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Everything posted by Cagey

  1. Something Thorax related, something Zecora related, something Luna related, the Season 10 comics, anything if I find it in a store… and more plushies.
  2. Twilight. I like the others, but they’re probably too high-energy for me to handle. I think Twilight and I have enough in common that spending time with her wouldn’t be too draining.
  3. Funny, whenever someone other than me gets hurt, I reflexively say “Ow.”
  4. Part of me wanted to brag at first, but I didn’t; the only people I told unprompted were my immediate family and a pen pal. I discovered that I get pretty uncomfortable talking about that sort of thing. I feel too awkward and nervous, even when people want to hear about it.
  5. And it seems that I’m sick for the 5th time since October. Woooo :orly:

    1. EpicEnergy


      That annoying, I hope you get well soon! :fluttershy:

    2. RaraLover


      I hope you feel better soon, my friend! :kindness:

  6. I was experiencing impaired emotions due to being half asleep, I think.
  7. Cagey

    mega thread Answer the question above you.

    Good question! Tie between Horse Fame 101, I Am Octavia, Even More Awesome Than Me, and of course, Join the Herd. Next question… What parodies/homages am I forgetting?
  8. I’m tired. Are any of you going to a convention this year?


    1. Pandora


      not really

      and great drawing <3

    2. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      No, well...not any pony ones at least. Possibly Walker Stalker Con come October. 

    3. Miss


      Yup late next month going to Whinny City Ponycon in Illinois! Super excited

  9. Ever have those days when you go to sleep tired and then wake up tired and then go through your daily activities tired and then not want to do any work because you’re tired? That’s me today.
  10. Cagey, The antidote for civilization.
  11. Cagey

    mega thread Answer the question above you.

    Butter. What was the coolest natural phenomenon you’ve ever seen?
  12. I voted “not a fan,” but it’s just because I don’t watch them enough to have an opinion, not because I don’t like them.
  13. I don’t like or eat most fast food when I can help it. But my high school biology teacher considered Panera Bread to be fast food, so I’d pick that.
  14. I’m tired of trying to coordinate transportation for events… I need a nap. :smolder: (Yay I have an excuse to use this emoticon)

  15. A trillion hugs for @TheRockARooster!
  16. Red, blue, and yellow.
  17. Gray. Or grey, if you’d rather that spelling. The point is, it’s dull outside.
  18. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Okay, I’m well past my socialization quota for the month.
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