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movies/tv "How To Train Your Dragon 2" Rating - 94/100


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THIS MOVIE WAS AWESOME!!!!!!! I cried when it got towards the middle. Story could've been dragged a little long but other than that it was well planned, truly had its humor, and its a must see and own movie whem it comes out on Dvd. 100/100!!!! 

  • Brohoof 2

Never give up! If you ever lose faith in yourself believe in me! The Ninyn who believes in you!!

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THIS MOVIE WAS AWESOME!!!!!!! I cried when it got towards the middle. Story could've been dragged a little long but other than that it was well planned, truly had its humor, and its a must see and own movie whem it comes out on Dvd. 100/100!!!! 

PRETTY MUCH THIS. Being a HUGE (and I mean HUUUUUUUGE) dragons fan myself, it was... beautiful. Oh gosh... I saw it yesterday (opening day!) and... gah I loved it so much! Better then the first imo. That ending... that plot... those dragons... EVERYTHING ABOUT IT IS BEAUTIFUL ALRIGHT.


Sorry, my inner fangirl is kicking in. ^^;

  • Brohoof 2


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How to Train Your Dragon is my favorite movie ever, of all time. The only thing that made me mad about the sequel was the HUGE spoiler in the freaking trailer!! Seriously!! You don't put that kind of spoiler into the freaking TRAILER!!! I really loved the interaction between Astrid and Hiccup throughout, though it does of course take a more serious tone which is understandable considering the story. I think one of the main battles was over a little too quickly though. I still give this a 10/10 in my book and will definitely be buying it on DVD when it comes out!! I thought it was a very good sequel and sets up for a possible third (I sure do hope they do!!)

Okay, so... mind giving us some reasons behind the ratings? A review should be more fleshed out than this.

Uh no. Go freaking see it!! haha I'm not one to give spoilers for great movies!! Live with the reasons I just gave above. Unless of course, those were the kinds of things you were referring to in the first place...then yeah! Those!

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Uh no. Go freaking see it!! haha I'm not one to give spoilers for great movies!! Live with the reasons I just gave above. Unless of course, those were the kinds of things you were referring to in the first place...then yeah! Those!
 Let's get down to business, to review this movie. Is it really decent as the producers so claim? You're the saddest bunch I ever met. Be unbiased, and be thorough.


Mister, you'll give this film what it's due.


Analyze the story. Is there depth within? You'll be sure it's worthless when there's a Mary Sue. Leave your hypocrisy and pandering, you'll not get paid for this review. But this time, give the film what it's due.


I'm never gonna get my brohoofs...

Say goodbye to all my thread views!

I don't even know what makes a movie great!


This guy's got them scared to death!

I hope he doesn't try to dew me.

Now I really wish I could rewind...


[Watch the movie]

And form an informed and sincere opinion, [Watch the movie] backed up by arguments, resolute! [Watch the movie] Don't try appealing to anybody. Just write a review that's thought-out and astute.


Try to break the pattern! Go against the grain. Focus on the giving, not on what you gain. Don't heed the Internet or fanboys, it's not them you need to woo. Just be sure, give the film what it's due.


[Watch the movie]

And form an informed and sincere opinion, [Watch the movie] backed up by arguments, resolute! [Watch the movie] Don't try appealing to anybody. Just write a review that's thought-out and astute.


[Watch the movie]

And form an informed and sincere opinion, [Watch the movie] backed up by arguments, resolute! [Watch the movie] Don't try appealing to anybody. Just write a review that's thought-out and astute!

  • Brohoof 4
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Ok now this is getting irritating. It was an all out sincerely emotional k movie. If anything this movie showed what courage and friendshp can do.

  • Brohoof 1

Never give up! If you ever lose faith in yourself believe in me! The Ninyn who believes in you!!

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I probably won't catch this in theaters, but after some positive comments from a reviewer in NPR's "All Things Considered," I may give this a shot on DVD.


 Let's get down to business, to review this movie. Is it really decent as the producers so claim? You're the saddest bunch I ever met. Be unbiased, and be thorough.


Mister, you'll give this film what it's due.


Analyze the story. Is there depth within? You'll be sure it's worthless when there's a Mary Sue. Leave your hypocrisy and pandering, you'll not get paid for this review. But this time, give the film what it's due.


I'm never gonna get my brohoofs...

Say goodbye to all my thread views!

I don't even know what makes a movie great!


This guy's got them scared to death!

I hope he doesn't try to dew me.

Now I really wish I could rewind...


[Watch the movie]

And form an informed and sincere opinion, [Watch the movie] backed up by arguments, resolute! [Watch the movie] Don't try appealing to anybody. Just write a review that's thought-out and astute.


Try to break the pattern! Go against the grain. Focus on the giving, not on what you gain. Don't heed the Internet or fanboys, it's not them you need to woo. Just be sure, give the film what it's due.


[Watch the movie]

And form an informed and sincere opinion, [Watch the movie] backed up by arguments, resolute! [Watch the movie] Don't try appealing to anybody. Just write a review that's thought-out and astute.


[Watch the movie]

And form an informed and sincere opinion, [Watch the movie] backed up by arguments, resolute! [Watch the movie] Don't try appealing to anybody. Just write a review that's thought-out and astute!



Dude...you made me recite this in my head with the actual music. DAMN YOU TO PUSS-SPEWING BLOOD-GUTTED HELL!!!

Edited by PathfinderCS
  • Brohoof 1

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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 Let's get down to business, to review this movie. Is it really decent as the producers so claim? You're the saddest bunch I ever met. Be unbiased, and be thorough.


Mister, you'll give this film what it's due.


Analyze the story. Is there depth within? You'll be sure it's worthless when there's a Mary Sue. Leave your hypocrisy and pandering, you'll not get paid for this review. But this time, give the film what it's due.


I'm never gonna get my brohoofs...

Say goodbye to all my thread views!

I don't even know what makes a movie great!


This guy's got them scared to death!

I hope he doesn't try to dew me.

Now I really wish I could rewind...


[Watch the movie]

And form an informed and sincere opinion, [Watch the movie] backed up by arguments, resolute! [Watch the movie] Don't try appealing to anybody. Just write a review that's thought-out and astute.


Try to break the pattern! Go against the grain. Focus on the giving, not on what you gain. Don't heed the Internet or fanboys, it's not them you need to woo. Just be sure, give the film what it's due.


[Watch the movie]

And form an informed and sincere opinion, [Watch the movie] backed up by arguments, resolute! [Watch the movie] Don't try appealing to anybody. Just write a review that's thought-out and astute.


[Watch the movie]

And form an informed and sincere opinion, [Watch the movie] backed up by arguments, resolute! [Watch the movie] Don't try appealing to anybody. Just write a review that's thought-out and astute!


I'll give you credit for creativity, that's for sure. I can be neutral in sports and in conflicts etc; but the first movie has honestly been my favorite movie since I first saw it, so I don't feel like being unbiased about this.


I personally really enjoyed the sequel. There were things that the rest of the theater's audience were LOLing at that I simply smiled for, but that's because I don't let my laughter interfere with movies I am enthralled by. I am not a scientist or a philosopher, nor am I a licensed critic, so I'm not willing to sit here and argue points to convince you to go. If you liked the first one, and you like Dreamworks animation and the stories they tell, then go see it for yourself and decide. It's not like you have any reason to believe me, seeing as you don't know me, and we may not (and likely don't have) many shared tastes in style of movies, music, or other entertainment etc. You don't have to see it in theaters if it doesn't capture your attention enough to warrant the money it will cost you.


Go to http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/how_to_train_your_dragon_2/ if you want decent reviews. You can read reviews from critics as well as normal people there. Rotten Tomatoes is ruthless on movies they don't like, so for it to get a 92% from  all critics, and a 93% from their top critics is impressive to me. Usually the top critics rate things lower. It's scored better than the recent Marvel hero movies, which were pretty dang good. The only one I'm seeing in their recent movies that has scored higher was The Lego Movie. It even has some pessimistic reviews, so it's not all positive stuff. Some people didn't like it. To each their own.


I for one enjoyed the movie and felt it built upon the first one and told a pretty compelling story. I think some of the antics were a little forced from the supporting characters, but they made my fellow movie-goers LOL. I'm a little more serious when I go to the movies that I highly anticipate.


*I also had to read your post in rhythm, though it was a little tricky to match up the syllables with the beat at times...

  • Brohoof 1
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It was a pretty good movie. I think Hiccup was a great character this time around. However, I found Astrid to be insanely annoying, instead of the cool, level-headed prodigy we knew from the first movie.


I'd give it an 8/10

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Hopefully I can catch this tonight if I can get a babysitter.  I've been pretty excited about this for a while now!  I can try to give a more in-depth review if I see it.

  • Brohoof 1
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I saw this episode on Friday night and it was absolutely awesome!!

The animation was breathtaking and was some of the best I have ever seen in my life.

I saw this movie in 3d and those flying scenes were really amazing and you could feel like you were actual there flying.

The characters were pretty good especially Hiccup who received some great character development as well as having a great and threatening villain in Drago who despite not having a lot of screen time left a lasting impression and was quite intimidating and had a nicely executed backstory.

It was nice to see how Berk changed throughout the years and we also got to see some new locations as well.

Another highlight of the film was how emotional it was and how well it did especially with the story of Hiccup's mother.

So all and all I had a great time watching it and this could even be the best animated movie I see all year and that says a lot because I even saw the lego movie in theaters!

One of my favorite parts of the entire movie had to be it's gorgeous musical score that I just couldn't get enough of and the soundtrack seems like something I would like to purchase one of these days.

So all and all I give this movie a high A ranking as it is absolutely fantastic. :wub:

Edited by cmarston1
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Today I took my dad to go see a kids movie on Fathers Day ! So everypony  if you liked this movie  you should see it  even better in IMAX -3D why ?  Because in 20% cooler for it's awesomeness you'll be believing you can fly with dragons  the sequel was fantastic even Derpy Hooves thinks so also enjoy have a good time ! My dad enjoyed so did I !

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I am a big fan of How to Train Your Dragon so I immediately knew going into the sequel it would be truly epic and amazing, OMG, it was, everything about it was better than the first one, I thankfully saw it in 3D and got to experience the amazing flying scenes that the first movie showed. I loved seeing Hiccup and the gang as young adults and seeing Toothless and all these new, really badass dragons. The story was well done and the emotional levels you felt for the characters was real, loved the soundtrack and the voice actors and actresses did a amazing job. I definitely cried during several emotional scenes and laughed during the funny scenes. The villain, Drago was truly terrifying and threatening. I enjoyed this movie so much and definitely look forward to How to Train Your Dragon 3 in 2016! 10/10!!







Edited by MLPFanatic34
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Saw it on Tuesday and loved it! The Rottentomatoes reviews were spot on! This is a great summer movie. I'm not sure if I like it BETTER than the original per se, but it is definitely a worthy follow-up. Now, lets hope the third rises to the challenge, too, since it's pretty common for trilogies to "trip at the finish line" as it were (especially given the situation we find Hiccup and Toothless in at the end of this one). Anyway, a few random thoughts (avoiding spoilers)


- I liked Astrid much better this time around. Her attitude in the first one (and the series - which is good, but not great, btw) annoyed me, but she seems to have grown up. Her treatment of Hiccup has mellowed a lot, but I like that they kept her spunkiness.


- Ruffnut's quest for romance was a highlight for me. I've always liked Hiccup's classmates and their interactions and the twins are my favorites. On another note, though, are there any other twenty-somethings in Berk? If not, someone is going to be left in the dust. Lol.


- I remember at one point in the series, they mention that "Hiccup" is a name they give very small babies. The movie confirms Hiccup was a preemie. Kind of a neat detail and a nice call-back to the show.


- On the other hand, where was Thornado? I haven't watched every ep of the TV series, but I do remember Stoick tamed/trained/owned a Thunderdrome named Thornado. Maybe he released him or something? His dragon in the movie (Skull Crusher?) was cool, but not the dragon I expected him to have.


- Toothless remains the coolest dragon ever (sorry, Spike!)

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One of the best movie sequels of all time I think.  Personally I prefer the first one better though.  I'd probably give the second one a 90/100 rating just for some things that I felt should have been more fleshed out.  The movie should have been 20 minutes longer, spaced some events out a little bit more, and I felt the tragedy that occured could have been done a lot better.  It was missing something.


And yeah I don't understand why they spoiled the movie in the commercials like that, although it doesn't really ruin the movie or anything.


All said and done, can't wait for the next one.

  • Brohoof 1
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This was no doubt one of the best movie sequals. The fact that we FINALLY get to see Hiccup's mom and find out that she raised and bred dragons totally served for some great development. It was a misfortune that Hiccup's dad died though, but it wasn't Toothless's fault. We'll definitely see that evil guy in the 3rd and maybe he'll either become redeemed or defeated.


Edited by C. Thunder Dash
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This was no doubt one of the best movie sequals. The fact that we FINALLY get to see Hiccup's mom and find out that she raised and bred dragons totally served for some great development. It was a misfortune that Hiccup's dad died though, but it wasn't Toothless's fault. We'll definitely see that evil guy in the 3rd and maybe he'll either become redeemed or defeated.


AAAAAAAAaaaaaannnnnnddddd.........there's the spoiler....... *facehoof*  :o


Way to go @C. Thunder Dash! Those are the kinds of things you don't say in reviews!-like, any of those after the first sentence and a half...haha  :yay:


(I put it in spoilers because that's what it is so it doesn't show up on this page too! haha

Edited by PE Brony
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AAAAAAAAaaaaaannnnnnddddd.........there's the spoiler....... *facehoof*  :o


Way to go @C. Thunder Dash! Those are the kinds of things you don't say in reviews!-like, any of those after the first sentence and a half...haha  :yay:


(I put it in spoilers because that's what it is so it doesn't show up on this page too! haha

Crud...forgot to put it in spoiler tags...

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Edit it! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!  :catface:  and write outside of them that it really, truly does have spoilers! haha

I just did. No need to freak. 

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