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Everything posted by Winterbass

  1. Frankly, I don't see the point you're making here. The very concept of the friendzone is wherein the invitee rejects the inviter and only wants to stay friends, therefore having you put into a zone and thought process that you're nothing more but a friend, which isn't going to change. I think I made myself fairly clearly that the friendzone should only be considered as such when you get rejected because the person you asked out was always thinking of you as just a friend. The last part is kind of insulting. I mean, if you're trying to catch me on something as little as a misunderstanding, and not go into my entire post, be my guest, you're just wasting your time by restating what you have already said. But putting words in my mouth? Too far man, too far. You really think it feels better just by assigning a word to a certain phenomena? Sure, if you actually think I'm that delusional. I guess in that sense, scientists really do feel better by having assigned the second law of thermodynamics, instead of just describing the phenomena over and over again. It's a word sprouted from a phenomena, if that particular phenomena wouldn't happen, the word "friendzone" would have never existed, yet it still does. Are you trying to tell me that the friendzone doesn't exist? If so, why haven't you provided a counterargument to everything said by the opposing party? Should be fairly easy since it "doesn't exist". I'm also still waiting for the OP to provide a counterargument to mine, too.
  2. My Skype name's Shadowmov3r, though I changed my name to Winterbass. My avatar is usually someone with a gasmask, wearing yellow goggles and a jacket with a fur hoodie.
  3. Obviously we are worshipers of Satan. I mean, if you turn the intro theme backwards, it sounds exactly like a sacrifice song that the Church of Satan uses. Not only that, remember Cerberus? Well, that's the protector of something similar to hell. Yes, we totally stayed to watch the show because we all love Satan, not because of the actual show or fandom. I would've walked up to her and said "Oh no! A kid turns out to be homosexual, whilst his parents are heterosexual! That has never happened before!", give her a hug and walk away. I haven't had many encounters with haters or random bronies when I wear my shirt. Just a few looks, but ehh, those people aren't important anyway.
  4. Love is an energy that swirls around us. We can feel it coming from others, and it feels nice. Even though love fades and grief takes its place, love never dies. Even though your love for things might go away, that energy is being reborn into new love. Never having left this world, and always being inside your heart.
  5. (Sorry, I'm very intoxicated, expect a few mistakes along the way. But hey, drunk words are honest words.. or at least that's what people say) I'm going to have to completely and entirely disagree with you. What you say is wrong and completely bogus, every word you said only applies to shallow people who think sex is the only important achievement in their life. First of all, no, I don't think of girls as vending machines. I like people for who they are, aside from the very few preferences I have, a girl's look is entirely unimportant to me. Whether she has big boobs or small, whether she's a bit chubby or not, that is something I totally don't care about. Since I've changed my behavior 2 years ago, I have treated everyone with the same polite and kind attitude as you would expect from anyone. I don't treat girls like princesses, and I don't treat guys like celebrities. They're all the same to me, they deserve an equal treatment. More than often, when I have asked girls out, I have gotten the "I like you, BUT AS A FRIEND" response. I respect everyone's answer, but it still hurts me. I don't approach people because they look "hot" or "beautiful". As someone who has almost to no concept of "good looks", the only reason why I approach people is because I actually like them for who they are, this means that I could engage in any kind of relationship with them, be it one where we only establish a friendship, or one that involves more. People telling me they only want a friendship, is therefore a legitimate friendzone and completely makes your point void. In fact, I find it very hurtful you bunch people up with that filth that only wants to have sex with girls. While sex is an important aspect of a relationship, I find it very shameful of you to say that people only want to have a relationship with girls just to have sex, and not for their personality, as that is apparently only a ruse to get them into bed. Please don't bunch me up with those people. They make me sick. There's the second fact within the friendzone where you will start to question yourself. Am I not attracting to people? Am I just ugly both physically and personality-wise? Am I really that obnoxious? Am I just not fit for any type of relationship? I never get into one and the only times I'm close, is when I get friendzoned. It hurts to be rejected, it makes me very insecure, it makes me think of myself as some kind of magnet for failure, because that's the only thing I seem to attract, just non-stop all-time failures and problems. Sure, when you ask someone out, eventually sex may become a part of the relationship, but that doesn't mean it was the initial reason to get into a relationship. People who think only about sex all the time are either hormonal teens, or people that should take a really good look at themselves. You ask the people out who you genuinely like, sex or no sex. You know, what I look for in a relationship, is the actual relationship part. I would love to hold someone close to me, I would love to have someone in my life that would make me smile everyday and make my worries go away. Someone who'd motivate me to better myself just by looking at them. I don't put in "nice coins" into anything, because being polite and respectful to people is just who I am, alright? Sex is very intimate, I get that. But if the only point you're making is that "guys only get into relationships for sex", our conversation is going to be over very quickly, as I've already stated a couple of things that not only apply to me, but to A LOT of other guys. Moving on. The second point you seem to make is "don't see the friendzone as an insult, but rather as a compliment!" So you're telling me that I should keep being friends with a girl (or guy), who gets into the relationship just A FEW DAYS after she rejected me? Not going to happens. It's very hurtful to see someone I actually allowed to get close to me (Well, not "allowed", but I tend to push people away very quickly rather than open up to them) get into a relationship that quickly, like my proposal seemed like NOTHING to her. I don't see that as a compliment, I see that as an insult. Like a kick in my face, a punch in my nuts. You can tell me whatever you want, this is how it really feels. So there, I don't see it as a compliment like a whipped pro-feminism person does. I see it as a rather hard kick in my nuts. I'd love to stay friends with people, but seeing them get into relationships like my proposal of affection was nothing? Please, get out.. these kind of things are the very reason why I have chronic depression and severe anxiety issues. It makes me really pissed off that you said I should look into this as "a compliment". That notion is completely moronic and makes me want to break something. A lot of times when I opened up to people, they treated me like some second-hand good, even the girls I asked out. I don't see it as a "compliment", I see it as a feeling of "Oh, I wouldn't even care if you got killed in the most horrible way, you're just a friend with benefits, nothing more. Even if you died, I'd only be sad because I lost my benefits, not an actual person." Finally, and I don't get this point of yours. Of course I'd see the girl I love at the moment as "perfect". She's exactly perfect, with all her flaws included. Blinding myself with the fact that someone doesn't have flaws isn't who I am, and I'm sure no one is. However, the person we love, and have a crush on, will ALWAYS seem perfect to us. Doesn't matter what kind of flaws he/she has, the fact that it's her/him is what makes the entire phenomena of the "crush" so important. Heck, having a relationship with your crush usually makes your relationship that more affectionate and better. Again, and I can't press this matter enough times, having a relationship is not about having sex, it's about the entire relationship. A relationship without feelings outside of the sexual basis, isn't a relationship at all, such a relationship is a fallacy within itself and is just as stable as a card house. I am no knight in shining armor, nor am I an entire bad guy. All I ask for people is to give me a chance to be nice to them, but that apparently that doesn't even work since both guys and girls always seem to gun me down. Not that that is even a surprise to me anymore. Something like that has become more of a norm rather than a quantum chance. So no, I find your entire notion of the non-existence of the friendzone, well, bullshit. I entirely disagree with you. Right now, in my rather intoxicated state, there's nothing you can do to change my mind. And I bet if I were sober, you still wouldn't. You're wrong, and it hurts me Your notion of the non-existence of the friendzone doesn't hurt me as much as you reminding me of painful rejections. And you thinking that this friendzone thing is a joke, only adds to the pain. Thanks for thinking a friendzone is nothing more but a fucking joke. Hoped I made you laugh.
  6. Just watched Elysium, damn, that movie was intense

  7. I honestly don't see the point in realizing that Equestria isn't a utopia. It's far better to have a world without problems to dream about, rather than pointing out its flaws. Is it really that bad to think Equestria is perfect? I hardly think so. Not only does it give you stable support, it also gives you a reference point to what general likable behavior is. There's nothing wrong with escapism, everyone who dreams does it. Sure Equestria isn't perfect and the show's characters certainly are far from perfect, but that doesn't forbid people to still dream about a better world, that's simple human nature. In a sense, you're thinking about how to better our world, everyone's world. Not only that, the lessons taught in FiM might seem simple and obvious, but you don't want to know how many people forget them to apply in their real life. True, no one actually can live up to FiM's values, it's simply impossible to turn around your behavior and personality. Still, there's a lot to be learned from those same values, enough to have a more positive attitude. Plus, you don't know how other people have lived their lives. To tell them they're selfish, even arrogant in a sense, is more hurtful than you can imagine. People have their own lives, their own experiences. You can't be the judge of how important and impacting those experiences are because you simply aren't them and don't stand in their shoes. Frankly, it hurts me that you think you can judge people in this way and put words in the mouths of others. Some people just can't stand being in this world anymore and instead of calling them selfish and narrow-minded, it would be better if you helped them. Negativity easily drowns out the positive, it's a fact. Negativity can drown out the positive so quickly, one can become s lost that they can hurt themselves or others, or look for other alternatives. Longing for a world like Equestria isn't wrong, it's just something you don't seem to understand.
  8. I've been thinking to come out to everyone IRL, but I'm not sure how I'm going to do it, probably just a status update on FB and telling my parents in person. I'm going to come out in a few days, preferably this week or the next one. Although coming out shouldn't be a big deal, I'm really done with people seeing me as straight and me acting as if I really am. How I'm feeling? Nervous, excited, a mix of both. I can't describe it. It feels like that moment just before you have to give a presentation to a huge crowd. Not really sure what kind of reactions I'm going to get, but I hope it will end well.
  9. Depending what caused me to become nervous. If it's social situations, I usually stare at the ground and scratch my arm, definitely anything to avoid eye contact. When something else makes me nervous, like being late or unable to find something, I start to pace around, bite my nails, scratch myself a lot, shift my eyes in every direction. So generally, I start to panic real bad. This can get really bad when I can't find something or someone moved my stuff.
  10. Sometimes, but only when I was thinking about MLP or doing something MLP-related before. Most of the time I can follow a conversation whilst thinking about other things, and that's when I happen to reference the show by accident when I start talking. I once gave a presentation to a class and I had studied what I wanted to say beforehand so I was automatically saying and making the gestures I practiced... until I came to a moment when I said everypony instead of everyone. I stopped for a second, everyone was looking at me and I was thinking "... wait, I didn't say what I thought I said, right?". Recovered and went on with my presentation, needless to saw it broke my entire flow, still got a good mark though.
  11. I know 4, 3 whom I converted myself and the other friend happened to be a brony without me knowing at first. It's pretty fun I guess, they're not really into the fandom, they just watch the show, come across the occasional meme and choose an mlp avatar from time to time. Besides that, we don't really talk about MLP at all, not since mid-season 3.
  12. The show hasn't made a real impact to me, it was just a good show with great morals. However, the fandom did. Back before the show I was mostly depressed, a misanthrope and an aggressive jerk. I was so bored and indifferent that I usually did really stupid things that ended up hurting myself and others just to kill time. Every day I would come back home with bruises, cuts and new scars from fights. I didn't make many friends, mostly just pushing everyone away, dabbled and socialized with the wrong people, started doing even more stupid things, became even more obnoxious. Got diagnosed with all kinds of problems including chronic depression and apathy. Due to personal issues I developed an emotionless attitude and stopped caring about absolutely anything, nothing mattered anymore anyway. Until I came across people from the fandom. They helped me see what sort of person I was, how wrong I was. Even though I insulted most of them, they still were there for me. Eventually, what they did and said started to matter to me, it felt nice, they made me feel happy for once. It went on that way for months until I started to adjust my personality and change. .. Flash forward two years into the future and here I am. I still have plenty of downs, but I'm managing. Certainly way better than back then, mostly because I have people I can turn to now. Without MLP? I would still be the same as before, perhaps worse, perhaps better. I don't know. But certainly not as good as I'm doing now.
  13. I'm fairly shocked to see people hoping for and expecting breakups. Sure, they do happen, but is it really necessary to keep it relevant in a thread such as this one and keep pressing on the matter? That's kinda really disrespectful. Even though I am a big fan of schadenfreude, I wouldn't want anything bad to actually happen to anyone, which is the very reason why schadenfreude only works in fictions, and not reality. All the talk about breakups only work to stimulate the "Ha, you see! I was right all along!" follow-up inevitability, wherein you're basically implying you saw a relationship more as a joke, than anything else. And that's not only mean, it walks down right into jerk-territory. I say we're done with that and stop pushing and pressing on that sore spot, it doesn't work out for any side at all. Love and tolerate, right? For all the couples, I wish I could give every single one of you a hug and wish you the best, but I guess you'll have to do with a digital one. Relationships are great and wonderful, so make sure this one is the best one in your life, make it go down in history books.
  14. Aww yea, I remember stumbling across Pome, I was all like "Wat.", really liked it and I just couldn't find the words for it. I talked to the guitarist online and the tips he basically gave in making songs like Maxims was basically to go insane on the guitar, play really random things and writing down the things you liked. I don't like TesseracT though.. Anyway, I've finally managed to link my sound system to my pc and damn, the desk just can't stop shaking when I'm blasting music through it. I've stumbled across these two beauties right here, First off is Jeff Loomis with his album Zero Order Phase, I really liked Jato Unit Second one is Nile, I can't believe I haven't listened to this band earlier, I love their sound http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0L_8exIrAY
  15. Oh god, 2 characters in my DnD Campaign just got themselves killed..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr F

      Mr F

      gawd, here we are all still alive. Well we have our own names, soo dying would be a bit...

    3. Winterbass


      Yea, our ardent and swordmage went to attack the enemies and left our weaker dudes behind with no protection at all. It hurt my heart to kill them, but it was what the monsters would've done..

    4. Mr F

      Mr F

      *cries* thats sad. When I play we go slowly forward, maybe thats why noone are dead yet.

  16. Oh, me! Me! I've been playing the game for quite a while now and it's pretty awesome. Though sometimes the enemies can get a bit overwhelming, especially when playing with some dumb teammates. I'm currently trying to get the Frost warframe while playing as Mag, but I still haven't reached the boss. Players to team with at those missions are getting pretty scarce.. Though, I'm actually aiming for the Forst Prime warframe, which I will upgrade using those potato items. I still need to kill that Stalker assassin dude as well, I almost had him on when I was still level 12.. before he one-shotted me.. I don't like playing mobile defense and defense missions, they're really annoying to do. If anyone wants to team up, my username's Swaggaloo , Scoota-Bot wasn't allowed so..
  17. Yea why not. Though my dreams are fairly crazy and don't make sense at all so I don't know if she would like those. But I guess since she's Nightmare Moon and my dreams almost always about wars, apocalypses or random Michael Bay action scenes, I bet she'll feel pretty at home. Plus, who wouldn't want a cuddle buddy when falling asleep?
  18. My steam name's Winterbass, same avatar as the one I have here. If you ever wanna trade cards or want to play games, feel free to PM me, I'm always up to play a game.
  19. I've donated whole blood a few times now. My parents don't know about it though since they're totally against me being a donor. I'm also planning to donate a part of my liver, and perhaps even one of my kidneys, but that means I'd have to give up on contact sports, which I really enjoy doing. Personally, I think everyone should be a donor by default and only the ones who really don't want to be one should write a letter, not the other way around. Most people are too lazy to apply for a donor and throw the letter you receive in the trash like it's some kind of random advertisement. In fact, here in Holland you get this letter only once in your life, making it easily one of the things you forget about it once you throw it away. I usually get pretty nauseous before and after the donation. I don't like looking at the infusion taking out my blood, so it's either closing my eyes or looking the other way for an hour. Even if it makes me nauseous, I don't mind it a lot since it means I'm helping someone, we have excess blood in our bodies anyway x3
  20. MLP is my favorite cartoon, there's no cartoon that I find more entertaining than MLP, Adventure Time and Regular show do come close though. My favorite anime has gotta be Avatar: The Last Airbender. Though it's American made, I still consider it an anime. Everything about the show is just perfect. The humor, the drama, the sad moments, the characters, the vibe. Everything. If you haven't seen this or if you haven't finished it, shame on you. You go watch this right now and make Uncle Iroh proud. Though Avatar is great, I also really like Code Geass, Deadman Wonderland, Paranoia Agent, Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebob and Trigun. Not to mention Puella Magi, SnK, Steins;Gate and Tengen Toppa. Avatar is still the best though. As for series with real actors, this one is kinda difficult.. I like The Big Bang Theory for its humor, but I like Dexter for its theme.. And then there's Game of Thrones that beats everything with its story, while Walking Dead comes around and sets up a good story in the zombie apocalypse cliche. There isn't really any series I like the most, every series has its own unique selling points and charms.
  21. Robots will always be limited to their AI. The AI can become so advanced that it could be considered a synthetic life-form, in which it will learn and develop its own life. Even going as far as simulating real emotions. In a sense, they would become a robot simulating a human, even a human's brain functions and perhaps even organs. In a way, they're just like us, as we are nothing but highly advanced biological computers ourselves. So, yes. Robots will become a synthetic life-form somewhere in the future. And yes, robots already do move freely and do the things they're supposed to do using algorithms.
  22. I regret not asking a girl out I actually really liked. Turns out, she liked me back then as well. Even now, years later, whenever I think about it I can't help but facedesk or facepalm multiple times.
  23. Heya, nice to meet ya! Hope you'll enjoy your stay here ^-^ I see you like to draw, if you want, you can post your drawings in this http://mlpforums.com/forum/18-fan-art/ place right here. You're a great artist btw!
  24. Not at all! Is watching Adventure Time embarrassing? Nope! Is playing SimCity embarrassing? Nope! No matter what, there's nothing embarrassing about liking something, no matter how much it contradicts current social norms and terms. In fact, I'm proud to be a part of the fandom. Ever since I stopped caring about anything that people say about me, life's been great. Now, I can't even imagine why I was so embarrassed and scared of people finding out about MLP or other stuff I like. I don't go out of my way to shove it in everyone's face, but I'm also not shy to answer all kinds of questions. As long as people are respectful, I'm cool with everything.
  25. The costs are very low and you're able to make it in large quantities. Most people take it as a cheaper alternative to heroin or people who either don't feel like living anymore, or something else is threatening their lives, at least, that's what the people who used it told me anyway. The entire problem is, is that most governments are very slow with putting laws and restrictions codeine, the main ingredient of krokodil. Codeine is available just like any other product, over-the-counter. Heck, a 15 year old would be able to buy it and no one would ever raise their eyebrows. Using 3 simple steps, you'll have your hands on some krokodil. It's so simple, even I know how to make this garbage using nothing more but boiling water, thionyl chloride, codeine, a few bottles and a lighter. What I don't get is why people don't purify it to Desomorphine. It's the excess garbage that kills people, the desomorphine is just the substance that gives you the high. The thing that makes me most sick is that all those people have no idea they are just shooting up phosphor and methyldesorphine in their veins. Not just any phosphor, it's unpurified white phosphorus, you know, the stuff they use in Napalm. Too many people are just unaware of what a drug really is and just take it, like eating fugu prepared by some unlicensed cook! Right now with the drug gaining popularity, we can expect a large increase of deaths related to krokodil. Every street junkie can make it, but only very few know how to purify it. Scarier is the thought that most of these people will become overconfident and start producing other drugs as well without proper purification. One wrong move, and you could make a lethal gas that could kill people in a 100 meter radius, imagine if someone made drugs in a flat. And that lethal gas is just one thing that can go wrong, there's still toxic waste and even the threat of aggressive reactions. These kind of incidents have happened before, and we won't see the end of it with drugs like whoonga and krokodil making their way to other countries. It's nothing but a downward spiral into a big pile of problems if the government doesn't intervene in time.
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