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MLP Forums deviantART Group


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Hello, everypony! As many of you have probably noticed, the Gallery button at the top of the forums has been missing for the past few days. This is because the Gallery was taken down to either go through a revamp or simply be removed all together. In the end, the latter option was chosen, and as of this time, the Gallery is most likely not going to return.


But fret not, everypony! We've got something better in its place! I am happy to announce the Official MLP Forums deviantArt group! Bringing you the best of both worlds, this group is officially sponsored and run by MLP Forums staff and won't divide attention to your art between the forums and the world of dA.


The MLP Forums deviantArt group is only available to join if you are a member of the forums, so if you wish to join it, do not forget to state who you are from the forums on your Membership Application at dA!

We also ask that you thoroughly read the rules for posting art there. They're not very surprising rules, and they're easy to follow, so it won't hurt to look them over.


If you don't have a deviantArt account nor plan to make one and still wish to post art for the forum to see, we still have Octavia's Hall to serve that function just as well as it did before. If you wish to post your art up in Octavia's Hall and already have it posted onto deviantArt, then we have a bit of an exciting feature to show off!


Introducing the dA BBCode! When you wish to show off art here on the forums that you've already uploaded onto deviantArt (whether it's in our group already or not), you can now use the dA BBCode!

[da] ID Number of your Deviation [/da]
For those who don't know, your deviation ID Number is at the end of the URL for any given deviation.


I think this about wraps all there is to know about the group up. If I think of anything else, I'll be sure to add it in later. Until then, I guess you can have the link to the group now. Enjoy, everypony!


MLP Forums dA Group

Edited by Nico
  • Brohoof 23
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this is cool, I had the same idea a few days ago!



Does the dA code work yet? 'cause I just tried it and it ain't workin' for me, I though i'd ask here first before makin' a thread about it! EDIT: nvm, I was using the wrong part of the URL, I had "d4pbwez" in the URL instead of 284410331 for some reason, I think you need to view your image directly from YOUR gallery, opening it not on the front page. wrong again, sometimes dA puts the 'wrong' URL, what you can however do is get the ID from the thumb bit, with only the numbers and nothing else. picture

Posted Image

Edited by Dipsy
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This is pretty cool! I'm always stalking about DA and posting things on it, so it's nice to have the forums incorporated into it. Also, it'll be easier for us to moderate what goes into the group. And organize it.


(Flare ninja.)

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
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Great news for those who dislike/ not use DeviantArt... ( I belong to the first. ) I preferred the Gallery, at least it felt integrated.

  • Brohoof 1
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If you don't have a deviantArt account nor plan to make one and still wish to post art for the forum to see, we still have Octavia's Hall to serve that function just as well as it did before.


Great news for those who dislike/ not use DeviantArt... ( I belong to the first. ) I preferred the Gallery, at least it felt integrated.


I'm sorry to hear that you're not a fan of deviantArt, but the simple fact is that deviantArt has more functionality than IP.Gallery did. Don't worry, though. There's always a chance that IP.Gallery might come back in the future, but for now the dA group is our mainstay. And, as my quote says, you can still use Octavia's Hall to show of your work.

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*pats self on the back for originally bringing up this idea unless it was already being talked about by the staff and my topic helped expedite the decision* >_>


You were the original inspiration for this group, XFizzle. You definitely deserve a pat on the back. *Pats XFizzle on the back*

I'm really hoping that, even if IP.Gallery makes a comeback, the dA group sticks around and sees success.

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Couldn't we also make our own deviantART type site? I could make one. :)


One does not simply create another deviantART.jpg


Joking aside, IP.Gallery was the closest thing we had to our own deviantART-type site. It offered a number of deviantART-like features and integrated nicely into the forums, but the user experience is ultimately a bit clunkier and messier than deviantART itself.


The reason we chose a deviantART group to replace our gallery was because:

  • Many artists already use deviantART and upload their work there. It saves them the hassle of uploading their work twice.
  • A deviantART group makes it a bit easier for artists to build an audience of their own, and a profile there feels a lot like a personal website. People who love someone's work in the group can easily find all of their other work.
  • deviantART is about a decade in the making, and is maintained by a team of professionals. The user experience there has been refined over many years and frankly, is very comfortable for both artists and group admins alike.
  • Maintaining an official MLP Forums presence on another site (especially one as popular as deviantART) can help spread the word about our community and attract more members to the forums.
  • Brohoof 6
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Joking aside, IP.Gallery was the closest thing we had to our own deviantART-type site. It offered a number of deviantART-like features and integrated nicely into the forums, but the user experience is ultimately a bit clunkier and messier than deviantART itself.


The reason we chose a deviantART group to replace our gallery was because:

  • Many artists already use deviantART and upload their work there. It saves them the hassle of uploading their work twice.
  • A deviantART group makes it a bit easier for artists to build an audience of their own, and a profile there feels a lot like a personal website. People who love someone's work in the group can easily find all of their other work.
  • deviantART is about a decade in the making, and is maintained by a team of professionals. The user experience there has been refined over many years and frankly, is very comfortable for both artists and group admins alike.
  • Maintaining an official MLP Forums presence on another site (especially one as popular as deviantART) can help spread the word about our community and attract more members to the forums.
To be honest I have to concur,


IP.Gallery was OK, but I never found any benefit to using it over deviant art, besides, our group consists of some popular artists, if we submit our work to that group then any watchers of ours will see that our work was submitted to a mlpforums group, so basically, we could get more users on the forums as well. Besides only MLP forums members can even submit work there, so think of it as IP.Gallery... just you know.... much better ^_^


Also, I think it should be set it up so that way you need to have a cretin number of posts before you can apply, that way don't get a bunch of blank flanks

  • Brohoof 2
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I can't stop laughing at this.


But I have actually made sites for hosting and such, being an expert in HTML, CSS, and other types of web development languages. :)


But anyways, I get what you are saying.

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I have to say that a deviant art group isn't nearly as convenient. I made, one, but I really didn't like the layout. I will greatly miss being able to simply click a tab at the top of the page to view stuff made by people on the site. One of my main problems with deviant art is that there is just too much stuff uploaded there, in order to find what you're looking for you have to be really specific.

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