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Everything posted by Cagey

  1. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I want to go to a pone convention this year.
  2. You love, love, love when you know I can’t love you…
  3. Chocolate from a Valentine’s Day box.
  4. I rewatched “Hearts and Hooves Day” and it’s actually a really funny episode. And I forgot how much Sweetie Belle squeaked back then. :D 

    Happy Hearts and Hooves, friends!

    1. EpicEnergy


      Happy Hearts and Hooves Day to you as well! :fluttershy:

  6. “Did you throw it out?!” “No, but at this point it might sprout legs and throw itself out.”
  7. I’d be happy with either pair, but I’m still on the edge of my seat to see which wins.
  8. :derp: (づ。◕w◕。)づ 

    1. Pandora
    2. Cagey


      Okie dokie ^_^ (thanks!!)

  9. Cagey


    Welcome; I hope you stick around!
  10. Sometimes it’s five, sometimes it’s 25… it changes all the time.
  11. Instead of giving people Valentine’s Day cards, we should blast them with Valentine’s confetti cannons. Confetti cannons are less awkward. :)

    1. CypherHoof


      Ah, but you are supposed to give your VD cards anonymously. Bit hard to do with a confetti cannon blast....

    2. DubWolf


      I can’t get a confetti cannon at Target :yuck: .

    3. CypherHoof


      Are you sure? I thought they did the compressed air ones?

  12. Hi @sunsprinkled, welcome to the herd! If you want fanfiction, check out the website Fimfiction, and if you want mlp news, information, and fandom stuff, check out sites like Equestria Daily!
  13. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I’m on a path, and I can go backwards but I don’t want to—there’s the main path ahead which looks pretty but is barred off with danger signs, and two paths branch off from where I am; one fades away after a few meters, and the other is obscured by fog. My traveling sidekick seems to want me to take the foggy path. I trust my sidekick, but they are Fae and cannot understand the human emotion of fear. What choice do I make? And why has my mind palace taken a turn for the elaborate? I don’t know.
  14. Who’s your favorite pony princess? I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say Cadence until my friend IRL started watching the show a few months ago. I’m genuinely curious if anyone else shares their opinion. :ooh:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. EpicEnergy


      Twilight is my favorite princess! :grin:

    3. Tacodidra


      Mine has always been Twilight. :ticking:

    4. Bastian


      Luna for sure.:orly:

  15. About 4.5 GB. Mostly music and animations with a fanfic or two thrown in. I only created it last year, but I’m going to fill it with more soon.
  16. I’m not much of a steak connoisseur, but I don’t like eating charred food.
  17. I don’t understand the question’s relevance. Do you get jealous easily?
  18. Cagey

    . . .

    @DaMostMagical That’s a great story of how you discovered the show! Welcome to the herd.
  19. Splashee, it was your birthday and I didn’t realize!!! (I’m sorry!)68d.gif

    1. Splashee


      Thank you @Cagey, very much! :rarity:

  20. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I should send her a get-well message. But it’s already been over a week! At this point I should’ve sent one to her already, so if I do it now I’ll just seem like I don’t actually care, but I don’t even know what I should say!
  21. It’s cloudy today. I have to pare down my to-do list, but I’d much rather stay inside being lazy and cozy. :mlp_nom:

    How’s your week been so far?

    1. Pandora


      Stressful but oh well, they already send off a storm warning for sunday lol

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