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Everything posted by JMTV99

  1. Lauren Faust is my most biggest inspiration when it comes to my art. She's really inspire me to create cute characters doing cute things and make characters have actual flaws and personalities. Her pony design was iconic and it did help me improve my art overtime. Her show, Friendship is Magic really got me into cartoons again and being a fan for as long as I can remember was major feat. It helped me grew me as person. It helped me to see through different perspective when it comes to visuals, writing, concepts, lore, etc. The show help me escape me through the harshness of reality and live in world were pastel colored horses going through adventures, acceptance, friendships, hardships, forgiveness, and kindness in Equestria. I really want to thank her so much for everything she in animation for the past two decades. Her work with her husband, Craig McCracken was truly inspiring throughout my childhood, and expanding upon her work in the world of MLP was truly legendary. Friendship is Magic is a major game-changer in animation just as much as Adventure Time was and it deserved to be part of the history books. Her creativity, passion, and love for animation is something that deserves a lot of credit and respect. MLP will always leave a special place in my heart and I do wish Lauren the best of luck on her future projects and thank you for so much for everything that you've done. Long Live the Fausticorn!
  2. Well,....plenty lol The ones I can remember were ponies love to tickle their bellies a lot, kissing a lot, and all other fun stuff that I want to join along. (Thank god Jojo for that) (though, some of them were not-so family-friendly, but I don't want get into that) There's more I can think of involving my character Jojo with ponies, but I'll get back to that in another time.
  3. Absolutely not! There's no way that any writer in any cartoon would ever do things to spite the creator. That is full-on conspiracy theory nonsense. As much as I hate Season 6-9 of MLP and the direction they were taking, but I'm not going to quickly pin the blame on the writers (and DHX, for that matter) for completely disregarding Faust's vision out of spite. Ultimately, they're just doing their jobs at the end of the day. The people that we should blame on was Hasbro, the producers, and the executives. Those are the ones who has the most creative control. Those are the ones who have the final say if the show's writing quality is good or not. That's why FiM's writing was written that way in general.
  4. Honestly, the more I think about it, the more I actually do agree with this 1000% (If only Hasbro give her and team the respect they deserves. Sorry, I'm still pissed off about that. )
  5. Oh, how freaking wonderful..... Guess I had to stay away from spoilers in the entire week.
  6. Well, that was something. Oh, so that's where the balloon guy came from? Okay.
  7. Very good reflection post. Can't wat to see the Final Season (S9) reflection and a look back on the show as a whole before G5 came out. BTW, are you interested in G5?
  8. Don't forget that MLP FiM premiered on a network that no one even had at the time (The Hub). This could also applied to cartoons such as Spongebob and Adventure Time. To expand my thoughts: I still think it's a bit too early to say since G5 was not even out yet. Although, from the looks of the clips and trailer, it may not be as good as G4 as it looks like a generic modern animated kids film with ponies in it. But then again, it doesn't have to be as good as G4. You can stand out by doing your own thing. I mean, G4 does it and I don't see G4 banking off the success of G3 other than re-using characters and settings. That's what G5 should do. Just be your own thing. Yeah, it may sounds risky, but at least it will be different.
  9. That's going to depends on the G5 movie, special, and the series' performance.
  10. Hmm, well, the only one I can think of was Fame and Misfortune with the Flawless song, but that's about it. IDK, when I was watched a bad episode of MLP or a boring one, I usually never watch them again.
  11. Wonderful. Top 10 Best: 1. Twiley! (The Unicorn version) 2. Derpy Doo, Derpy Hooves! 3. The Libman Horses (Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy) 4. A-Bee (Apple Bloom) 5. Jackie (Applejack) 6. Squeaky Belle 7. (Baby) Moondancer! 8. Dashie! 9. The Lesbo Ponies (Lyra and Bon Bon) 10. Spike-Wikey Top 10 Worst: 1. The Student Shits 2. Dick-cord 3. Starlight The Mary Sue Glimmieboo 4. Angel The Little Shit 5. Cozy Twerp 6. The Donald Chancellor Neighsay 7. Twiddle-Dee and Twiddle-Dumb (Snips and Snails) 8. Spoiled Bitch (Spoiled Milk Rich) 9. Poof 2.0 (Flurry Heart) 10. Flash "Brad the Bland Token Love Interest" Sentry You're welcome.
  12. Hey guys. JMtv here. Remember that song from the Netflix trailer about a month ago singing "It's alright, right, right, right, right!"? Yeah, that one. So apparently, just today (at the time of this post), the "It's Alright" song was released on YouTube. Before I get to my thoughts on it, there were scenes that were very spoilery in the video, and if you don't want to be spoiled, avoid watching it and listen to the song on it's own. When I was listening to song from the trailer, I thought it was some generic pop like any other animated kids flicks nowadays. Now we got the full song itself, I say it wasn't that bad. I did bop to the beat when I was listening to it, and it's quite catchy. Although, it can get repetitive by saying "alright" over and over again and left out the "na na na na na na" chorus from the Netflix trailer, but it was decent for what it was. Maybe I'll listen to it again when I'm in the mood for it, who knows? Anyways, what do you guys think of the song? Leave me your thoughts in the comments below. Enjoy.
  13. Not to go off topic, but I did hear about that from Larson's interview with Faust, and yeah, that was a dick move on Hasbro's part.
  14. Welp, looks like Singapore is getting MLP G5 movie early than China, Russia, and US combined.

    Great, it's time to avoid spoilers throughout the entire week...

  15. Probably a thousand years, maybe? IDK, we'll find out once the movie hits.
  16. Definitely yes. Lauren Faust is a start, but the fanbase helps accelerate it.
  17. That's a pretty nice clip. I love the animation, though. Still looks gorgeous. There's nothing much else I can say about the clip except for two things: 1. Sunny actually does give me that Twilight vibe in reverse, which actually does makes a lot of sense since she never seen any pony races before other than study them. 2. As I analyze the animation sequences, I notice in the far right, there was a picture of The Elements of Harmony in the background. Plus, the journal that Sunny has was her own journal rather than The Friendship Journal in G4. Very nice touches.
  18. Jojo decided to go wild by no longer wearing clothes anymore and just wants to be a cute, cuddly, chubby, and huggable teddy bear in all of Equestria.





    1. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      * click's hidden content*


      * Quickly closes hidden content*


  19. WARNING: The following content contains very saucy and suggestive material. Viewer discretion is advised. Hey guys! Jojo n Pony has returned! This time, the "gloves" are off. So that's all I got for today. What do you guys think? Enjoy.
  20. Jojo is getting a final new look, He decided to stop wearing clothes and want to become a soft, cute, chubby, and cuddly teddy bear in all of Equestria.
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