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Everything posted by Cagey

  1. My parents check the news and use my sister’s Facebook account.
  2. Reading, writing, pony stuff, watching YouTube.
  3. When people say “I could care less” instead of “I couldn’t care less” or when they mix up “imply” and “infer”. Those don’t even sound similar.
  4. I don’t blog, here or anywhere else, but it’s on my bucket list to start a real blog one day.
  5. Pop culture, books, memories, and MLP.
  6. I avoid public bathrooms when I can, so luckily I haven’t seen much.
  7. Yuck-ish, but it depends on the type. Orange juice?
  8. Cagey

    mega thread Answer the question above you.

    Plushies of ponies? Three. How much MLP stuff do you own?
  9. What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple? Finding half of one.
  10. I don’t remember. Besides, the line determining what counts as mine is blurry.
  11. I can’t count the times this happened to me in Pokémon or Animal Crossing.
  12. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    @Bas I’m okay, I just get invested in other people too easily. When I notice one person on the forums is struggling, I feel like I have to do something even when I can’t.
  13. Banned because you find soggy weather unappealing
  14. Banned because that’s sad and accurate.
  15. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Don’t panic. Don’t panic. Don’t panic. Someone will help. Someone will say something. The users… users pay attention, they won’t ignore this…
  16. Everyone, can we let @BoopMan know we care about him? I don’t know what qualifies as friendship to him, but I’d like to think this is a start. 

  17. I picked evens, but multiples of five are the best numbers.
  18. I cry a lot. It’s embarrassing and I hate the attention, but I can’t control it. On the bright side, it’s probably a lot healthier than bottling it up.
  19. A group of adults playing high schoolers reenact a Shakespeare play while fighting sexism and being sexist. She’s the Man.
  20. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Why must I get sick for the fourth time since the start of first semester?
  21. Booping @applesjck @Lucky Bolt @Blivy @Deerie @Tacodidra @Cocokoru @Emerald Heart @Misscellanio @Partialgeek514 @Splashee @RaraLover and @TheRockARooster
  22. I sleeptalk sometimes, usually nonsense.
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