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How would you describe your personality?


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First of all, I know there's a personality test on another topic, but I'm not familiar with the different personality labels, and I think it's good to explain in our own words the way we think and feel.


I used to think of myself as having more of a feminine personality, although now, I think of myself more like Dick Gumshoe. Loveable, goofy, poor, and loyal. And he's probably scared of spiders just like me (forgot, been a while since I played any AA games)


I'm also trying to make myself a being of almost pure innocence (can't be 100% innocence, would be boring), love, and joy. I try to avoid reading about world events, because I feel that they taint my aura with negativity. However, I do have a slightly dark sense of humor (but the cute dark sense, not morbid).

  • Brohoof 1

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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  • 3 weeks later...

k I am going to try and explain myself using other personalities, imagine pinkie pie, twighlight sparkle, rainbow dash, blackjack (from fallout equestria project horizons) being crammed into one person and then times by about 20then you have me, I am a very fun party person considering I am a student and a DJ

MARVEL alliance here to help


my latest DJ mix -

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I personally would describe my personality as "multi-dimensional". 


But hey,if you rather think of me as "insane" i won't take offense to it.



  • Brohoof 1

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly.

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"Abrasive" is the only word that comes to mind at the moment. Maybe I'm just being hard on myself, but that's what I feel best reflects my mood and demeanor as of late.

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Describing ones self seems kind of difficult. I'll give it a try though. 


I'm a generally standoffish person, and because of this I could be labeled as "anti-social". I can probably be rather annoying to other people at times, since I lack decent social skills. People wonder why I don't talk, but when I try to I seem to end up pissing them off. I enjoy debating even though I'm pretty bad at it. I enjoy discussing things that others couldn't care less about. My mood often fluctuates throughout the day. I may be kind of down in the morning, but I'll probably be happier by night time. I'm pretty awful at making friends. This description of myself may give some insight on to why that is.


I like to think I have a sense of justice. I hate it when people simply get away with doing bad things. I dislike it when governments who are supposed to help, end up hurting. I dislike it when someone screws over a person, of a group of people to benefit themselves. I like helping people, and I would love to help this world in some way, shape, or form in this lifetime.I used to be a lot more sympathetic. I've been somewhat abrasive lately. I also used to be considered the nice guy, and I'm not anymore. I'm not the most organized person either. (Which you can probably tell from this poorly made evaluation of myself.)

  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Creative, kind, loyal, honest, supportive, caring, mostly cheerful. Uh, I dunno. That sounds about right, I think?


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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I'f i had to describe myself - I'm very Inquisitive and curious, that much i can say for certain (However, sometimes more so than I'd like, i stick my nose into things which don't concern me) .I'm very resourceful and imaginative, often trying original solutions and several tries at a problem to see if something works. I have high moral standards, and while i'm trying to live up to them... I'd be lying if i say i'm perfect. 


I try to be honest and direct with people, but i don't like revealing everything right off the bat - it's because i don't like being at the spotlight. I'm not afraid of facing a crowd, but i feel a lot better doing most of the things solo or in a smaller group. I'm very friendly and approaching, i always try making friends with others wherever i go. I'm always supporting my friends and i like helping them out wherever i can.


I can be quite stubborn and even hot-headed at times, usually when agitated, but i tend to control myself through effort of will. I also have a knack for going deep into details, going off on a tangent and so, but that's mostly because i enjoy conversation . I'm a strong believer in Individualism, i try to be as self sufficient as possible because i have this deep fear in me that i'll always be losing people close to me. I try to inspire optimism and positive thought at everyone i meet because i believe being depressed is the worst way one can hurt themselves - by preventing themselves from being happy and productive. I'm a bit neurotic and have cases of mood swings once in a while, but i try my best to keep em' contained.



If i had to sum it up like others above me? I'm like Pinkie Pie in the sense that i try to inspire good will at others... I'm like Twilight in my curiosity. I could argue that i have a strong sense of Loyalty to my friends, too, but i feel like that'd be pushing it. I feel that's about me, summed up. 

Edited by Terminus
  • Brohoof 2
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh I am just the most caring person who just wants to love everyone.


That is code for "I'm sarcastic to a fault and I have the worst case of dry humor you've ever seen".


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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It'd be easy to just say "a pile of complexes" and leave it at that. But my personality is something I've been studying for 10+ years, trying to fully understand. It's so very complicated, and I know there's many more things I have yet to realize about myself. However, I'll try to say the gist of it.


The way I act is governed by two things: avoidance and a desire to be good.


A lot of the time, the avoidance part of things controls me though I struggle desperately to fight it. I'm very afraid of things, particularly human interactions and being judged, so I tend to have a rather careful persona. Every word I say is carefully chosen. That means I'm shy and avoidant around most others. That's in real life and the internet, but on the internet, it's less apparent. 


Of course, there's my strong desire to be good. So I tend to be less blunt than most people and try to be as polite as possible. I'm really a nice person who tries to be understanding of the struggles of others and give everyone a fair chance. Yet I'm also flavored by immense rage and sadness within me. I'm easily offended because I perceive everyone as being out to get me, even though I know that's not true. Also, sensitive. Very damn sensitive. 


And thoughtful/considerate. I think of so many possibilities that could happen all at once in a situation, and how to avoid all the bad ones. There comes avoidance again, see? I'm very empathetic and am always thinking about feelings, but have no idea how to react to people or what emotions I'm supposed to feel in response to them. This makes me come across as either cold, apathetic, or awkward, but I really do care. It's just difficult for me to understand things a lot of the time - particularly what other people are saying and what they're trying to express at me.


In contrast, I can also be rather impulsive. Sometimes I try to go the opposite direction and ignore my caution because it prevents me from getting anything done, and... I just sort of jump into a pile of things without thinking. "Just do it, just get the urge!" was something I'd say a lot to other cautious people. I rarely end up doing anything reckless though, because my caution is way more prominent than my impulsiveness.


Creativity is also a huge part of me. I have this insatiable desire to create a new world where my friends and I can live together to avoid the dreariness and mundane of this one. I'm always working on it, always thinking of things to add to this new world, always full of ideas for stories. In fact, it's very difficult for me NOT to think up things. I'm rarely at a loss for words because of this. If a problem shows up and I am knowledgeable about the subject it regards (mostly emotional issues), I will always have a solution to it. I don't say it though, because I want people to figure it out on their own or maybe see if they can come up with something better. They almost never do.


Oh and in case you couldn't tell - I am a huge introvert. I live primarily within the confines of my own mind.


Lastly, I have this mass hatred/impatience for injustice and things I can't fix. It's really hard for me to let things go that I think could just clearly and easily be so much better if people didn't have to make them so complicated. I feel like that about most of the world, and I try not to think about it. But I just get so steamed. Overall, I'm a very determined person. It's difficult to get me to give up on things because I always have hope that they'll be better. No matter the amount of crippling negativity that lurks inside of me, I'm always thinking: "There has to be a way. I KNOW there's a way to fix this!" It's a bit of a character flaw at times - I get so forceful and harsh about fixing things I can't actually fix that I end up hurting myself and others.


So I'm generally creative, secretive, kind, cautious, fearful, sensitive, determined, and very very passionate. But even that doesn't feel like it covers enough of my personality. Honestly, my personality is just basically this great big battle between a gigantic crippling fear and a relentless determination, and that makes it difficult to consistently list out my traits.

  • Brohoof 3

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Pratically non-existant. I'm dull, dry, and uniteresting most of the time.

Edited by Callisto

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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I'm never one to want to lead, but people tend to follow me any ways. If I have to fight I will, but I usually just try and stay out of things, No matter how much I love to meet new people, my crippling social anxiety gets in the way of it. I usually have the I don't care attitude, and I can only hold a few people close to me, but they usually destroy my trust for them and now I'm just kind of a broken person with severe trust issues.

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I'm an INFJ (click it to read about it).

I'm an Idealist, who is introverted.  I'm very loving/empathetic, but sometimes I'd rather just be alone to do my work (where I'm kind of an over-achiever).

  • Brohoof 1



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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I'm pretty quiet in real life, but I'm a little more outgoing online. I don't feel comfortable saying positive things about myself since it makes me feel like I'm bragging :/, but I still try to be a good friend.


I'm very impatient though, and I make a big deal out of things that aren't that important.


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People say I'm quiet. I don't say it though, because I don't really say anything. xP


To be serious, I'm pretty introverted; it takes a bit to get me to talk a lot. I have a very sarcastic and dry sense of humor, although I very rarely mean any harm with it. I tend to like most people until they prove themselves unlikable.

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 2 weeks later...

Imagine Applejack,Rainbow and Twilight into one.Yeah im usually understanding, i care about other peoples feelings,though if i see injustice,insolence or other stuff like that im getting very angry.

  • Brohoof 1


Awesome signature made by Gone Airbourne

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Sarcastic, snarky, clever, intelligent, extroverted, leader, perverted.

Yeah, I'd say that describes me.


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