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Everything posted by Winterbass

  1. Right now I have 19. Though usually it's around 10, but it really depends on the activity. When I'm hunting for art or music, my tabs can go up to 40-50. I haven't reached any limit with tabs... yet.
  2. The forums always brightens up my day, even if the topics and threads aren't always positive ones. Just seeing everybody again is great. You awesome people make my days so much more easier to go through.
  3. Well, it doesn't really embarrass me, but I really like Grimdark stuff. I practically obsess over it. If there was anything that might embarrass me, I often listen to "girly" music, so whenever it pops up in my playlist when I'm in public, I try to lower the volume real quickly so no one happens to hear it.
  4. I'm a big fan of ShinodaGE's work. He's a wonderful artist. I don't really care about vandalism of public property. Personally, I like graffiti, the good and artistic kind that is. Also, in ShinodaGE's country, graffiti is actually not against the law, so it's all fine.
  5. Absolutely impossible, there is nothing faster than light. You could make something seem faster than light, but having a higher velocity than light? Nu-uh. It's impossible. That's because our (new) theory of relativity and special relativity doesn't allow anything to go faster than light. And as far as we know, the theory of relativity and special relativity has always been right, no exceptions. Well, one exception, maybe, that being quantum particles. But we don't understand a lot about them yet. They can travel at incredible speeds to almost any location, making it seem almost instantly. However, we still don't know how that works, yet.
  6. I have haphephobia, which is the fear of being touched or touching. I don't like it when people touch me unless I'm comfortable being around them. I completely go out of my way to make sure no one touches me in any way when I'm walking in a crowd. I can't even take it when someone bumps into me by accident, even if it's only slightly done. What happens when someone does touch me? I start to feel sick and nauseated, my heart starts beating rapidly and I get really defensive. I start to panic and feel dizzy up until the point I feel like I could pass out. I don't even know where this fear sprouted from, I just can't stand being touched for some reason.
  7. That would obviously have to be my waifu, none other than this bombshell right here! Damn straight, Raindrops is back in town and still up to no good! The better question would be, what wouldn't I do with her? First, we have an epic pizza movie night, we'd watch bad monster flicks and spaghetti westerns, anything that has B-film written all over it really. Then, we'd get drunk like hell, hit the road and turn the dancefloor of every single club into a frickin' dangerzone of awesome drunk dancing. Finally, when we're both too exhausted to go on, we'd watch the stars in the local forest and fall asleep while leaning against each other like true friends.
  8. None, MLP is my number 1 franchise. There isn't any other series or franchise I love more. It's really close up there with Warhammer 40K, Warcraft and Doctor Who. But that's because I love the lore of the first two and Doctor Who is just awesome to watch. However, never has a franchise gotten me so involved in the fandom and never has a franchise motivated me so much as this one. Not in all my years of watching anime, playing games, reading books or watching cartoons. MLP is the one that has influenced my life the most.
  9. My main fandom is MLP. Other than this fandom I'm not really "in" any fandom. Yea I love Walking Dead, Adventure Time, Game of Thrones, Doctor Who etc. but aside from the random Doctor Who meme I wouldn't say I'm involved in those fandoms at all. Though, I know plenty of trivia on almost anything that I've ever played or seen, more than a so-called "Whovian" that I know IRL. I'm a big fan of plenty of things, but I wouldn't say I'm involved in any kind of fandom aside from this one.
  10. And this marks the third day without sleeping :S

    1. Winterbass


      Heh, you got dat right


      Vinyl fans like to rave and drink the hard hard liquor

      Special K and candy culture make our blood pump quicker!


      ... Time for some wobbles to fill my ears

  11. Everything. I hate everything about my school. It's western culture at its finest. People tend to stay in group and never initiate contact with other groups. Everyone dislikes everyone and everyone's just loud and saying things without thinking. The teachers think they can do everything they want and believe that by forcing down assignments and homework that people would learn from that, without properly teaching and explaining the things we learn. People who need extra time are apparently not worth their time at all and should just go do something else. You get noted for the dumbest things and the finals don't make any sense, as they only test your trivial knowledge about subjects you do not care about. Heck, the language finals, like English, Dutch and German are wildcards because they all have interpretation questions with only one correct answer. Even if all goes well, you realize that everything you've done doesn't mean anything because the score on your finals can change everything. That's because the score weighs just as much as everything you've done in the past years. So even if you did well the entire 6 years, one random wildcard final such as Dutch can still make you fail. I'd rather have an educational system like up in Finland, at least that's an actual good system, unlike ours.
  12. Although I add a lot of people on steam, I also delete plenty of them because they aren't anything but names in my friendslist. Though now, I've got plenty of people on Skype and Steam that I regularly talk to, they're awesome and I'm happy I can be friends with them since I lack plenty of social skills and it's pretty hard for me to talk to people, both through messages and voice chat.
  13. I wasn't really sure what the term was so I gave it the name of misdirected anger. I'm confused on where you saw me trying to act like I knew you in my post. Besides the point of misdirected anger I was just referring to the fact that most people start to act really insulting and hating when you use the "get a life" argument, doesn't matter if it was directed to them or not, nowhere where was implying that you were "new to the internet". On the topic of whether they have a deeper issue or not. Not entirely. Anything can cause someone to act hostile, even when nothing has happened at all. This is due to the fact that endogenous morphine is released and stimulates the instinct of survival. In fact, more than half of someone's behavior is actually caused by endorphins entirely. Though secondary and primary negative events cause most of the misdirection, even tertiary can cause it, like being grumpy when you wake up or having a mediocre breakfast. I also, reacted more negatively when I saw the "get a life" post than I usually am. They're strong words and most, if not all, people will react more negatively. That's why saying "get a life" somewhere else will cause a lot of people to pile on you, the only difference here is that we're all decent people and a fairly close community, that and there are rules we all must follow. All in all, I wasn't trying to be negative, to put words in your mouth or to act like I knew you. -- Well, seems like I'm the only one defending bashfics, but I haven't gotten any discussion out of anyone yet, except for you.
  14. Ugh.. It's called misdirected anger. Just like when someone who's angry is easily irritable and might push you or say mean things to you whilst the thing making him angry is something completely different. Like household conflicts or tertiary negative events. Although I do agree with fixing the things that are wrong in the world, like capitalism, we should stay on-topic. Because you too are misdirecting anger at this very moment. Too bad endogenous morphine can really change our behavior without us ever finding out. Also, avoid talking about "getting a life" on the internet. If it weren't for this place, you would be flamed to the ground. On-topic: I still don't care about bashfics, people can write them all they want, I just don't enjoy the genre. People talking trash about them isn't really going to change anything except fuel the prejudice we might already have. We're also getting the same answers in different words and from a different mouth. Does anyone have something new to add to the discussion?
  15. ...wat. smh. I'm not even going to go into everything that's wrong here. I'll stay on-topic. Anyway, the descriptions you gave are actually descriptions of hateful gorefics, not bashfics. Though bashfics do exist, I don't particularly care about them. People read them for fun or to vent, just like the writer intended them to be. To be honest, people calling any type of genre of fiction stupid, are actually the ones being everything but intelligent. I could point out numerous bad written romance or adventure stories that others might praise to the heaven, and call their respective genres insults that might not even be translatable to English. However, the genres being bad is just my opinion. Not a fact. They're not my cup of tea. I think we're forgetting that every single genre has countless of damn boring and crappy fanfics and that only a select few stand out. Just because you are unfamiliar with a genre and you are only scratching the surface of its fanfics, doesn't mean it provides as a fact for all them being the same quality. Perhaps it might be better to ask someone who's a regular in the realms of bashfics to point you to a few good ones. Read those objectively and then come back. That would be a far better approach than randomly going through sites such as fimfiction and picking out random titles from a place where the majority of stories are bad fictions anyway. That's like taking all of AJs apples, seperate the good ones from the bad ones, and say "Look! Look how many bad apples she produces! Obviously they don't care about quality!" whilst not comparing them with the amount of good apples. It just doesn't make any sense and the entire argument just doesn't hold much value. Except our situation would have a paradox. Another difference about these type of fictions, such as bash, grim and clop, is that they convey emotion in a far different manner than what you're usually used to. They're not always about a good story, they're not always about deep characters. They're exactly what their genres imply them to be, with no strings attached. This doesn't mean there aren't any who do have deep characters or a good story, but they also don't need to be. It's called simplicity, perhaps even minimalistic. It's exactly this reason why vacation novels exist. I could read A Song of Ice and Fire during my vacation in Whateverstan, but I also could choose a simple fantasy/adventure to read for relaxing, like Island. Again, another example would be watching a slasher for its story, just doesn't work. You watch them for their simplicity because you know exactly what they got in store for you. But it doesn't mean all slashers don't have good stories or good psychological stressing moments. In fact, all kinds of good stories sprout from this approach. From Robinson Crusoe, Darren Shan and Hitchhikers to Neuromancer, City of Fire and Island. Just because a story is simple in design, doesn't mean they aren't good in another person's eyes. Also, you are shining solely a subjective light on a matter that has at least a decent amount of discussive value, that's sophism, shame on you. TL;DR (Is there even such a thing on a topic about reading?), opinions are opinions, people read what they want to read, simplicity is sometimes better than complexity, stories don't need to follow a person's rules, genres exist for different reasons/not every genre is the same.
  16. Unless the artist isn't really serious about drawing, he or she wouldn't just think "Oh well, guess the ears don't work out for me, so let's just draw them in a way I don't want them to actually be." An artist would be serious about improving and drawing the picture they have in their head. My question still stands though, why does an artist have to know the anatomy before developing their own style? I've seen plenty of artists developing their own style without even having laid a glance on the anatomy. And all of their art looks fine, if it weren't for people bringing up the whole anatomy thing non-stop. I still disagree on all of this. Yet, when looking at these pictures, they all look totally fine to me. I know what's "wrong" with them, yet it's still good art even with all their "mistakes". I'm quite sure this isn't what 5-year old children draw, nor would be seen as "bad" by the majority of people. I'd also like to add that 2 of these artists were recently hired to draw art for games. So there's that as well. I'm still confused.
  17. I like being a Pooka in DnD. It's not a very common race plus the characteristics and personality of Pookas add a lot of uniqueness to the campaign and the party, there's never really a dull moment with a Pooka. They're rather in the middle in terms of power, however, they're not build for jumping into the danger, swinging his warhammer around like a maniac. Outside of DnD? There's not favorite race I have, I like all of them, mainly because I like roleplaying and I don't really care about PvP or making efficient classes. As for class, I don't have a favorite one. I can play everything I want and I like them all equally. Be it a Barbarian that likes to throw his enemies into windows, doors and walls or a Bard that sings magical songs to support his teammates. I think the reason why I don't have a favorite class is because I've learned to play with every type of class in games such as Baldur's Gate, Temple of Elemental Evil and Icewind Dale. I like them all and I also like to roleplay them, even if the game is just singleplayer.
  18. Floor, no pillows, only a sheet. I don't like pillows, I don't know why but it's the exact opposite for me when it comes down to backpains and stuff. I get real bad neck and back issues when I sleep on a pillow. I usually sleep on my arm or just with my head on the floor. Also don't have any mattress, it's just the wooden floor for me. I don't know why but I like it, it's relaxing knowing I'm close to the ground.
  19. A bad style will always look bad. It doesn't matter how correct everything is, if the artist "sucks", the art will be bad no matter what. I know quite a bit of anatomy, ranging from humans, horses and foxes to chickens, snakes and beetles. I'm not at all bothered by the anatomy simply because I don't think anatomy matters, even when it's up to the point of "weird" or "mutilated". If given the right approach and emotion, even those pictures can look incredible. Everyone's opinion is valid. Someone who doesn't make music can still give his or her opinion on a song. Never think your opinion's invalid, that's bollocks. That's your opinion and your feeling on how you think you yourself should draw. But what do you think about other people who, in your eyes, get the anatomy wrong? I too have certain expectations when I'm drawing myself, but that doesn't mean other people should meet mine as well. Heh, Lil' Miss Rarity wasn't actually one of the ones I had in mind, but now that I think about it, Jay also got plenty of flak for drawing the anatomy "incorrectly". I actually was thinking about Kver, Drawponies and Jitter initially. Heck, even Pigfish and CrookedTrees were annoyed by these people. -- I just don't get how people can get so upset over anatomy. I get more annoyed when people complain about it more than when someone gets it wrong. People draw however the hell they like, and they don't need to meet people's standards. That doesn't mean people should be blind to constructive criticism, but it also doesn't mean artists should meet your expectations when they're drawing for themselves.
  20. I've been to some blogs and tumblrs just an hour ago and this particular topic came up way too many times. It kept bugging me a lot and I've decided to ask what the forums think. It's about whether you care about the way people draw their ponies, anthros, whatever, when it comes to the anatomy. To me, anatomy really doesn't matter. Most of my favorite artists don't draw anatomy "the right way", yet their art is stunning in both presentation and emotion. Sure, some people who don't care about the anatomy draw ponies in really weird ways, but does it really matter that much to people? As long as everything is in proportion, why should anatomy matter? Some artists that I follow get bombarded by comments like "Wrong anatomy, therefore not good" and "Eww, what's wrong with her anatomy? This sucks!". All of which are artists that work their ass off to make the art. I myself also have gotten similar reactions which left me trying to figure out what's wrong with my art, because I really don't see any mistakes at all. I'm also really confused why anatomy would make someone dislike or like a piece. You can't judge work just by looking at the anatomy. It's called a drawing style for a reason. So, what do you think? Is the anatomy really that important? And why? Because I really don't get why.
  21. Definitely! I'm looking forward to going and drinking a lot of beer. Damn, I can already taste the Augustiner in my mouth. I'm still poking around my friends to see who wants to go with me. We're still unsure of the date as well but we're definitely going sometime.
  22. Depending on what kind of convert really. When someone is a hater and becomes a brony because he gives the show a chance, that's pretty cool and sweet. But I don't really get why some people need some kind of incentive to watch the show. What I mean by this is people who don't understand the show and don't feel like watching the show, suddenly give the show a chance because one aspect of the fandom seems attractive. Like, how can your opinion change so fast because of one aspect? I know a few people who would've never given the show a second glance if it weren't for other people posting pony music. How can music, entirely seperate from the show, suddenly give you the urge to watch the show when you obviously weren't going to like it and watch it if you hadn't encountered fan-made music? It feels more like a delusion they force themselves into because they feel obligated to like the show, else they aren't "allowed" to like the music for some reason unknown to me. I'm always skeptical about their love for the show or the fandom. Are they just in it for the music (aka, are you just riding along the hypetrain?) or are you really in it because you like the show and the fandom? I first encountered ponies on 4chan and when I watched the show, I joined the fandom because I like the show and the fandom, not because I just happen to like a few songs or one piece of decal. But that's just my own opinion. As long as you're in it for the show and the ponies, I'm fine with it.
  23. Winterbass

    technology Phoneblocks

    It looks pretty frickin' rad. I like it. Too bad it'll have to compete with other companies, while it is such a better alternative. I'd love to have a few different memory blocks on the go for different functions. The small sizes allow for easy storage even when travelling. And hey, you can even have multiple batteries with you! It takes the idea of the Personal Computer and puts it in a phone, which I think is great because customization and adaptability are still elements I miss in most modern hardware. Not only could this allow for trading and selling your older components, it allows for a phone that essentially could last a lifetime and still be up-to-date with everything.
  24. I don't like/dislike any accent really. Some can be quite difficult for me to understand though. The typical English accent displayed in movies is pretty damn sexy though. Scottish and Irish are pretty cool too. Well, now that I think about it, I don't really like the American "redneck" accent, which I'm not sure from what state or region it comes from. Everything sounds kinda off and not very serious in that accent. All accents have their pros and cons though. Most of which are more humorous pros than anything else really.
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