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Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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Everything posted by Kyoshi Frost Wolf

  1. I see either the all of the mane 7 being the focus, Starlight herself or Starlight with a new character. I have a strong feeling Starlight will continue to be a huge focal point.
  2. I am not entirely against the design, just the colors. Far too many of them. Still, badass image.
  3. She will most likely recruit some help since even her own kind are now against her and everything she has done so far has been a total failure. Now, what would happen if her plan was....Nightmare Chrysalis? That would be brutal, but it wouldn't happen.
  4. Feeling kinda irritated because the game Magic Duels Origins is still a festering pile of shit even after a year of being released. Stainless Games are such incompetent, greedy and worthless developers.
  5. It is absolutely insanely that after a year, Magic Duels Origins is STILL piece of trash game. I alone can think of so many ways to improve it within 5 minutes but these moronic, greedy and incompetent developers can't improve the game at all even a year? Pathetic. Stainless Games, you suck. A lot.

    1. Vulcan


      I gave up on mtg games... At some point I realized maybe they're doing it on purpose.

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      True that. The games exist not to be fun, but to leech money from people over time. Duels Origins is the pinnacle of that greed. It is free to play, yet I cannot find a single other person playing online. That is how bad it is.

    3. Vulcan


      Yeah, they don't even feel like games anymore sometimes they just feel like demos that we have to pay for

  6. Goodly morningly everyone. :D I watched the rest of the finale, I was very pleasantly surprised by it for sure. Was actually far better than I thought it would be, definitely better than the Cutie Re-Mark. On top of that, got some new signatures done and so far, decent morning. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zachary


      Good Morning!

    3. Johnny1226


      Good morning kyoshi

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Good morning to you all. :D


      @VG, I don't want to get spoilery here, but it wouldn't be the first time he has done that. XD

  7. Technically season 6 hasn't even wrapped up in North America yet, so I think it iwll be a good while before we see any kind of teasers for the 7th. I would say at minimum 2-3 months. Luckily, there won't be anymore super haituses.
  8. I think it was back in 2003. I remember it was a Windows XP Dell computer, though I don't remember any of its specs. I definitely didn't appreciate that thing enough back in the day. :c
  9. My suggestion is white noise of some kind, or a noise that relaxes you. So perhaps and app on a mobile device that can play a white noise in the background while you sleep. Something like that, could be white noise, could be the sound of rain falling, whatever works. Have that up loud enough, preferably without headphones and that could work. It does depend on if the other person can hear in but in my experience if a snoring friend would stay over for the night, they never would wake up because of that noise.
  10. She doesn't seem like a character that deserves it. Think about it. She did a ton of evil things to other ponies, she has an ungodly amount of magical power for no reason which she has used several times already to do something else and have it horribly backfire, and we have seen her accomplish what, 3-4 friendship lessons? Twilight went through far more than that in season 1 alone. For me, Starlight has not had enough character development, she hasn't had a good enough explanation for her being insanely overpowered, she hasn't shown that much growth throughout this entire season and her being an alicorn, to me, would make about as much sense as Flurry Heart being one. Which is no sense whatsoever. If she does become one, fine, whatever, I can deal with it, I just really wish they would have done more with her first. I mean, with her interactions with Trixie and some other characters, I am starting to like her a bit, but I wanted more of that in this season.
  11. This is feeling like yet another pointless day for me so far.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. King


      I've seen enough people speak kindly of you that Im positive you still make them smile.

    3. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Gee, I've been nodding off all day trying to do a simple one page essay that shouldn't have taken me more than an hour or two to do and I fear it won't be enough to get me a passing grade when I turn it in tommorow morning.


      How could I have forgotten to take my medicine that helps me focus this morning? Or maybe it's because I'm so un-engaged in what's supposed to be a simple assignment that it's draining me. I really need to pass this class, despite it...

    4. Seamore Sandwich

      Seamore Sandwich

      Kyoshi, you managed to make me smile today, despite the day not going so well for me in general. You made my day more bearable. I came very close to storming out of work today, which wouldn't have been good. You simply saying "happy birthday" may have saved me my job.

  12. Now, I am not saying that I have pizza, but I have pizza. :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      *nibbles some*

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      *gives pizza to both of you* :3 I swear, Hunt Brothers is the best pizza ever.

    4. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo


      *lays in your lap enjoying the pizza*

  13. Just watched part 1 of the finale. Holy pickles the amount of hype. There are so many questions that I have that my mind is boggled.

  14. I have no idea on what I feel like dding right now. If anything at all.

  15. "You....have the right to an attorney. You don't have the right to a 'specific' attorney."

    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      And I was really hoping for Phoenix Wright, Apollo Justice, or Athena Cykes, too.

    2. inactive_user


      You ARE the attorney. Defend your ethic right while you still can. We do not forgive, we do not forget......


      #SpOOpY2016 :v


      Ye, I dunno. :P Hello my friend. ^^

  16. Good morning fellow pony peeps. So, the finale has aired in the UK out of nowhere. Depending on certain things I may watch that today at some point. THAT, will be interesting. For now though, music and video games. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Morning Zachary! :D How are you?

    3. Zachary


      I'm Currently doing Great Thanks!

    4. Johnny1226


      Good morning kyoshi

  17. :o Happy Birthday sir S'more! ^-^ Hope you have as awesome one good buddy. :)
    1. Seamore Sandwich

      Seamore Sandwich

      Thank you. You made just my day a little bit better.

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I hope it is going good for you overall really. I am happy I can at least do something. ^-^

    3. Seamore Sandwich

      Seamore Sandwich

      The face you posted got split between two lines. Simple things like that make me smile, even if the rest of the day isn't going well. Thanks for cheering me up, I needed it.

  18. The horror genre is a mixed bag of epic proportions. There are tons of styles out there that directors use to portray the genre in their own way, but this is really hit and miss. Sometimes it can be creepy, other times it just seems like a sad attempt at being spooky but it just fails. So with any kind of media like this, movies, TV shows, internet videos, what kind of horror in these actually can scare you? What truly gets to you and makes you go 'Nope.'? For me, one of them is a simple thing and one that a lot of films these days cannot seem to do right, the unknown. Simply put, not knowing what is out there freaks me out. Take for example, the Blair Witch Project. One of the things that really makes me uncomfortable when watching that film is that, the entire time, you know something is out there, stalking the people in the film and at night in some scenes, what is out there could be shrouded just in the darkness unseen, but it is there, yet you don't know what it is. When a movie can do that properly like the Blair Witch Project did, it makes me afraid to look out of my window at night. XD
  19. They were fun, sure, but honestly none of them ever really stuck with me. Not as much as her full length songs at least. Her ballad in Pinkie Pride for example is possibly my favorite song of hers and I want to see more of that. We still get plenty of Pinkie randomness elsewhere. A lot of it. XD
  20. While I wish people would not have left over this situation, I will say this, and this is just my view on things: My view on certain aspects of Poniverse have been tainted by what I learned and what I have seen during all of that. Simply put, I now have more of a cautious eye for some things here. I love these forums, been here for over 4 years and that isn't changing at all, but I cannot say that my view on certain parts of it did not come out unscathed during the huge debacle. I just hope things overall get better over time.
  21. That is true. Didn't the beta have over 10 million players? That was probably a very good test run for the servers. I have a feeling Dice has learned from BF4.
  22. This is now over my light switch! http://odditymall.com/includes/content/upload/arcade-joystick-light-switch-6582.jpg Pretty friggin cool. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      Ah thats a shame but still great. Makes my light switch look awful dull XD

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      You should order something for your switch. :D If you want to. Funny thing is, my light switch was the same thing for like, over 20 years until I did this. XD

    4. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      Mine has been the same since before my family moved into this house XD Atleast 25 years. Maybe a change would be nice!

  23. Oooooooo I am hungry. Craving some chicken strips actually. :3

    1. BlackHole(TimeLord)


      I had that at school yesterday.

  24. Not me. The memes are incredibly annoying and unfunny and the last couple of movies haven't been all that good. Looking back, the original films wasn't very good either to me.
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