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Everything posted by Winterbass

  1. The most over-powered character? Simple! It's this monster from hell obviously! She's a god that can do anything she wants, whenever she wants. Heck, she even rewinded the summer vacation a few million times because she thought something was missing. She even could create closed space inside the real world and create a world from there. Biggest problem is, she doesn't even know she has the power. Because of her eccentric personality she needs to have something to do, else she gets bored and might force reality to collapse. Heck, she's dangerous no matter what her mood is. When she's happy she accidentally changed the Earth's orbit, made animals speak and changed the weather. When she took part in a murder mystery on some island she forced it to be closed off from the rest of the world and put it into a world in eternal fog just to enhance the atmosphere of the mystery. Think it stops there? Heck no! She even created a younger copy of herself by accident, split of 2 realities and combined them later on. Making herself vanish for a while to god knows where. She's literally too dangerous for reality and she doesn't even know it.
  2. I don't really judge a person by their clothes they're wearing. The only times when I do is when it's really trashy and baggy or when people wear really revealing clothes. Besides those? Not really, sure, you get a certain impression from them, but judge them entirely? Nah. Mainly because people around here wear a lot of similar clothes, so judging them won't work anyway. Though I do think positively of people who wear different clothing if done correctly. Wearing clothes is an art form in itself. I hate trends though. But if you can make clothing look good altogether, bonus points to you.
  3. From the left to the right: - An acoustic Aria guitar, don't know which one. Sounds good even after all these years. It's equipped with nylon and steel strings. - Cimar, basically a rip-off from Ibanez, my first guitar, sounds pretty mediocre but it was a great tool for learning the basics. - Golden Ton tube amplifier, sounds wonderful and the beast can easily be used for small concerts. Pretty heavy. - NuX multi-effects pedal, sounds pretty cheap but it's good enough for home. Don't really need a lot of different effects when I'm playing at home. - Second electric guitar over there is a LTD EC-50 with ESP pickups. I use it mostly for metal. Been using this guitar for almost 6 years now. For recording I use this little thing here: It's Line6's GuitarPort. I run it through Guitar Rig and record from there. Besides those things I've got plenty of other pedals and a Micro Cube, but it's not anything that's really worth checking out.
  4. I don't have any problem with anything that's being ponified or cross-overed. While there are plenty of really bad examples, everything that has a crossover or has been ponified also has good examples. It's up to the artist what he or she makes of it, the rest is just a matter of preference and opinion from the viewer's side. I could read or view any kind of crossover or ponification and enjoy it. It doesn't really matter what it is.
  5. There was once I day I craved for a nice omelette. So I took out everything I needed. At one point I took out the eggs and one of them felt a little bit heavier than the others. Not thinking about it I cracked the egg when suddenly a frickin' half-born chicken came out. Needless to say I don't feel like eating omelette ever again.
  6. Trance. It's about a person who works at an art auction. He conspires with criminals to steal this one amazing painting, like a total awesome inside job. But instead, steals the paining himself by tricking his partners in crime. His partners find out and kidnap him, torture him and decide to force him into hypnotherapy because he can't remember where he left the painting. It's a really cool concept and really well done. Acting is great, music was beautiful. And c'mon, hypnosis is just too cool.
  7. I don't really fit inside one of those stereotypes but more of a mix of them. If I'd had to choose between the stereotypes UD provides I'd be a geek/nerd/metalhead/druggie/goth/loner. In other words, I'd be the person who always sits alone all the way in front of the class, never seems to concentrate during class and instead fiddles around with his pencils/pens or is drawing random stuff. I'd get along with most people because I have a lot of random interests, being obsessed about a few things but still knowing a lot of other things as well, but would only have a small core of friends. Though, teachers always seem to like me. I'd get average to high grades mainly because I don't feel like doing assignments or learning and never pay attention during class. During breaks I'd move to one of the benches in the corners, plant my feet on a table, put on headphones to listen to music, lean back and relax until the break is over. My music would either be just loud enough for others to hear or on maximum. Unless I'm talking to someone else, which will probably not happen in the first month or weeks because I only make friends by overhearing things that we both like and voicing my own opinion. I'm always dressed in black or something dark-colored. Though sometimes you can find me with a white shirt, but besides dark colors and white? Nope. Sports aren't really my thing but I do excel in basketball, which is probably the only moment when I shine during gym class. Outside of school? You can find me bumming around in town ranging from being high to really stoned, or find me at home sitting behind my computer all day long, music loud enough for you to hear even if you were just passing by my house or apartment.
  8. In my eyes, a true gamer is someone who understands a great deal of mechanics in his gaming genre. A gamer is someone who always looks to improve himself in the games he dedicates himself to. Be it CoD, Europa Universalis or Grid. A real gamer is someone who congratulates the enemy for being better, someone who's rational and helpful. Someone who even in the heat of the moment is still able to plan out his moves correctly. Becoming better and better in his field. That being said, there are a lot of factors that frustrate everyone. Mainly bad teammates. Casuals shouldn't pick up a game and think it's as easy as baking fries, they should take an example from good people, follow their lead and listen to their advice. Mainly in arcade shooters is when bad players talk smack to the ones who would beat them over and over again. Those people aren't real gamers and aren't really worthy of the system they're playing on. Raging is one thing, but know the limit, especially when your ass is being handed to you. That's what a real gamer is.
  9. Outlast. I go to a messed up asylum as a freelancing journalist just to have my fingers cut off and to get possessed by some consciousness. Oh and if I'm lucky, I won't get stabbed or tortured by its inhabitants that happen to have broken free. Until I meet the military and they gun me down just before I leave. Well... shit.
  10. Damn, why haven't I come across this thread earlier? Obligatory picdump More coming up in some days.
  11. It all depends on the mood I want to be in. I also listen random songs when I'm out of ideas. Anything can turn into an idea for a drawing. I like drawing dark things so upbeat doesn't work for me, unless I make it crazy with a lot of colours and insane characters.
  12. On the forums? Never. I've stated my gender as male on my profile page so it's really hard to miss that. The way someone types also helps a lot identifying his/her gender, although it's still fairly inaccurate. That, and my username is pretty "guy-ish" Outside of the forums, but still online, sometimes I get mistaken for a girl because I give some of the people I meet online flirty or girly nicknames for fun because embarrassing and confusing people (not in the negative way) is fun. Plus my other aliases (Eve and Scoota-Bot) are fairly gender neutral. In real life? Just once. It was pretty funny because we were both really drunk and someone tried to hit on me when I walked down some street, back then my hair was pretty long, a little bit shorter than halfway down my back. I let him get close, turned around and said "Haha! You're gay!", needless to say he was all like "what tha hell?!". We're pretty good friends now and we joke about it a few times while we're out drinking.
  13. Hardly. The moderation is perfect. 100 character minimum is wonderful to prevent one word posts. I've also never felt like they closed down threads that had great potential. Up until now the threads that got frozen or closed were the ones that didn't allow for discussion or reactions at all, unless one would go totally off-topic and turn it into a random chat thread, which we already have. I'm also pretty confused how one could post less than 100 characters. One can't make a point with just 60 or 80 characters. It's universally impossible. Unless it is a point that was given little thought, or a point with little argumentation. I've been to a lot of forums and I gotta say, this one is the most organized I've been to. The mods are doing a great job and aren't over-moderating at all.
  14. Today I woke up and smiled because a friend drew Fluttershy during some class he had and showed it to me through a text. First thing I see when I wake up is ponies, there can't be a better thing than that. Strange how such a small thing can make your day.
  15. I don't crossdress though I wear women's t-shirts regularly, I just like the designs and plenty of them are loose fits.I don't like tight clothing so I end up buying plenty of clothes designed for men in larger sizes. I don't really get the distinction between men and women shirts. They're just shirts, how in the world can they only be for one gender? I've been thinking about crossdressing but I'd have to wear long sleeves because I'm going to tattoo my entire right arm. Which really is a problem because I have an obsession with rolling up my sleeves. I could pull the crossdressing off if I'd lose a little bit more weight and had smaller shoulders. First time I came across the topic, and also transgendered people, was when I visited a university and they had all kinds of little booths and places for their clubs and whatever. I discovered there was a place for transgendered people as well and hey, why the hell not just talk to them? I didn't really think much of it initially, and still don't, but I did gain a bit more perspective why people like to crossdress or why people are transgendered. Plus, I gained a few more friends on Skype. So all in all, it was a pretty good experience. Now if only I knew IRL people who crossdress, that would be pretty cool. I like having a diverse amount of friends. Heh, it can get even way worse than just insecurity. You don't wanna know how many times that insecurity turns into hostility and straight-up violence. People get injured, ridiculed, bullied or even killed over something as lame as masculinity. Yes, a lot of men really are that stupid.
  16. I'm currently playing Outlast and the scariest thing was the ambient horror in the beginning of the game, I think I'm currently a little over halfway in the game. Up until this point I find Amnesia still to be the better one in terms of ambient horror and constant restlessness. Though Outlast is far more disturbing in content, which I'm not really effected by. Mind you, I'm not playing with some tutorial, alongside a Let's Play or with a walkthrough. That way I don't know what's coming and will get the full effect. Plus, I'm further into the game than most people are. Despite my attempts to make this the scariest experience (playing in the dark, not on skype, at night, headphones, etc.) I don't really find this a very scary game. Sure there are plenty of jump scares, but if that's the only thing the game has then I'm not going to be impressed. Though the constant pressure and danger are there, it isn't as apparent as it was in many other horror games. The characters, especially the insane ones, are well-made and they certainly do add to the experience. The story is pretty fresh 'n swell too. But scary? Not really.. However, I guess this might seem as a really scary game for ones that are only familiar with horror games such as Amnesia, Slender and The Evil Within but not familiar with games such as Dreadout, Daylight, System Shock and Alone in the Dark. I'm hoping the horror games don't go down the path of no weapons, only a flashlight, jump scares, decent ambiance and bloodthirsty monsters. If a dev needs these elements just to make their game scary, I'm going to be very displeased with the future of horror games. EDIT: Nevermind, I just finished the game. It took me around just a little less than 4 hours. The ending was meh. The game didn't live up to the hype honestly. I bet I could've completed the game in 2 hours if I didn't get mindlessly stuck at some places. It would've been cool if you could rewatch your camera footage, but alas, it didn't happen.
  17. This. Is. The. Best. Game. EVER!!! I found out about it a few days ago and damn, this stuff is almost as addicting as real chocolate chip cookies. I've always found those grandmas suspicious but when I finally got to the One Mind upgrade.. woah.. what the hell? Currently getting around 62,5 million CPS, I'm not gonna stop until I have 200 of everything.
  18. Seems like ABB consists of especially childish people looking for a way to grow out of the social stigma called generalization. Though, it's quite pathetic they do it in this way, instead of searching for an actual hobby or activity to participate in. I don't have an opinion on them at all, I've never heard about them so I'll turn the blind eye and keep on living as if they don't exist at all. I don't understand the way people hate things based on irrationality anyway. They should take an example from this: Ain't no one that stops us from rollin'
  19. Dexter Morgan, wonderful series. Currently halfway through season 7 and damn, stuff is goin' down. He's such a likeable character, he really represents that deep desire of all of us wanting to kill real scum.
  20. First ten minutes of Outlast and I already wet my pants xD

  21. Tactical Multiplayer gamer signing in. I love playing with my team and winning by absolutely ravaging the enemy with our superior communication and tactics. Although I'm good enough to usually carry and win without my team, playing with a team of people you know has that special bond and feeling. I don't like playing with randoms though, it forces me to concentrate on winning instead of enjoying the game, which I mostly get from coordinated gameplay. Randoms are stupid and don't know how to play, that's a fact. And even when good players join my team, we don't know eachother and end up doing our own thing. I almost never had a moment that I played with a random who I could really play as a team with. Most of the time I force my teammates to work with me by throwing smokes or using them as a bait (yet still keeping them alive by picking off the alternative players who seek out different routes and have a different playing style). That and I'm usually way faster in figuring out what the enemy is doing than my random team, it's like a sixth sense for me, even up until I figure out every individual playing style, what guns they use or might start using and the way they mobilize. Which is actually more annoying because it makes me feel that my team is really slow. Still, playing with a group of people who're as good as you are over VOIP like Skype or TS3 is great. I love multiplayer games no matter the outcome of the match.
  22. I wish I had enough money to buy hunting equipment..

  23. I'm a pansexual myself though if we ever might meet intelligent, sapient extraterrestrials, I could love them as well, but that depends on many factors. I'm thinking about coming out this year whenever the time feels right, but it really depends if I'd ever feel comfortable telling others. I'll tell the truth if anyone ever asks, but besides that? Aww hell naw. Sure my town says they accept other sexualities, but that's only to keep being "socially acceptable". In reality? If you come out, you're going to get hated by a LOT of people. Say bye-bye to your social life. Not that I had one to begin with. Though I have preferences I don't consider any type of gender or gender binary to be a complete turn-off. All people are attractive in their own regards. Besides one person, which I have lost contact with, all people I know are straight or at least that's what they say. I wish I knew people to talk about topics such as these, would be a big relief. Unlike many people (or at least, the ones I've read about or actually knew) I considered myself straight until the summer of 2012, so it's only been about a year now. Although I feel like I've always known that I was pansexual deep inside, I rejected it consciously for a long time. It felt like a huge relief when I figured out who I was. At least I've got one part of myself straightened out.
  24. Hmm, I've never really thought about it but ever since I've watched MLP for the very first time, I haven't gotten a single nightmare since. Been so long since I had one I actually forgot they used to be a real issue in my life. I used to get really bad ones that would make me afraid of a lot of things for weeks, especially the dark, mirrors, windows, deep noises. Another reason why I no longer have any nightmares might be because I have gotten more control over my dreams in the last 2 years, which helped me deal with them pretty well. I'm glad they're over though, I hate nightmares. ... Oh god I probably jinxed it..
  25. I'm sorry, I really have to disagree with you. CoD: Ghost sucks, I'm not blindly hating on the game, it's just that it's nothing new. At least in CoD: Black Ops II they were attempting to change dynamics and mechanics, which led me to buying it. Unfortunately, the huge amount of catering to bad players is what I really got sick of. Ghost doesn't look new or feel new, it feels old. It's just another copy paste with some unimportant changes. Now, I'm not saying that I'm mindlessly talking shit on Youtube and stuff, because frankly, that's really sad. I still have an opinion though and I can say whatever I want about something whenever someone else asks me about it. Besides that, I keep my opinions to myself, instead of being one of the sad little kids that love to hate on things that go above their head anyway. The Battlefield series, well, I always found it to be the superior of the two. I'm hoping Battlefield doesn't go down that ugly road like CoD did, I'm getting tired of finding new FPS games all the time. The action in Battlefield is tight and more unforgiving. Do something stupid and your squad gets wiped out plus you put so much effort into nothing. There's far more tactic to Battlefield than CoD. 2 good players on CoD can carry all games and win, while 8 good players on Battlefield (let's keep the ratio reasonable) can't do jack if the others suck. To be honest, CoD is a bad arcade shooter, everyone can easily get a decent score with zero skill *Cough*KAP40LASERSIGHTTARGETFINDERNOSKILLEYESCLOSEDSPRAYNPRAYWORSTWIFICONNECTIONWINS*Cough*. People who buy the CoD series are just catering to the mindless easy mainstream game industry and limiting other dev's their freedom.
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