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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. Good morning, all you ponies,

    I hope you all slept great!

    I’m heading off to class, 

    And I’d better not be late! :) 


    Only a few days left until season 8. All aboard the hype train! ;) 

    Good morning! :D 

  2. Welcome to the forums! I must say, your profile picture is UNACCEPTABLEEEEEEEE! (Haven’t watched adventure time in years, but it’s a really good show ) Have fun meeting new ponies!
  3. Tonight was band rehearsal,

    And do you know what I hate?

    When one of the band members

    Simply doesn’t pull their weight! 


    When you have three weeks to learn the song, you should really have it down. Yet this guy doesn’t know any of it. :dry: 

    He’d better learn it soon! :P 


    Goodnight, everypony! :) 


    1. Johnny1226


      Good night nosotrose 

    2. Tacodidra


      Good night! :D

    3. Wannabrony


      Hopefully, that guy in your band gets his part together soon and doesn't drag the rest down! Goodnight and sleep well, Rhythm Red!  :)

  4. Welcome to the forums! Have fun meeting new ponies!
  5. Look at your brohoof count. Guess I had good timing. ;) 


    1. Nightfall Gloam

      Nightfall Gloam

      Wow, very lucky indeed. Guess I'm luck too for getting that many brohoofs. 

  6. It’s winter wrap up! Being one of my favorite songs in the series (and the one that brought me into the fandom), I felt like I should play a little of it on guitar for you all to enjoy. Unfortunately, my father is on a call, so I had to keep it quiet and reduce the distortion by quite a bit. Plus, it’s recorded on my phone. :dry: Think there’s a squeaky note in there somewhere, too. 


    Anyway, enjoy! :D 


    Aaaaand the link wasn't even working. Oof. Guess I just wasted 30 minutes on nothing. :adorkable:

  7. I have to drive to school now,

    I’m running kinda late!

    I’m very, very, sorry

    That this poem won’t be great!


    Good morning! :) 

  8. I’m not a sondash fan, but I just wanted to come in to say that this post probably shouldn’t be in the welcoming plaza. This section is really just for introducing yourself. An admin will probably move it to sugarcube corner soon.
  9. Welcome to the forums! Feel free to share some of your work sometime! Have fun making new friends!
  10. I just came to a realization

    I’m a pony who writes poems, you see!

    I guess if you truly wanted to,

    You could consider me a POE-ny! :P 

    *ba dum tss!*

    *cricket noises*


    I don’t have much to say. Goodnight, everypony! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shrug


      Have a great night. 

      And LOL at that pun!!! :P 

    3. Johnny1226


      Good night nosotrose 

    4. Wannabrony


      That joke cracked me up, it was great. :D Goodnight and sleep well! :catface: 

  11. I don’t have a crush, so afraid I can’t answer. Same?
  12. Why do people keep saying the fandom is ‘dying’? :confused: Sure doesn’t seem like it to me. I can’t get on a TF2 game and NOT see at least two bronies. :lol:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Tacodidra I feel you. I grew up around bronies, but the thought hadn’t occurred to me to watch the show until last year. I actually get nostalgic listening to old pony music, despite not actually being in the fandom then. 

      Your comment on fan content is very true. I come across a lot of very high quality pony videos and songs that just don’t get the attention they deserve. :( 

    3. Tacodidra


      What you said applies almost word for word to me! :D I didn't know any bronies and still don't (offline) but otherwise it's exactly the same situation for me. I first heard about the show back in 2011 or 2012 but I didn't watch an episode until May last year. I never had anything against MLP or bronies, but I thought the show wouldn't be my cup of tea (or bucket of oats ;)). And yes, some videos get way too little attention. For example, Crusader is one of my favorite brony musicians, and most of his songs have just a few thousand plays (if even that).

      And this is beside the point but still posting it: I think you gave me my 1000th brohoof. Thanks! :D And of course to everyone else as well who has liked my ramblings. :P

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Tacodidra A lot of people have told me that they like Crusader, I’ll have to give his music a listen. ;) 

      And congrats on 1000 brohooves! :D

  13. How hyped am I? Let’s see... On a scale of 1 to 10... 11!
  14. Welcome to the forums! You got here just in time, season 8 is gonna be awesome! Have fun meeting new ponies!
  15. I do think there are too many characters. That’s why I don’t like that they’re adding the student group. I think we should focus more on fleshing out some of our current characters, rather than adding new ones that I consider to be fairly uninteresting. Just my opinion, though!
  16. I didn’t sleep well last night

    So unfortunately I’m still pretty beat

    But today should be easy, that’s right!

    So I guess I’ll get something to eat


    Forgot to mention, but my spring break apparently doesn’t start until next weekend. That means I have two more weeks until break. Ugh. :dry:

    At least I have something to look forward to. Good morning, ponies! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wannabrony


      Good morning! I'm sorry to hear that, I hope that these 2 weeks can go by sooner. :) Good luck at school today, I'll see you later!

    3. Johnny1226


      Good morning nosotrose 

    4. Tacodidra


      Good morning! :grin:

  17. I already consider it to be one of the best cartoons of all time in my eyes. Though many may disagree. I sometimes forget that it’s a show for little girls to be honest with you. And no, the commercials don’t change the way I view the show.
  18. We won the game!

    And boy, I’m sore!

    So I’m off to bed

    Hopefully I won’t snore! :rarity:


    Hey, at least I don’t snore like either of my grandfathers. Sometimes they keep the whole house awake with their snoring! :lol:


    Goodnight, everypony! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wannabrony


      Congratulations Rhythm Red! :yay: I hope they weren't as reckless and bothersome and last time though. :huh: Goodnight Rhythm Red and get some good rest, you deserve after that game. Sleep well! :) 

    3. Tacodidra


      Congratulations! B) And good night! :D

    4. Johnny1226


      Good night nosotrose 

  19. I’m not trying to be rude here. I just want to give my honest opinion. People can post whatever they want. If they want to post soarindash pictures, then they can do it. There isn’t anything wrong with that. Please don’t get upset over others posting pictures of their ships.
  20. I’m torn! I’d love to admit I’m a brony on instagram, because I’m tired of hiding it from people, but none of my brony friends use it. Without any support, I’d probably just get loads of hate. So I dunno what to do. :okiedokieloki:

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Forest


      aww i'm sorry! i feel like you should be able to be talk about the things you love (especially to your friends) but since i'm not in your position i can't tell you the best thing to do. my advice would be to embrace the things you love and don't let anyone make you feel bad about it.

    3. Wannabrony


      Though most of my friends and family don't have a problem with it, there are some people who just won't get off my nerves about it. (Most notably one of my "better" friends) I have yet to meet a person that just hates me only for being a brony and nothing else though. If it makes you feel better you can turn on the option on Instagram where you have to accept the following requests before anyone can actually follow you. :) 

    4. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      @Tacodidra Unfortunately that’s not possible. :adorkable: Though you can share stories with individual people (which is kinda like texting pictures). That’s not the same, though. 

      @Misscellanio You’re right. If they don’t want to be friends with me because I like a show, then I don’t want to be theirs. That’s solid advice, man. :D

      @forest Also good advice. I really hate having to hide things I enjoy from people, but sometimes I feel like I’m in a position where I can’t let them know. :( 

      @They Yeah, I’m the same way, most of my friends in real life who know poke fun at it, but they don’t judge me because of it. It’s really just my closest friends who know. And unfortunately they don’t use Instagram.

      And yes, my account is private, so I have to accept peoples’ requests in order for them to see my posts. ;) 


      Thanks for all the advice guys, it means a lot. :) 

  21. Looks like you’re new here! Welcome to the forums! :D 

    1. Forest


      yup, i'm new to the forums and the show lol! thank you for the welcome!

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