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Everything posted by EpicEnergy

  1. I'm on this planet called Earth, yeah it's not really that good to be honest would rate it 6/10. I prefer gas giants like Jupiter, its storms are awesome! That's a 9/10 planet! Edit: ok I thought about it and I guess Earth is a fairly good planet as well, so updated rating to 8.5/10.
  2. I really need to update my profile "about me" section, it seems very outdated lol. Maybe I'll work on it sometime or another.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Same here, my friend. Same here. I really need to do some updating and redecorating.

  3. I don't have any, never did as far as I know of. Is that weird that I didn't have any? I mean it's not really my thing, though I think posters are very cool!
  4. Both! Scaled reptiles are cool and floofy animals are cute!
  5. Thanks for following me! :grin:

    1. Clawdeen


      Thank you for following me!

    2. EpicEnergy


      You're welcome, and I hope you have a good day today!

    3. Clawdeen


      I hope you have a good day as well!

  6. Thanks for following me, I appreciate it! :eager:

    1. Hadrien


      Hey, no problem. Always glad to meet new people and see what they're doing :mlp_smug:

  7. I don't know when this happened, but the MLP Forums background changed and it look cool! :kirin:

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine


      I know, right? Surprised they can still change it! I thought the BG would be stuck the same thing forever. :ButtercupLaugh:

  8. I think I did when I was very young, and it was because I was asleep and rolled out of bed. Like I remember in the dream I was falling too! And then I woke up on the floor XD.
  9. I hate those days, like I've noticed that at my old job when I was doing nothing at work time was super slow, then when I was busy time went by much faster.
  10. I don't know, I feel a mixture of feelings and can't tell what they are? Oh well.
  11. Maybe playing a video game? Not entirely sure, I mean I could still be here on the forums posting away so I don't know yet. Hey you know what helps make the time fly by at work? Music! Turn on some heavy metal or whatever music you like! Unless the place you work at doesn't allow it, it is a safety hazard in certain places.
  12. I hope you all are having a good day so far today! :grin:

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I am! Hope you are too, my amazing friend. :eager:

  13. Honestly there's really no intended meaning behind it, like I was just thinking of good gamer usernames to have and EpicEnergy sounded cool so I used that and decided to keep it.
  14. Happy birthday to such an amazing website! You know I actually remember how I found this place, I was on another pony site called EQD and a user posted a MLP FiM review or something and linked to this website. I was like "hey another pony forums let me check it out!", so I created an account and found out it was a much more active forums than the EQD Forums, so I stayed! And I've enjoyed it here ever since, I've been switching between inactive and active quite often over the years, but yeah I'm still here!
  15. Hi there, I heard you are sick so I just wanted to say that I hope you feel better soon!

    1. Shiny Silvermoon

      Shiny Silvermoon

      @EpicEnergy How many of you are going to post on my profile to tell me to get better? My heart is already melted! Why are you all so caring toward me? I'll cry! Thank yooooooou!!! :scoota-sad:

      *big hug*

    2. EpicEnergy


      You're welcome, I hope you are feeling better!

      *hugs back*

    3. Shiny Silvermoon

      Shiny Silvermoon

      @EpicEnergy I hope that I'm feeling better too! :derp:

  16. I don't really enjoy it, but it's not really bad as long as I don't get a headache from being in the sun. I help my dad mow by using the pushmower to get the spots that are hard to get to with the riding mower (it's not a zero turn). So yep I do the workout mower!
  17. Hmm turns out that Sir Hugsalot did not post next, it was an energy that happens to be epic. I will my supernatural powers and predict with 54.92% accuracy that Nsxile will post next!
  18. Unbanned because of hugs that cannot be resisted, it is impossible! *eagerly waits for someone to unban me from the moon*
  19. A fan must be running for me to sleep, I can fall asleep without one but it's kinda hard and I wake up more often in the middle of the night.
  20. Favorite is probably Christmas, though it really depends each year.
  21. I'm a follower, but not the kind that does literally whatever authority says. I'm definitely not a leader though, I think I'm bad at leading.
  22. Yep I've had plenty of those, some I still have actually.
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