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Everything posted by Winterbass

  1. I'd rather love myself and be hated by all others. Nothing is more choking and depressing than constantly hating yourself while all others act like they don't care or can't see it. I'm fine if people dislike me, but I could never continue living on if I ever hated myself.
  2. When I was a kid I was very sick and my intestines were very fragile on the inside. Sometimes when I ate food it would rip the inner side of my intestines open and blood would rush in, which I would puke out. I used to puke up so much blood my condition became very critical quite a few times. For some reason it just stopped after the doctors pumped me full of different medicine over the course of a year. Needless to say, I was drugged up 24/7 and the only reason why I probably survived is because of the amazing healthcare the Germany has to this day. I also overdosed on some pretty hard stuff a few years back, I'm really happy I got rid of that bad habit. The feeling overdosing gives you is not fun at all.
  3. I just go to the gym 3 times a week to stay in shape, besides that on my off days I do 100 push-ups, 100 squats and 100 crunches. I wasn't able to do a lot the past months because I had to take a ton of medicine but I'm definitely gonna start doing some hard work the moment I can.
  4. I'd switch jumping jacks with reverse crunches, that'd be better. It's pretty heavy if you do 3 routines though, especially on the legs. But it shouldn't be too bad for the legs if you're fit already. Nice routine!
  5. The test is a little too obvious, the question and points given don't make any sense to be honest. This doesn't tell you at all if you're depressed or not.
  6. Superman: stronk and bland. Godzilla: Big dino that can take missiles without as much as having a scratch and has nuclear beam that destroys cities in seconds.
  7. I don't have a steel bladder at all, I had to take a lot of medicine when I was a kid and it messed up my bladder. If I drink 1.5 L water in a short amonut of time you can expect me to go to the toilet every 15-30 minutes.
  8. What really grosses me out is when my dogs puke, the smell really is unbearable and cleaning it up is a special kind of hell, another big thing is when people say they have to take/took a huge shit. Very, very charming and totally not disgusting.
  9. As far as I know, the people who got the Japanese version already said they don't need the WiiU for it, but you never know what Nintendo has up their sleeve for the EU and US. My friend code's 2938 - 7838 - 3151 so if you wanna add me just add me, you'll also need to send me your FC though, since Nintendo logic dictates you need to add each other on both devices before he accepts the friend for some myserious reason.
  10. Definitely excited for MH4U, I wanna beat up a lot of the classical monsters again since I missed them in MH3U. Khezu, Akantor, Tigrex, Gravios. Monster Hunter just doesn't feel the same without some of their iconic monsters. I'm mainly a Long Sword user, but sometimes I play with Dual Blades or Heavy Bowgun. The last one being especially fun soloing against wyverns from time to time. By the way, since MH4U is supposed to have an online mode, how about we share our progression and experiences throughout the game and get together for 4-player quests from time to time? I've never known anyone at all that played this game and the game is one of my all-time favorites, so is anyone up for that? Long Swords are all about timing. They're weapons that traded the damage and defence of Great Swords for mobility and attack speed. LSs basically always had 2 upgrade trees. The first one being the Iron Katanas, this upgrade path gives you raw damage and sharpness while the other, Bone Katanas, favors elemental damage which can be a hit or miss depending on which monster you fight. Always have some elemental katanas ready for those extra difficult monsters. The problem with LS is that you can't defend and although their attacks are faster than heavier weapons, you need to time them well because there's still a relatively large window that leave you open to getting hurt. You're basically stuck with rolling away or using your swipe to get out of the way during combos. LSs also have relatively quickly degrading sharpness plus they make you walk slower than weapons like DS or SnS. Long Swords aren't that difficult to learn, but they're incredibly fun to use once you get the hang of the timing and learn to dodge monster's attacks.
  11. Well, since I like speedrunning a lot and I'm doing it casually myself, the current route for it doesn't do a lot during the first day, you just skip the salesman and gather 60+ rupees before resetting to the first day. But in the second cycle (The first "real" cycle where you get things done) You have to get all three masks, beat Odolwa, Gyorg and Goht, get the respective dungeon items and upgrade your sword. It's only possible with certain skips and tricks though so I'm not sure if that counts.
  12. Guess I'll participate once too, didn't have time to take a really recent picture, this is from a few months ago.
  13. I don't want any more friends, up until now the real close friends have always stuck around with me and I have always stuck with them, always contacted me even to say something random, just as a way to say "Hi, I'm still here and I was thinking of you so I just dropped by!". But most "friends" I've added lately on the internet aren't even friends. It shows how easy some people can call another "friend". Yet when I have a different opinion about something I'm immediatly a Nazi and they delete me the day after, even the person that called me "brother". Yet when I stop talking to them because I'm always the one to start conversations, they never contact me for months and suddenly say that they were "busy" and "sorry", even though I saw them fill up their friends list with 50+ new people. People love to make friends, but in the process forget to take care of their past friendships. They're too focused on meeting new people and discovering new stuff about them that they forget to nurture any past friendships. That's why I want to meet new people, but am not interested in making any new friends. Friend is just a too cheap word these days. I have 6 real friends that I can tell anything and be with, and that's all I will need.
  14. I used to stay up for three/three and a half days when I went to LAN parties with my friends.
  15. My K/D on BO II used to be 4.56, but since my playtime was greatly cut by work, university and family/friends I haven't been able to play a lot. It's now stuck between 2.60-2.90. I guess I'm pretty good since I won all the customized camos in little tournament. My K/D in other CoDs were all above 2.00 as far as I remember, until I started messing around in MW2 and I lost a lot of ratio, but that's fine. I'm not even playing for getting a good ratio, I'm just playing for fun and am quite good at it. I stopped playing CoD though, too many idiots running around with their stock ScarH, stock AN94 and C4, it's more frustrating than fun now considering anyone can play good with those two guns. But if you ever want to play together, hit me up on Steam. Just search for the player called Nargacuga with the same avatar as on here, that's me.
  16. I epilate everything off because I just hate hair anywhere on my body except for my head. Just need to epilate one time every four weeks which is extremely convenient. Not really. I share the same feeling of only liking hair on my head. And if anyone gets annoying about it you can always just use the "I'm a swimmer" argument to get them off your back. It's not that unmanly at all, plenty of people do it, just go to the gym and you'll see.
  17. I live in Holland, the worst weather we usually have isn't the occasional storm, it's the never-ending rainy days. Especially from Autumn until mid-spring, it rains all the goddamn time, for weeks sometimes. Even when it stops in-between, it still doesn't have a chance to dry up at all before it rains again.
  18. I'm from a part in Kazakhstan that used to be so pro-Russia it was basically a part of Russia itself, but I live in Holland these days.
  19. I've been a fan of Monster Hunter ever since I played it on a free demo disc I got with some other game. I found the concept so interesting and fun even back then that I finally decided to dive into this series when MH2 came out in 2006, well, it was called Monster Hunter Freedom outside of Japan. I've played nearly every part so far except for MHP3 on the psp, currently playing MH3U on the 3DS. I did the group quests first by accident because I had no idea where to start in the village, reached rank 4-star quests before one of my friends pointed out to me that I was doing the wrong quests haha. I'm really excited to play MH4U in March, a lot of monsters I've been missing are finally making a comeback and I'm definitely excited to play online with a few of my friends.
  20. I don't know, giving Twilight wings, making her the princess of basically nothing, making her library blow up and raising a random castle out of its ashes would come to mind.
  21. My hair used to about shoulder-length but I changed my haircut during the summer, it's a short and pretty generic haircut but it looks way better on me, it's such a difference even my friends didn't recognize me! I changed it because long hair got really annoying and it started to look bad on me, especially since long hair on guys have been out of fashion for some time now haha ^^
  22. I'm fit, I go to the gym three times a week and spend about one and a half hour per day training my body. I don't like to have this gymjunky ripped body but having a swimmer's body with a little more definition definitely looks great on me..
  23. We're not an organized group with similar believes, cultural systems or have similar world views. Being a brony therefore simply isn't a religion, ever. We have no texts, no songs, no history. We're just people watching a show, that's all there is to it.
  24. Being good at digital art and having a stable job, or choosing to leave everything behind for a world that looks like a utopia? I'd rather go for option A to be honest, as long as I get to stay in Europe.
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