This is probably my last time talking about something FiM related because 1) I don't watch the show anymore and 2) I don't want to talk about the same things for so long to the point it becomes a unhealthy obsession(like Faust good Hasbro bad, Twilicorn, Season 6, blah blah blah) because you guys got the point and I want to move on from it.
With that said, this is topic that I had been thinking about for a quite a bit awhile now.
Friendship is Magic lasted about 9 years with 222 episodes completed. However, FiM was originally going to end after 65 episodes with 3 full seasons.
I just gonna ask you guys this: do you think the show ending at 65 episodes was good enough? Or ending at 222 was good enough for you?
I mean, it's guess it depends on the person's perspective on they viewed the show's quality. Some may the quality was consistently good from start to finish. Others may say the quality went after that.
For me personally, looking back on it, I think that ending at 65 was good enough run for the show. Don't get me wrong, it's great to see FiM lasted for so long. But at the same time, the more you go on for so long, the more you started to repeat yourself and became stale after awhile. So I think ending at 65 episodes was not a bad idea in hindsight, in my opinion.
You guys may think differently, and that's perfectly fine, but what do you think of this?
I don't want to come across as/ nor become a Hasbro shill nor a Lauren Faust fanboy in this topic. I just want to have a civilized discussion on the matter. That's all.
Let me know.