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Everything posted by Cagey

  1. I’m on a path, and I can go backwards but I don’t want to—there’s the main path ahead which looks pretty but is barred off with danger signs, and two paths branch off from where I am; one fades away after a few meters, and the other is obscured by fog. My traveling sidekick seems to want me to take the foggy path. I trust my sidekick, but they are Fae and cannot understand the human emotion of fear. What choice do I make? And why has my mind palace taken a turn for the elaborate? I don’t know.
  2. Who’s your favorite pony princess? I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say Cadence until my friend IRL started watching the show a few months ago. I’m genuinely curious if anyone else shares their opinion. :ooh:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. EpicEnergy


      Twilight is my favorite princess! :grin:

    3. Tacodidra


      Mine has always been Twilight. :ticking:

    4. Bastian


      Luna for sure.:orly:

  3. About 4.5 GB. Mostly music and animations with a fanfic or two thrown in. I only created it last year, but I’m going to fill it with more soon.
  4. I’m not much of a steak connoisseur, but I don’t like eating charred food.
  5. I don’t understand the question’s relevance. Do you get jealous easily?
  6. Cagey

    . . .

    @DaMostMagical That’s a great story of how you discovered the show! Welcome to the herd.
  7. Splashee, it was your birthday and I didn’t realize!!! (I’m sorry!)68d.gif

    1. Splashee


      Thank you @Cagey, very much! :rarity:

  8. I should send her a get-well message. But it’s already been over a week! At this point I should’ve sent one to her already, so if I do it now I’ll just seem like I don’t actually care, but I don’t even know what I should say!
  9. It’s cloudy today. I have to pare down my to-do list, but I’d much rather stay inside being lazy and cozy. :mlp_nom:

    How’s your week been so far?

    1. Pandora


      Stressful but oh well, they already send off a storm warning for sunday lol

  10. I’m tired and need to stop putting texting people off till the last minute, because I end up going from days to weeks to months without responding to people and without realizing it’s been so long.
  11. Goodness. Sooooo adorable. I don’t want to lose this.
  12. I love and miss Halloween. Even if I can’t do kids’ activities anymore, I still love the atmosphere.
  13. “The meat? We’re not on the meat yet? We haven’t passed the bread?”
  14. I have two books I want to read before I pick up another fanfiction. Once they’re out of the way, though, I might read Past Sins, since so many people seem to like it. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bastian


      Which books are them?:ooh:

    3. Cagey


      @Bastian One’s a murder mystery by Louise Penny, and the other is a fantasy young adult book that I don’t know anything about called Crier’s War. 

    4. Bastian


      Cool, have fun reading.:)

  15. Almost as much as other music, and I listen to a whole lot of music.
  16. I play ukulele and bass guitar, and I used to play drums when I was a kid.
  17. Your hair is so difficult to draw! :sealed: I left out the extra strands. I hope you like it, though!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cagey


      Of course! :DThank you; it was a little out of my capabilities to draw, so I want to improve and redraw it in the future, but I’m glad you like it!

    3. Splashee


      I loved it! It's in my "About Me" page with your name on it! You did a good job on the others as well! You are a good artist! I want to see you work on an OC yourself ;)

    4. Cagey


      Thank you. :blush:

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