I'm really curious because as far as I know, Faust wanted Twilight to be Celestia's successor, but not as a alicorn princess. Who executive at Hasbro take this opportunity to make Twilight a princess even though, in my personal opinion, it ruins the dynamic of making the Main 6 so recognizable (2 unicorns, 2 earth ponies, and 2 pegasi)?
Secondly, I know that Magic Mystery Cure is very very decisive for a lot of people, but whatever we like it or not, it did change the landscape of FiM, for better or for worse. Season 3 was supposed to be the last season of the series and Magic Mystery Cure was supposed to be the last episode of the series. On top of that, the reason why Season 3 was 13 episodes instead of the usual 26 was not because of Equestria Girls, but because FiM going to end after 65 episodes for reruns in syndication.
Here's what I'm wondering: did Hasbro created Twilicorn for saving MLP from being cancelled? I know this may sounds a bit of a stretch to say that, but hear me out.
Hasbro created Twilicorn to shill their toys. That is to be expected. However, I feel like Hasbro don't want their opportunity to be wasted since they had their major cash cow on their hands. That, and FIM has a huge fanbase and the fans wanted to see more. So they want Twilight to end her character arc when she arrived in Ponyville and have a new character arc of being a new princess in order to continue the show.
Like I said, big stretch, but it's interesting to think about.
Ultimately, I tried to be more neutral on this subject, but what do you think of this?