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Everything posted by Winterbass

  1. I'm all for men or women expressing themselves in the way they want, doesn't matter if it is outside of the gender binary. I haven't ever thought about belly button piercings on guys, but the more I think about it, the more inappropriate it seems for a guy, even on feminine guys it would look off. .. Then I looked up some pictures and to be honest, it actually looks kinda good. I mean, it's just different, but the ones I've seen are pretty decent, some even really attractive. I guess my expectations were proven wrong in a good way ^^ , so if a guy was thinking about getting one, I'd say go for it!
  2. The characters 1.0 Characters are super important, they're what make the show in the first place. Even if you have a great concept, it's nothing with the right characters. The art style and animation 0.7 Animation and art style are important, bad quality makes it hard to enjoy the show, just like bad quality in music won't make it sound nice. It doesn't have to be the absolute best, but it isn't something to overlook. The plot 0.5 The plot doesn't have to be super complicated, there just needs to happen something. It's no use if the characters didn't do anything, or if there's no development in any way. The music 0.8 Music sets the scene, it's very important in my eyes. The voice talent 0.8 Bad voice actors make a show so much worse, just like bad actors in a show chip away at the quality. Inside jokes and references to pop culture 0.5 They're funny, but they don't have to be in the show, MLP has a lot of simple but clever jokes that don't reference anything outside of the show itself, they're good enough to make a show great. Nods to the fanbase 0.1 I don't like nods to the fanbase, winks are cool, nods are not. Keep the fanbase and show seperated, this is one of the major things that can make or break a show, too much catering and it's just fan service, the show needs to stay at its core, and not stray from it too much or too fast. The all-­ages appeal 0.9 The all-age appeal is what makes this show so great, yes it is focused on the younger audience, but it's still very bearable to watch for the older audiences, in fact, they enjoy it to. Keep it like that, it's what makes the show great in the first place. Don't make it too focused on older audiences and not on younger audiences, it's fine as it is.
  3. I disliked Rarity at first but now I love her. I used to like Fluttershy the most, but she became annoying, shyness is cute, but she takes it way over the top to the point of obnoxious, at least for me.
  4. I guess everyone's getting out of some sort of winter depression, already explained by @PsychedelicPony , though I wouldn't call it a "disorder". It's pretty logical if we think about the holidays and special days as well. Christmas and New Year are times to be spend with family and friends. But often, especially around the ages of 17-20, friends and family can be far away and make one feel lonely. Combined with the fact that longer nights (Such as in the winter) makes people more moody on average, it's not weird to think that everyone is a little more reserved and is holding back on their enthusiasm. With the coming of spring, which means more daylight and warmer weather, everyone gets out of their shell again. This of course isn't the case with everyone, but you do notice it. People become generally happier and more open about things. Especially after Valentine's Day, even people claiming they don't care, will be affected unconsciously. I think it's great really, I love warm weather the most, and to see more smiles on everyone's face just makes it so much better. Anyway, I think it's great really. It's fun to discuss crushes or see people have them. Bandwagon or not, doesn't matter. It's all in good fun, and who doesn't like a good vibe?
  5. Mental and physical abuse, even though I'm a guy, mess with me mentally or physically and you won't see me ever again. Cheating, I don't care if you have a one-time swing with someone, it happens. But if you're seeing someone else and keep me on a leash, don't expect me to do anything for you ever again. Close-mindedness, this includes changing your opinion about someone just because you find out something about him/her that doesn't even concern you at all. If you don't want to try to try new things out or don't like debating about conflicting ideas, then the relationship is going to come to a stop at some point. Constant pessimism, I'm fine with when people are down, but being down all the time, never looking at the bright side, complaining all the time and being extremely passive. No. Just no. I've had my share of really depressing moments, and I don't want to be constantly reminded of them. I do take problems of others seriously, but I slowly break when I'm surrounded by depression for long periods of time, it turns me into a really big jerk because the only way I can take it is by switching off my feelings for everything. Passive, if you don't want to get your problems straightened out, if you don't want to get out of your couch and do something, if you don't want to work on the relationship at all, you can look for someone else. Besides those points, I generally like everyone.
  6. I worked at a cinema, I was the person who put the film on, checked the sound quality and made sure everything rolled well. I loved my job, but working hours increased and it got in the way of other things, so I left. These days I re-stock products for a supermarket, not exciting I know. But the change from solo to team-dependent work is really nice, I like the change and I enjoy my job. My dream job is becoming a neurosurgeon or neurobiologist, but that's something for the future, and I'm working hard to grasp that oppertunity.
  7. My current boyfriend is a brony. Though I would really not care about whether he is one or not. The most important thing is that my partner doesn't change his perspective about me just based on my interests, personality makes the person, interests are just an extra, but shouldn't be taken too seriously.
  8. Besides the hair on the top of my head, I keep my face completely shaven at all times. I shave my face every day, alternative between electric and wet shave. I don't find hair on someone's face attracting. The only times I find hair on a face acceptable is when it's stubbles, or trimmed to really short stubbles. Combining it with the right face and it looks really attractive, but that's the only exception I can think of.
  9. My first real kiss with a girl was when I was 14, she was my girlfriend at the time. The moment just felt right to kiss her. It felt great, all the way from pressing my lips on hers to breaking the kiss and looking into her eyes. But I wouldn't say it was mindblowing, I wouldn't mind doing it again, but I could live without it. The first kiss with a guy was 3-4 years ago, I was 16 during that time and I went to a festival. I was in line to get autographs but the line was so long my friends left me because they didn't want to miss too much of the line-up. Finally getting closer to the band members I started talking to a guy in front of me and we decided to go see the festival together, no chance on finding my friends back anyway. We had a great time, shared lots of laughs and at the very final song of the final band, he turned around, grabbed me and kissed me. I was so surprised I didn't know what to do but eventually I decided to roll with it and kissed back. It felt like an eternity, but it probably lasted just a minute or less. This kiss was way better than with any girl I had been before. Even days after the kiss I would still think about it and blush really hard.
  10. I don't see the problem with rule34 in general, it's not going to chip away any quality of other content, including the quality of the show itself. If you don't like it, you don't have to look at it, plain and simple. That doesn't mean you won't come across it, you will sometimes, that's a given, even the things that you dislike a lot. There's no reason to stop and complain about it though. I mean, I see tons of things I don't like each and every day, but I don't need to complain about it, I just move along quietly, because there are others who do enjoy the things that I don't, and that's fine. I let them enjoy that in peace, and I don't need to bring it up. Live and let live, I guess.
  11. The weather today was amazing. We had no snow this winter and today was one of the first days that was actually warm enough to walk around without a jacket. I love warm weather, and knowing that today marked the upcoming of summer made me really happy.
  12. Massive snowfall here in Holland, it's crazy, I can hardly open the door. It's like a new Ice Age, I mean, just look at it! ... Yeah, so we haven't had any snow here at all yet, aside from one weak attempt where the snow melted the day after. It's like one long autumn here, and I hope it stays this way. I really dislike the winter, nearly everything about it. Though those snowstorms do sound both annoying and pretty dang awesome. We had them when I was living in Russia, but I don't really remember any of that anymore. I would want to experience a snowstorm just once though.
  13. I'm definitely looking forward to spending my time with the person I love the most, although we don't live close to each other, I enjoy his company all the time, whether it's offline or online, and wish to make this day extra special by spending some extra time together. Today will be kind of the same, playing videogames together like usual, though we have planned to watch some movies or series together, whatever appeals to us more. Not exactly a super exciting day, but it means to us a lot more than what it seems to be. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great Valentine. I wish all the people who ask their Valentine out good luck, wish every couple an awesome day and wish every person who's single to do the same, whether you're spending today with someone or alone, there's no reason not to make this a great day regardless. Oh, and I hope everyone has a nice weekend too.
  14. Depends on how someone draws them or depicts them in his/her own descriptions and imagination. It's not unlikely to find a fictional character sexually attractive, if that were the case we wouldn't have so much r34 from all kinds of series. Besides having an attractive personality, the characters usually have feminine forms, which as a human you will link to the attractive features of a female. It's natural, and nearly all animals do this. Whether someone else thinks it's strange or not, is entirely up to them, but don't go bother the ones that do like it. And especially don't act condescending or hating, you're wasting your time and it's frankly quite obnoxious behavior to just about anyone. As for myself? It depends on how the characters are depicted in art, animation or fiction.
  15. Well, seems like I'm reaching the end of my relationship. I guess it was fun while it lasted, too bad it has to end on such a bad notice. I'll end things just after Valentine's day to at least spare him some grief. Even though he lost his right to be treated well weeks ago. Hope that the ones who are in a relationship never have to go through something like this, these past few weeks were horrible. I wish you all good luck with your relationships, but seeing as how things are going for most, you don't need luck, everything's going fine and I'm happy to see things are going well for others.
  16. Apparently I'm an INFP, which I've known for a fairly long time now. Only just now I've read what that actually meant though. And I must say, I'm really surprised, as the things described are very accurate overall. Not all points relate to me, but even those aren't completely inaccurate either. The descriptions given on various sites do explain a lot and they've really helped me understand myself or link some pieces together. Even though this is coming from my own experience, I do suggest people to look and read up on their MBTI type, who knows, you might find some new things out about yourself. Here's a little something that sums INFPs up pretty well, at least that's what I thought
  17. I cried yesterday, not out of sadness. I haven't heard from a good friend for a very long time, I assumed he died or possibly killed himself, which made me really sad. But now that I know he's fine, I cried out of happiness. Besides that, I cried a few days ago as well because of something personal. I don't usually cry unless it's something that's very close to me though. I've gone years without crying, but sometimes things overwhelm me.
  18. I despise bullies, I have every single part of them. Being an overall mean person is one thing, but once you start to target others you've turned yourself from obnoxious to absolutely disgusting. I don't give a shit what happened to their lives, but if they feel the need to hurt others instead of fixing their problems in a normal way, they deserve all the pain they caused for others inflicted on themselves, make it double the amount of pain. Parents and teachers shouldn't teach kids to stand up to bullies in a violent way, that's hardly a viable point to raise them with. Being a doormat and being shy pacifist is something different. Even then, adults usually don't give a damn and think it's just "teasing". Bullies are the one who should be raised in a normal way, they are the ones doing the wrong thing to begin with. This is coming from a person who has been bullied for eight years in elementary, it's not just that easy to stand up when violence never feels like the right thing. People get stuck within that dilemma when older people think they shouldn't make a big deal out of "teasing", while the adults themselves are being blind to what really is going on. Just that mentally damages a child in ways you can't imagine. It's driving people to suicide and self-destruction, and all the adults do is laugh it off, besides bullies, that behavior makes me feel sick to even be of the same species. How I stood up to my bullies? I beat them up with a metal pipe. When no one listens to your complains, turning a deaf ear towards your serious complaints, even begging to help you while your patience and resolve to fix it peacefully is running out, a time comes where you want to tear down that little box you've so forcefully been put in. I turned to violence because nobody wanted to talk it out. I hope people will realize that when someone is saying they're being bullied, they should take those words seriously, instead of brushing them off like something else. How people are so shallow as to neglect such a duty is beyond me. It's about listening to people, taking their words seriously and helping them either figure out it really isn't bullying, or helping them fight the bullying in some way if it is bullying. We're humans, right? Capable of thinking and acting? Capable of caring? Then why do we act like we can't? Some people just continue to surprise me in such negative aspects.
  19. Everyone is in fact raised to be close-minded. It's a natural process wherein you try to defend yourself, even if something unknown is completely natural. The way this works is that you release endogenous morphine in your brain, this activates your survival instinct, making you defensive or even hostile towards the unknown entity, even when it's not dangerous at all. Though it's sometimes completely unnecessary, it does help you get out of troubling situations. For example, you tend to be alerted when you see a group of teenagers vandalizing something, and you tend to walk around them or walk by them quickly. It helps you be safe in some situations. Secondly, your parents are probably raising you in a way to be "right" for society, rewarding you every time you do something good. This releases dopamine and serotonin in your brain, those things that make you feel good. If you continue to do "well", you continue to release those feel-good substances. This creates an even bigger contrast between "do what's right because that's good" and "everything outside of the norm is most likely wrong". Only the people who realize that being close-minded isn't always the right way to go, are the ones who can quickly shake the feeling of becoming defensive. Even then, open-minded people do still become defensive most of the time when an opinion of theirs is being targeted. So yea, people don't realize they are being controlled by hormones, stimulants, depressants and neurotransmitters a lot more than anyone ever realizes. This is just the biological side of things, there's always the psychological as well, but that has been explained already in minor detail.
  20. Crossbow, no sharp tips, certain types of crossbows shoot the bolt so fast that the bolt breaks upon impact, strangely enough, removing the tip of a crossbow bolt gives you a greater chance of retrieving the bolt without any damage, yet it is still extremely lethal against zombies and humans. Ka-bar Swabbie, these buggers literally cut through someone's head with one simple swing, not to mention they're a great tool for hunting, I love this beast, though it would've been better if it were a little smaller just for hunting purposes. HK USP 45 , out of all the handguns I've tried, this one just felt right for me. Definitely want to keep this by my side for encounters with humans.
  21. I don't really want any console or platform gone. All I want is for that stupid arrogance and pride to die, plus games should be made for gamers, not just to reel in more money. Don't rush games just to keep up with the market, make a solid game that's actually worthwhile. So, no consoles are really overrated, it's just that the hype and the people make them overrated, consoles aren't that impressive, even though they have their own advantages. Neither is the PC that impressive. They're all good for their own purposes.
  22. Not really, I currently have made two friends in the year I've been here. I tried getting into conversations, but it just doesn't work out. Whether on steam, Skype, or just messaging here on the forums, the conversations I try to start seem to become one-sided really quickly, even when I try to start a new one. It's not like I feel ignored or left out, I don't really care, but just an occasional "hello" would be nice. Which is exactly the reason why I don't want anyone to just add me to their friends list, because pretty much every single time, I'm just another number to them, not an actual "friend". My definition of friend is someone I occasionally talk to, someone I enjoy being with. Frankly, randomly adding me for no reason at all isn't what a friend is, especially if they never talk to me. Don't add me and never say anything to me, that's extremely awkward and it makes me feel really, really uncomfortable. I mean, what do people even want from me when they never say a word? *sigh* .. Which reminds me, I should start cleaning out my friends list again.
  23. First of all, no, I didn't become heterosexual, I thought I was heterosexual because I simply never had any experience with other sexualities. It simply was chance that I never came in contact with them, until later in my life when I did start to understand what sexuality really is. Hell, I didn't even know there was anything besides heterosexuality until I actually met more people. Mirror neural activity isn't about learning new things, it's about the stimulation of the same neurons for a certain activity just by observing and/or thinking about it. Secondly, I said created through social stimuli, not caused directly. And I hope you're aware that placebo and nocebo effects only seems to work on about one-third of the population? Google is your friend here. I didn't open my mind to a crazy new idea, and subconsciously held onto it. I realized who I was, and became open about it. And sorry, but you're being insulting yet again. I'm 19, very curious in the fields of biology, psychology, neuroscience, physics and chemistry. If there would be any problems with my sexuality, I would know it. Frankly, I'm getting the feeling you perceive people with a different sexuality as sexually deviant and strange, as outcasts. Again, crazy sexualities. Plus you're making no sense here. Alright, so now, let's shoot for the uncertain. I'm going to act like a total idiot and want your answers on the things you seem to understand, but don't really feel like explaining, or so it seems. Could you tell me what exactly happens with exciting and inhibiting neurotransmitters when met with an effective placebo? Let's keep that one only to the central neural system, shall we? Might take too long otherwise. Problems with my sexuality? I would assume that you'd at least name 3, instead of acting like everybody sees it, because frankly, besides people who are holding on to some code, I don't think anyone sees the "problems" you see with my "crazy sexuality". Because I have yet to encounter ANY problem in the past years I've realized I'm pansexual. Finally, in what way do drug addicts choose the drug they're hooked on? Could you please explain the biological difference between physical dependency and mental dependency, let's assume that mental addiction does exist, that should make it a whole lot easier.
  24. You should've made that clear in the first place, people are going to misunderstand. Not really, what you're saying here is wrong. You don't become what you think, that's not true at all. I didn't become heterosexual, because if that were the case, I wouldn't have any reason to "change" my sexuality into pansexuality. What you're referring to by the way is something called mirror neurons, not really becoming what you are, though it can have a great effect on biological functions, like the healing of a wound, or the suppression of a headache. But no psychological or mental, like sexuality or ghost pains. Connecting the placebo effect with mirror neural activity is wrong. While mirror neutrons work on images or thoughts created by ones self, placebo is created through social stimuli, such as words and faking a therapeutic act. Which will in turn release endogenous morphine, acting as a natural painkiller to reduce the sensation of whatever the disease a person has. Besides that, your brain will react similarly to that of the mirror neuron phenomena. Well, not really a phenomena, it's a reaction. I didn't "subconsciously" open my mind to it, I realized who I was all along at a certain point in my life. Frankly, the devil part is totally redundant and insulting. Besides that, linking drug addiction to mirror neural activity, as well as placebos is all kinds of wrong. Please don't turn biology and psychology into metabiology and metapsychology.
  25. I'm from Venlo, which is near the border of Germany, but I'm moving to the Hague next Autumn for convenience. You're close to Amsterdam right?

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