing that came to mind. Thank you! :P

  14. "The problem is, God gave man a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time." ~Robin Williams

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ezio Auditore
    3. GuardianFenix


      A genius and an inspiration...

    4. Khaoios


      A genius, Robin was......he'll be truly missed, :(

  15. Willful waste makes woeful want.

    1. GuardianFenix


      Truer words were never spoken, friend.

  16. Man alone measures time.

  17. Welcome to the forums, I hope you have an awesome time here
  18. May your joys be as deep as the oceans, Your troubles as light as its foam. And may you find, sweet peace of mind, Wherever you may roam.

  19. I'll throw some pony ones in here from my favorite, Night Breeze https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsTBrttn3nvYEm0el2xPBlQ?&channel=NightBreeze13
  20. Because it seemed kind of weird to outcast her. It wouldn't be very friendly, and Friendship is Magic.
  21. Welcome to the forums Glitterdot, I hope you enjoy it
  22. Welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy it here
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