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Everything posted by Cagey

  1. You were a Daisy/Brownie?
  2. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I’m tired and need to stop putting texting people off till the last minute, because I end up going from days to weeks to months without responding to people and without realizing it’s been so long.
  3. Cagey

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    Goodness. Sooooo adorable. I don’t want to lose this.
  4. I love and miss Halloween. Even if I can’t do kids’ activities anymore, I still love the atmosphere.
  5. “The meat? We’re not on the meat yet? We haven’t passed the bread?”
  6. I have two books I want to read before I pick up another fanfiction. Once they’re out of the way, though, I might read Past Sins, since so many people seem to like it. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bastian


      Which books are them?:ooh:

    3. Cagey


      @Bastian One’s a murder mystery by Louise Penny, and the other is a fantasy young adult book that I don’t know anything about called Crier’s War. 

    4. Bastian


      Cool, have fun reading.:)

  7. Almost as much as other music, and I listen to a whole lot of music.
  8. I play ukulele and bass guitar, and I used to play drums when I was a kid.
  9. Your hair is so difficult to draw! :sealed: I left out the extra strands. I hope you like it, though!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cagey


      Of course! :DThank you; it was a little out of my capabilities to draw, so I want to improve and redraw it in the future, but I’m glad you like it!

    3. Splashee


      I loved it! It's in my "About Me" page with your name on it! You did a good job on the others as well! You are a good artist! I want to see you work on an OC yourself ;)

    4. Cagey


      Thank you. :blush:

  10. I made you something :twismile:


    1. Pandora


      Omg<3 i didn't see this coming at all.. Thank you so much! <3 it's perfect ;^;

    2. Splashee


      Awesome @Cagey!

      Your art is amazing! You did a great job! :adorkable:

  11. A little gift :blush:

    lucky bolt.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Oh my gosh thank you so much!! What a nice surprise!! :pinkie: Did you draw that??

    3. Cagey


      Yes; thank you! :twismile:

    4. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Thanks so much! :D I love it. First thing that made me smile today. :adorkable:

  12. Wild World stole my soul years ago and still hasn’t given it back.
  13. Last night I had a long, repetitive dream where I bought a small Fluttershy plush. The dream repeated several times because my mind wanted to make certain it was real and not a dream. Guess who was disappointed when they woke up?
  14. I went to the supermarket, and an unusual friend of mine was sitting there outside in the cold, reading a book.
  15. In elementary school, a kid I knew split her pants in gym class. In the middle school cafeteria, a girl whose shirt had a low, low neckline had a wardrobe malfunction involving said neckline. In high school, my friend’s skirt broke (how? No clue), and if I remember correctly, I had to lend her my sweatshirt as a makeshift replacement. I’ve never had a wardrobe malfunction, and I hope to keep it that way.
  16. I’d consider my first name incredibly un-sexy, but maybe that’s just me.
  17. My avatar is from a screenshot of the show. When you google avatars, should you ask the artist’s permission? I don’t know a lot of things like this.
  18. I’m terrible at Smash, but my main is Pit.
  19. @Serenity Sunbeam Welcome to the forums!
  20. Probably over a year ago, while researching questions I had about the show.
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