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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Clarity

  1. Japanese EqG is great~

  2. Happy New Year's Eve, Shimmer fans!
  3. Reminiscing about the good old days of these forums. :c

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Obsolete
    3. Bojo


      *hugs* When I remember about those awesome friends that left and can't contact anymore... It hurts :c

    4. Clarity


      *hugs back* Yeah, I know that feel D: All the great people I've met here have mostly left, and while the new people are nice, they're not really the same.

  4. Like most people here, I call her Minuette. Colgate just sounds ridiculous.
  5. Been a while since I played ORAS...

  6. I like Equestria Girls! All three movies are pretty good in my opinion, and I believe that the backlash is mostly from the fact that the characters are humans instead of ponies. Otherwise, the quality of the three movies compared to the show's episodes are about similar, anyway.
  7. Depression? It makes me frustrated quite a bit—assuming I actually have the energy to feel frustrated. Beyond that, uh... when mudslinging is used against one of my favorite characters. I tend to feel rather defensive of them, since fictional characters are really some of the brighter rays of sunshine in my otherwise dull life.
  8. Yeaaah... the size limit for avatars is preeetty annoying.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Clarity


      Had to convert my image into a JPEG in order for it to fit the limit—the decrease in quality is pretty noticeable and drastic :/

    3. Bojo


      It was worth it since your avatar is awesome!

    4. Clarity


      Thanks a lot! :D

  9. 1. The Cutie Re-mark—By far my most disliked finale thanks to its being more like badly written fanfiction than something that was actually professionally produced. Starlight's backstory and redemption were weak, and the episode in general seems to go all over the place with hardly any regard for plot. Furthermore, Twilight's friends seem to be—once again—shoehorned to the side while Twilight does all the work. I thought the show's title was Friendship is Magic? 2. Slice of Life—It's nice of the staff to give the fans what they wanted, but the fanservice was absolutely overblown. To the point where, once again, it had no sense of a plotline. It seemed intent on pleasing the fandom to the point where good writing was completely thrown out of the window. 3. Make New Friends but Keep Discord—Discord's behavior was clingy enough to border on creepy, and his treatment of people like Spike and the mailpony felt incredibly off. The plot itself wasn't that interesting to me, either. I haven't watched Princess Spike, and thank goodness, judging from the reactions of people... What About Discord, on the other hand, was actually one of my favorite episodes in Season 5. The season in general, though, felt oddly flat to me. It didn't have a concrete storyline, its episodes are dull, and it was concluded with a poorly-written two-parter.
  10. Life is kinda dull :x

    1. Monsoon


      I feel like It's pointless and yeah life is dull I agree with you there

  11. Ah, that sucks . I know how it feels to have your mood shift at a moment's notice... how about some Sunset?
  12. I... am... literally dead. Merry Christmas, everyone! Have some Christmas Shimmer! EDIT: For some reason it keeps posting two of the same picture. Weird.
  13. It seems to me as though you're taking her poorly written personality change as something else entirely. It's true that Sunset turning from an asshole to a nice girl is quite a bit unrealistic and rather abrupt, and it appears that you presented the explanation of the Elements brainwashing Sunset in order to patch up that flaw. However, that explanation is largely unsupported by any sort of canon, which means that, by definition, it's a headcanon. A headcanon is how you personally interpret a scene, a situation, or a character. Thus, it isn't what truly occurred in the movie and its continuity. Ask yourself: do you truly believe that the writers intended for us to interpret the scene as Sunset's old self being replaced with a completely new person? By force? Through brainwashing? Is that really it? Would the show preach such a lesson—that in order for people to change, you need to literally coerce them through a method of that caliber? You said intent doesn't equate result... but the result itself does not show what you're claiming it shows.
  14. Rather than assuming that her drastic personality change was a result of the Elements of Harmony brainwashing her... seems more likely that it was a writing gaffe that the writers acknowledged and fixed in Rainbow Rocks, wouldn't you say? Your assumption is that she turned from alpha bitch into sobbing wreck because the Elements replaced her personality with a completely new one, but such a claim holds little to no water because 1. the Elements are never before shown to have the ability to alter memories or personalities, and 2. as I said before, never has it been hinted at that Sunset changed because she was magically forced to. She did so of her own accord.
  15. That's, uh, not proof. That's an assumption. Nowhere in the series does it ever say or even imply that. Perhaps you could consider that she may have changed of her own accord?
  16. And your proof for that is...?
  17. Gonna go ahead and jump on the wagon and say Days Gone By. Beautiful song, really moving.
  18. The reviewer articulated her points well, but honestly rather than liking the ponies from an "objective" standpoint, if we can even call it that, I prefer to enjoy my favorites just because. They don't really need to be complex or deconstructing tropes twenty-four seven in order for me to enjoy them. As it stands, my favorite main six pony is still Applejack—the rest I don't really rank, since I often switch them around based on recent episodes. I do agree with her opinions on Starlight Glimmer, though
  19. Clarity

    making christmas merrier $2500 Stretch Goal - Acadeca Song Battle

    Wow, this looks like it could be really fun! ACADECA was one of my favorite songs from Friendship Games, and if Members vs. Staff ends up being chosen I might consider participating in it. Hey, speaking of which... how are the members gonna be chosen, anyway?
  20. Clarity

    making christmas merrier $1500 Group Song - A True, True Friend

    ^ My face during the entire song.
  21. The show's title is literally called Friendship is Magic, and the lessons it preaches will no doubt always lean on the positive side—in this case, believing that anyone can be a good person regardless of the actions they've committed in the past. However, as most people have said here, the redemptions can potentially become unrealistic and overly rushed. The whole "villains reforming" concept could be really well done and still remain true to the central "everybody becoming friends" theme of the show, but unfortunately many cases of this were poorly executed. Discord is, arguably, one of the most well done redemptions done in the series, since it clearly took time and effort for him to grasp the concept of friendship. And even now, he's still kind of a jerk. It was gradual and believable, and it's clear that not everyone was fully convinced of his Heel-Face Turn originally. Same thing with Sunset—while many believe that her redemption in the first movie was rushed, the other two movies really substantiated her struggles a lot more and showed that most people didn't forgive her right away. But Starlight's redemption kind of made me cringe. Her, uh, Freudian Excuse didn't click as something that would equate to literally brainwashing ponies for her ideal utopia. It was disproportionate retribution for a single event that happened during her childhood, and in general the reveal of her "tragic backstory" was poorly presented. Furthermore, the redemption itself was also rushed—she literally changed her mind after a brief speech from Twilight, and it took—I kid you not—two seconds for her village, the people she wronged most, to forgive her. Granted, it was during a montage, but still—there could have been an episode on this that would develop the forgiving gradually. Afterwards, she was immediately accepted by pretty much everyone right at the start, unlike Discord and Sunset. Starlight Glimmer's redemption was one of my biggest gripes with the Season 5 finale and a major reason as to why I disliked it. Basically, I don't mind villains being reformed as long as it's believable, the redeemed in question actually atones for their mistakes and receives the consequences, and it's a long and gradual redemption. I certainly wouldn't object to an episode about realizing that not everyone can change for the better, though.
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